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What type of oil do you use?
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Big Vic
Posted 2008-01-20 4:27 PM (#4480)
Subject: What type of oil do you use?

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Me and my wife each have a bike that needs oil changed every 2500 miles (per Victory) and we both ride over 10,000 miles a year. Last year I bought 8-10 oil change kits @ $50 pop. Hard to believe I spent $400-$500 on oil in a years time! Not bitching because the cost of fun is rarely cheap. Does anyone use something less expensive or last longer? Are there other filters available from a different source? I have heard that some use AMSOIL but I don't know the details.
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Posted 2008-01-20 9:36 PM (#4492 - in reply to #4480)
Subject: RE: What type of oil do you use?


Posts: 1484
I've been told Victory put a 2500 mile oil change in the service manual because the average motorcycle owner rides about that much a year. So you have to see where they are coming from with a lot of folks that ride short rides all year long. So if they had set it at 5000 the oil would only be changed every two years on some bikes. I'm sure Victory wants to make sure they don't get a lot of warranty issues due to poor oil.
Synthetic blend (Victory oil) or full synthetics are very good oils as long as they are designated "Motorcycle Oil". They all should provide you with longer periods between oil changes. Besides Victory oil, there is Amsoil, Mobil 1, Royal Purple, these are all very good oils. I would talk to your dealer service folks about what is the best oil to use, and see if they would allow a longer service period.
My previous bike was an 04 Kingpin which had 32000 miles on it. After the first oil change I went with Royal Purple, changed it @ 5000 miles, I did the oil changes myself. No issues. With the purchase of my Vision and because I'm getting too old for draining oil out of bikes, I bought a service contract.
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