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Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...
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Posted 2008-02-13 4:58 PM (#5246)
Subject: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 76
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Posted 2008-02-13 7:04 PM (#5252 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: RE: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX
Regarding how the Vision looks Andrew Cherney the editor and a test rider for Motorcycle Cruiser magazine in an in-depth review of the Vision in the latest issue said the following.

"In 35 years of testing motorcycles I have never had a touring bike of any sort, much less a full-dresser, get anything like the reaction the Vision gets. People hang out of car windows to take photos, follow you into gas stations to say how great it looks and accost you at almost every stop to ask questions."

Almost all of the reviews have similar comments. It is clearly a minority that think it is ugly. This is also evident by the Vision’s strong sales. Funny, I have never heard a non bike rider say the Vision is ugly, they love the looks of the bike. It is mostly the Harley riders that have negative comments about the Vision’s styling yet look at how many Harley riders have purchased the Vision.

The Vision is a touring bike and I am only interested in what people who have experience in riding other touring bikes a lot have to say. People who have not done long cross country trips on a bike and dealt with all the issues associated with that kind of riding aren’t qualified to judge a touring bike. A touring bike is all about function and form is much further down the list. On the other hand if you want a bar hopper form is all important and function is way down the list. I am very confident that if you were to ride each of the four main touring bikes on the market 750 miles or more in a day through hot, cold and rain you would pick the Vision as your touring bike.

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Posted 2008-02-13 7:18 PM (#5253 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 177
NW Illinois
Well said spock
I bought the bike because I like to ride. I want to be comfortable as can be in all the conditions you described above and the Vision will do that.
I was at the IMS in Chicago last week and did not hear one person say the bike was ugly
I did notice on one of the Gold wing boards where they said this was another poser bike, I just do not see people buying a Vision for that reason. Just like I would not expect someone to buy a Wing or BMW or even a Ultra to pose, these bikes are all made to be ridden.
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Big Vic
Posted 2008-02-13 7:23 PM (#5255 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Amen brother! Spoken by a man who understands touring. I ride with a buddy who just spent 26K on a Screaming Eagle Dyna Lowrider for his wife. (he rides a Fatboy) When he found out I had as much in my Vision as he did in his wifes HD he was shocked. It amazes me how some people think! 26K bought him a mini bike with nice paint and a lot of chrome............the damn thing doesn't even have a windsheild! For the same money I have it all less the shiney wheels! I can't wait till we go on our next day ride, I'm going to punish his ass and run him out of gas. (I make the Harley's follow the Victory's) Before the days done he'll beg me to ride my Luxo-Liner!
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Posted 2008-02-13 7:30 PM (#5257 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 177
NW Illinois
When I tell my HD buddys about the heated seat they all say dont let my wife know about that.
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Posted 2008-02-13 7:35 PM (#5258 - in reply to #5255)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
To ride is to love...

Thought I read someone saying this is another bike for posers. That was the last thing on my mind. I don't care how I look as long as the ride is good, and the Vision is as good as it gets. When I had my GL1200 I was missing the left lower fairing and the side cover for the battery. I rode it everyday and even to Texas without batting an eye because I was riding!

Edited by varyder 2008-02-13 7:45 PM
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Posted 2008-02-13 8:50 PM (#5259 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
I confer about the fact that every non-rider that has seen my bike has loved it. And as far as handling, it still amazes me. There were high winds and warm temps today and the Vision handled well here in Las Vegas. I put it away to keep that sandblast effect from the paint and my eyes. I rode my Vulcan 1600 Nomad, and never did it corner as well and just plain feel as friendly as my Vision! I notice on the OTHER bikes' chat boards, the ones who call it UGLY are very opinionated in the first place, which is fine, 'cause I figure opinions are like (_______), every ones got one. I still like the looks of Harleys, Indians, and such, however I WANNA RIDE!

I was an aircraft mech and builder for about 20 years, and I never could understand why someone didn't build an aerodynamic streamlined bike that accentuated the engine, and handled just right with accomplished engineering. That is why I switched to the Vision As Soon As Possible! That would be as soon as I got back from my 1-1/2 hour test ride. The salesman called me on my cell after an hour asking if I would please bring the bike back!

So all in all, I don't care what others say, I'm the one who makes me happy or not!
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Posted 2008-02-14 9:02 AM (#5268 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Please, I think I finally saw the BS meter way too far into it. Can it get any worse with single minded, single celled amoebas that can type. I should applaud them they figured out how to type. They have at least advanced that far. I care how it looks and how it feels and rides. That is why I bought it. And it does it as well or better than the competition, That's my story and I'm engraving it in stone. HUMPH!
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Posted 2008-02-14 9:05 AM (#5269 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
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Posted 2008-02-14 10:08 AM (#5270 - in reply to #5268)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
pollolittle - 2008-02-14 9:02 AM

Please, I think I finally saw the BS meter way too far into it. Can it get any worse with single minded, single celled amoebas that can type. I should applaud them they figured out how to type. They have at least advanced that far. I care how it looks and how it feels and rides. That is why I bought it. And it does it as well or better than the competition, That's my story and I'm engraving it in stone. HUMPH!

Pollolittle, I guess I always need to qualify my statements. The great thing about riding is the ride itself. I don't see myself when I ride, I see the road ahead. However, I do indeed get the best of both worlds with the Vision, because it is a looker and I love the look from the first time I saw it in the magazine. I loved it all the more in person, but looks aside, the ride is so phenominal to me that it does not matter how it looks. If they had achieved that with a bagger, which would be hard pressed to do, I would be ridding that.

I'm glad to be an owner of the first bike that will revolutionize how we ride and view motorcycling. The next effort is to see how to do in-ride refueling because this bike transcends the need for a little fuel tank. We should be able to range 300 miles+ without the mesmerizing affect on the Vision. My ride from Orlando back to VA, 730miles in one shot was unlike anyother long distance ride. I stayed alert and running up to each fuel stop. On my Wing, I would find myself zoning and twitching to stay comfortable after about a 100miles and had to stop to refresh, refuel and stretch.

For me, riding comfort and handling is first, then looks, and man, this baby is a looker too! Three times a charm!

Edited by varyder 2008-02-14 10:11 AM
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Posted 2008-02-14 10:42 AM (#5271 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Varyder, I wasn't really after your statement. I really was commenting on the above link with its amalgamated assumptions and opinions, stirred into a big pot of methane gas and solids. I had read the link and came back to this page to post my own assumptions and psychobabble about what makes up the grey matter in my own head, along with the complimentary BuckNaKD little guy that keeps speaking to me. I applaud the fact you need to qualify or quantify your statement, you will also note on your other post, I was commending you for stepping out on a limb for going over to the GW site to ramble and support the bike of your choice. I understand what you are saying, if I didn't have the money, it wouldn't have matter what I had, so long as I had a bike to ride. No offense and none taken, ride what ya got and roll that throttle, BABY! (Doin' it BUCKnakD style)!
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Posted 2008-02-14 12:55 PM (#5273 - in reply to #5271)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
No problem, I was just rambling anyway, tryin to break the monotony of work. Hope we can meet up sometime. I plan on going by to South Texas in the fall and I might ride through Brighton. I came back that way last September, through Memphis and 40E through SW Virginia to home. Great ride except through Memphis and Knoxville.
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Posted 2008-02-14 9:10 PM (#5285 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: RE: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 3204

Don't be misled by a vocal few. Vision owners are in no way the only ones who like the bike. Non-bikers really love it and the great majority of riders I have showed my bike to are genuinley impressed, even if it's not their style.

Some of the most critical are the same guys who spew negative comments about anything different than the exact model they ride. Their opinion means nothing. A lot of the other "haters" are just part of the herd (forum) and wouldn't dare disagree with the majority. A few probably really hate the looks of the bike. Almost none of them have ever ridden one or even seen a Vision in person.

The Vision will sell itself as it gains exposure to the masses. A lot of the people who couldn't stand the Vision initially are now buying one. Look on page 9 of the opening link. I think you'll see a name from this very thread. He did not have a glowing review in July. Now he is as strong a Vision fan as any of us. It just takes time and education.

The closed minded, tiny minority won't be changed and that's just fine with me. Guys with that attitude kept me from wanting anything to do with their bike or the people who ride them. I probably missed out on meeting some good people but the attitude (and it's acceptance) just wasn't worth it.

The more negative you are about the Vision today, the more ignorant you will be proven to be in the future.

Fire away.

Edited by SongFan 2008-02-14 9:17 PM
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Posted 2008-02-14 10:53 PM (#5292 - in reply to #5246)
Subject: Re: Looks like we are the only ones that like the Vision...


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
You've got it nailed. "Some do. Some don't. Oh well. Next"!
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