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HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision
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Posted 2007-12-12 9:11 PM (#2884)
Subject: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 76
Hi All,

I've been on this site a few times but have just decided to join. I am looking seriously at the Vision and wanted to get your opinion on the bike. I know opinions might be a bit biased but I would like to hear what you guys think. I currently own a Harley Street Glide, an FJR1300 and Can-am Spyder. I am thinking of trading the HD for the vision.
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Posted 2007-12-12 9:56 PM (#2886 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: RE: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
In my opinion you would have a way better motorcycle if you traded your Street Glide for a Victory Vision. On the other hand it still will not match the power or handling of the FJR1300.

I have a black Tour Premium on order for the spring of 2008. I got to demo ride the Vision at Sturgis Bike Week and again at my local dealer Thunder City at the end of September. The bike handles extremely well, is really comfortable, has lots of power and over three hours of riding on a tank of gas.
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Posted 2007-12-12 10:07 PM (#2889 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: RE: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
I had an 04 FJR for a few months. Great bike. With the Spyder and Fj in the won't miss the HD. The Vision is one of the best all around bikes I've owned. It may become your favorite pretty quickly....
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Posted 2007-12-12 10:25 PM (#2892 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: RE: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 143
Birmingham, AL 08 MC Tour Premium 2012 Bronze Mist
I really think liked my Harley because I thought it was cool and I accepted the way it handled. I LOVE my Vision because of the way it handles and it's cool to boot.
I sold my 06 Ultra Screamin Eagle on ebay, prior to that it was 03 Road Glide, 03 Softail (X2), GL1800 ABS (X2 02 & 04), 3 GL1500's, 2 GL1200's, 3 CB750's, 1 CB450 Automatic, V65 Magna,
2 Yamaha 650 Twin's, CT90......
I've owned a few and this one beats them all. It truly is leading the way. Sure Victory has some improving to do, but it's to be expected as they move into a new market with a radically different design.
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Posted 2007-12-13 12:13 AM (#2895 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
I have a BMW 1150RT and a Midnight Cherry Tour. I have also had a Kwasaki 400, Suzuki Volusia and a Victory Kingpin. The Vision performs very close to the BMW in the twisties and cruises much more comfortably on the freeway. It is undoubtably the best bike I have owned.
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Posted 2007-12-13 6:18 AM (#2897 - in reply to #2895)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 140
The Vision might replace your Street Glide and the FJR. You should be able to find one to demo pretty soon.
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Posted 2007-12-13 9:35 PM (#2947 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I still have my 2002 e-glide. I ride it once a week to charge the battery. Its like riding a mini bike compared to the Vision. I have more room and I am able to stretch out more on the Vision. Because of less rake, the Vision is easier to handle around turns and curves. The Vision is deffinitely a more comfortable ride. The suspension absorbs dips and potholes that would have jarred my spine on the e-glide.
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:52 AM (#2972 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
traded in my 2003 eglide last week for the vision. I was die hard Harley guy most of my life. The main reason for my loyalty was the American Made sticker, and the Americana Spirit involved with the name brand. I've had nothing but HD since I can remember. I thought the eglide was my dream bike, and I accepted the high cost to operate and keep running as part of the dream, until the vision came out. I fell in love with the Vision, but not right away. I really liked it, and then started asking questions. Would listen to anyone who knew the new bike. 50% of my HD buds, thought it looked cool, the others didn't care for it. I talked to a friend who is a engineer and owns a HD and a BMW. He explained the engineering behind the Vision far surpasses his HD. I was sold. Since I've been on the Vision, it has amazed me every time I ride. Not a boring moment. unlike the "horsing" handling of the E-Glide, this bike is a dream. When I rode a HD, I was just another bike in the crowd, and wondered when I would break down again. On a VISION, I'm the coolest looking bike in the crowd, and have no "nagging, back of my head feeling of possible break down". Think style, engineering, and if that don't sell you, think of the maintenance bills. Test ride a Vision Premium, and you will see what I mean. M. Song and the boys turned the motorcycle world upside down with this revolutionary scooter...and it's MADE IN AMERICA.
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Posted 2007-12-14 3:14 PM (#2990 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I didn't have a Harley to trade but I was looking at both. I was sold on the Vision, took the wife a little bit to come over to the dark side. Once there she loves it and actually asks me to take her for rides, now if I could just flip that statement. I have tried to convince her to let me try the Stage 1 but she says she doesn't think the bike needs to rumble, it should be quieter. I have been excited every time I swing a leg over, need to flip that one too.
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Posted 2007-12-14 5:01 PM (#2997 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
NO,,,, WE are the LIGHT SIDE! the others are dark and dismal....riding the bagger has a new meaning heh? I'm always looking to take a putt on the bagger....sometimes it's to short of a ride though....
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Posted 2007-12-14 5:44 PM (#3007 - in reply to #2990)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 1484
Just to let you know, when I put the Stage 1 on my Kingpin, the wife really liked it. You just need to get her next to one with Stage 1 Level 1.
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Posted 2007-12-14 8:34 PM (#3022 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
vroom,vroom vrooom
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:15 AM (#3108 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: RE: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 76
I went down to 101 V-Twin on Saturday and had a 1 hour ride with Charlie and now I'm hooked. I'm glad Charlie convinced me to come down and ride a production bike. The pre-production that I rode at the recent Long Beach show did not perform well and I almost did not consider the Vision. My new Vision should be ready to roll later this week. I will keep my HD and other bikes until I get a couple thousand miles on the Vision. At this point it looks like the Vision might be my number one bike. Time will tell!
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:52 AM (#3110 - in reply to #2884)
Subject: Re: HD Street Glide ---> Victory Vision


Posts: 293
I sold my '06 StreetGlide to buy the Vision Tour Prem. Have had the Vision for a week and I can tell you for sure that this shuts down the FLHXI right now. I really liked the H-D, and had it optimized with a Mustang seat and Rhinehart True Duals/Thundermax ECM and for the wobblies I had a TrueTrack Stabilizer unit. Also had about $6K in appearance goodies on it too. All this really made the H-D perform way better than stock. And I put 28,000 miles on it, too-I rode it; didn't pose it. The Vision is much more right out of the box. I still have the TrueTrack unit and the Thundermax ECM if you're interested MRG.
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