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Christmas lights
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Posted 2007-12-13 7:44 PM (#2939)
Subject: Christmas lights


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I noticed the lights at the top of the page, and it reminded me of what happened to me on my bike a week ago...I work on an Air Force Base. I was heading though the gate one morning on my Vision, and was told I had to turn around because I "didn't have enough" reflective material on my upper torso. Knowing what the reg said, i told him I have some, and that it was enough to fulfill the letter of the reg. Well, long story short, they reluctantly let me on...late for work. So.....I decided to make it so they couldn't help but see me. I bought 40 L.E.D. blinking Christmas lights, and strung them on my torso, and had them flashing as I went through the gate. They laughed, but let me on base! I decided to wear them on the way home that night, as it is dark when I leave, too.....and a base cop pulled me over! For possibly "distracting" other drivers. So I turned them off for him, but keep them in my saddlebad, just in case they stop me again.
For those who want some...they are $5 per set of 20, and run on 4 AA batteries. I picked mine up at Walgreen's Drug store.------Metalguy
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Posted 2007-12-13 9:06 PM (#2942 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Yeah, the lights at the top of the site are cool!

Metalguy, theres just no pleasing some people. Wheres their holiday spirit?
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Posted 2007-12-13 9:23 PM (#2946 - in reply to #2942)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 1484
I like the header, nice!
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-12-13 9:53 PM (#2948 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights

Fountain Inn, SC United States
HA! See what happens when I'm stuck inside with 10" of snow! Vision-Riders ( Miles & I ) wishes you a great holiday season! Thanks for making the first 6 months so much fun!

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Posted 2007-12-13 10:41 PM (#2951 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Jam- Big thanks to you and the elfs that started this xmas present last summer- MAJOR KUDOS!!!
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Posted 2007-12-13 11:52 PM (#2954 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois
In the Spirits of the Holiday Season I propose a toast:

THREE HO's MERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS THREE HO'S HAAAAAAAAAPPY NEW YEAR (toss down shots, smack the glasses down on the bar) THREE MO HO'S (repeat while able to)

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Posted 2007-12-14 7:58 AM (#2957 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
He kept repeating "HO's", then "Three Mo HO's", Why limit yourself to only three? Cool idea, with the christmas lights. You just gotta love military installations and their ability to have a standard that all the Base guards know and agree on. I probably would have done the same thing except for going to the front gate and taking the cop with me. Then asking them to agree on what was acceptable. The one that I love about the military facilities is to get a bike on base, is you have to take their safety course. The course is offered on base and you have to bring the bike on base for the course, but you can't get on without signing up for the course first. So, if you show up on your bike you got to go walking to go sign up, etc. What a pain?
I pulled up to the gate the other day to pickup my wife. I just had a t-shirt on and rolled up to the front gate, gate guard stops me. Tells me I need a long sleeve on. I told her I was going to pull into the Visitor parking lot and wait. She said, "Nope" not without a long sleeve shirt!" I told her I was running the gate, or trying to get on just gonna pull over and wait, she once again said "NOPE". I told her I don't believe you are listening, an even longer story short, She lets me go over to the Visitor parking lot and wait, but it took a solid 5 minutes of explaining it to her.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year! Enjoy them big boy toys for those who have them, for those who don't this is a good place to vent or find a dealer who has the perfect one for you.
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:01 AM (#2963 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Be careful the the "HO's" phrase, reference Don Imus. Ho,Ho,Ho
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:15 AM (#2966 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
No one said Nappy Headed it's ok. On the U.S.Marine Corps installation, the gate guards are mixed with temps from the infantry and combat arms. They are all good kids, and really use the "spirit" of the law. Now my question is, for the Civilian Safety Nazi's that try and have these kids inforce their silly rules....what do i do with my reflective vest now that you can't possibly see it. The "lighted" box on the back blocks the rear, and the "lighted" front end blocks the front. I wear the vest for the gate guards, i don't want them to have to explain to the safety experts why they let me on base without a reflective vest. The whole issue is this: Someone thought it was good idea, sold it to Head Quarter, and the impliment and enforce it. Maybe 20 years ago, when headlights didn't automatically come on when you started your bike, this would be a good idea.
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:24 AM (#2968 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
While on the eglide, and wearing just my black leather (forgot to put on the vest after coming off night shift) I got pulled over by a Private First Class MP. He asked me if I knew why he pulled me over...I told him maybe my headlights where to bright? I wasn't speeding, so it can't be that, maybe my pipes?" He told me I was required to wear a vest. I asked him why, due to my headlights. He said so I could be visible to others. I told him, "YOU SEEN ME FROM 100 YARDS AWAY". He laughed, and said he had to enforce the rule. I got my vest out of my saddle bag, and carried on.
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Posted 2007-12-14 12:37 PM (#2983 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois
Three Ho's is more than enough. Three more ho's means another round.
Good things about em is they don't require a trunk on a motorsicko and I don't hafta take em home.
I spoze sheep keep their mouth shut better; Jim or Bucko might know for sure.

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Posted 2007-12-14 8:38 PM (#3023 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
naaaaa, I don't know what your talking abbbbbbbbbaaaaaah out. Jimmy does, jimmy does everything once, and twice if it hurts a bit.
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Posted 2007-12-14 9:08 PM (#3026 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
You guys need to read "Catch 22" by Joseph Heller. For those of you who have forgotten, there's the right way, the wrong way, and the (Fill in the branch of your choice, for me it was Army,) way, which might not be either of the two first ones. In any case, if they call the butter bar O.D., you'll end up doing it their way. I'm sure it's no different now, even at 29 Stumps.
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Posted 2007-12-16 9:56 AM (#3068 - in reply to #3026)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 140
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Posted 2007-12-16 7:02 PM (#3088 - in reply to #2939)
Subject: Re: Christmas lights


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Add an N and that used to mean Navy. So If I read that right, your unhappy with the Army.
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