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I don't want to detract
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Posted 2008-01-16 8:00 PM (#4314)
Subject: I don't want to detract


Posts: 175
from the real purpose of saving the life of a soldier, but can't help thinking that the motorcycling industry needs to ante up a few bucks and at the same time might learn something.....hmmmm who can I call?
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Posted 2008-01-16 9:19 PM (#4318 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
SNELL,DOT, etc... someone has to want to get in on the input these will produce. It would be interesting to see the data from an Artillery units.
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Posted 2008-01-17 1:38 AM (#4325 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Many great invetions have come out of war and our military wanting the best for our troops, but its still a little sad (and a little sick) that our troops are reduced to lab rats.
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Posted 2008-01-17 8:40 PM (#4348 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
"squeek, squeek". I'll guess that if this data comes out, all of the Artillery guys will get extra from the V.A. The concusion from a charge 7 white bag (out going) will shift the food in your guts, I can't imagine what it can do to your brain housing. A 155mm Howitzer Battery is still the King of battle. I remeber going from the steel pot (WWII) to the Kevlar in the early 80's, that was about 40 years. Wonder what got someone to accually care enough to try and help the men out in under 25 years? The fix I predict, is they will upgrade the old chin straps, and put different padding into the old kevlar helmet. They will do this without asking a Combat Arms person for input before they make it the standard issue. It will be twice as heavy as the current helmet, and be less effective. Just saying...
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Posted 2008-01-17 9:06 PM (#4353 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Dont forget, thid is an election year. Gotta make a good impression on the home front.
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Posted 2008-01-17 9:25 PM (#4359 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
ah, the pollitics.
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Posted 2008-01-17 9:45 PM (#4363 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract


Posts: 1324
So Cal
If they really cared about our trops they wouldnt have started this crap in the first place. Hussein wasnt a saint but he had more control over those people than we do.
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Posted 2008-01-18 11:14 PM (#4422 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
It's mixed emotions with me. We did and are doing the right thing. I've seen stuff (weapons) that for some reason never came out in the press. The people of Iraq are used to being bullied. I don't know if they know how to handle liberation. They appear to be very "sheepish". Who ever says something, and they have a big enough weapon, thousands will follow because they are terrified if they don't, they will get killed. Most of the fighters in Iraq are from different countries trying to keep that terror alive so they can move in and become the bully. Crazy I know. The longer we stay, the more chance of the people taking control of themselves. I just don't like having the majority of the "protection" coming from the U.S.A. Iraqi people are trying, but will take time to know liberty. I guess the U.S.A. is the only nation in the world that is willing to help these people out to the extent we have. Of course, we become the "nice" partner in the country, and are willing to "share" their oil, which we don't need, but don't want others to have. Maybe we should share a couple of Visions.....I've seen them strip a Hummer to the frame in under 15 minutes.
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Posted 2008-01-19 4:02 AM (#4427 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I keep forgetting, the freedom and liberties that we grew up with and take for granted are not shared by the majority of the world. This country was built on those principals. I often wonder if we extend more help beyond our borders than within. Thanks to social programs in this country designed to help those in need, we have enabled a society of lazyness.
Right or wrong the everyday people involved in this conflict deserve our strongest support.
Not too many countries in this world can boast of a superior armed forces that is completely volentary.
Proud to serve is better than forced to serve any day.
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Posted 2008-01-19 1:06 PM (#4436 - in reply to #4314)
Subject: Re: I don't want to detract

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Yes they deserve our support and many of them come from a middle class that is under pressure from the secret "powers that be" manipulating our economy and such to force more middle class sons and daughters to have the military as an option to advance their education and futures. No doubt this is all being thought through by the elite who require more poverty and financial stress in the lower classes to fight their wars which generate a fantasticly unprecendented in human history amount of wealth concentrated amongst .5% of the population.

Lower taxes? But we've drained out $1.5 trillion dollars MORE quietly from all of us in just 5 years with higher fuel prices. This goes to the oil producing countries, Venezuela included and they in return send the money back by buying our parks, harbors, institutions and of course and most importantly... arms and weaponry from our elite.

Edited by 2020vision 2008-01-19 1:11 PM
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