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3700 miles and Rolling
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Posted 2007-11-30 9:42 AM (#2378 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
ok whistle lips. the vespa is to gay for even me. I haven't done anything like that since I was tijuana. I'm still plucking feathers, and dodging invisible things when I hear bbbrrrrrraaHHH HAAAEEYYYEEEEE!
Sitting in the saddle, looking at the dash, with both the flaps open. \ tank /. Can you flip both sides at the same time? Good, I knew ya could....Baby steps steps. Buy the way, my image can not dashed under foot. I'm already a crazy old man with the "look" of madness. Please make the bad man stop! I got your back poop. Hehehee got your back...LOL
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Posted 2007-11-30 10:23 AM (#2382 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I don't think I want your "got your back"? Maybe good t-shirt for you while walking into gay club! I will flip both sides for ya and take pic, just to appease and avoid the 9mm..
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Posted 2007-12-02 9:13 PM (#2428 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
LOL! Why you busting all up in my grill, homey? (I heard the kids say that once) As long as the tee is in a mauve...oops, I mean purple, I mean black. Whats a vespa? isn't that some kind of Tennessee thing? Here kitty kitty...I have to admit, I hate the gay jokes on me. But I know your passive aggresive, and need to explore your estrogene side. So, NO, stop sending me those personal messages of you, un clothed on a tricycle in a cowboy hat. I won't do it. Monday should tell me if my shizzle made it to the truck as advertised.
How about those BUCKEYES! yeah, I know, we rock! We will take vengance on L.S.U. for the thrashing they gave Tennessee this week end! By the way, is the Vols QB related to Chad Henne? They both played like girly men their last game.
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Posted 2007-12-03 8:23 AM (#2447 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Today is Monday and is the Buckeye, rollin', rollin', rollin'?
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:15 AM (#2448 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Rolling? But my bike is on the way!
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:22 AM (#2449 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
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Posted 2007-12-03 11:12 AM (#2451 - in reply to #1978)
Subject: Re: 3700 miles and Rolling

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Between wednesday and saturday...cough, cough,,,i feel a cold coming on when delivery day hits. Then again, I have heard this story more than 4 times already. I'm trying to get happy, but the sense of gloom is still there. Once I sit my butt in the saddle, the happiness will commence.
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