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Custom wheels/tires
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Posted 2008-12-15 10:07 PM (#25102)
Subject: Custom wheels/tires

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
Winter-St. Augustine Fl. Summer-Blind River Ont. C
Wanted to know if any of you have tried the Ness 21x3.5" front wheel and fender relocator kit? What tire is used with this combination? Ness also has two rear wheels available for the Vision. A 17x6.25 and a 16x5 (same as stock) for the Vision. Wondered if there was a clearance issue with the larger/wider wheel or not and what tires should be run. There is a disclaimer for the larger wheel that says a 200mm will not fit but it doesn't recomend a tire size that will fit. HELP!
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Posted 2008-12-15 10:35 PM (#25107 - in reply to #25102)
Subject: Re: Custom wheels/tires

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
just curious, why do you need to feel like you have to alter what works? larger wheels produce less comfortable rides, and more road anomolies,,, etc ..... fatter wheels make turning radious a pain in the butt sure you want that on a bike that already weighs
800 pounds???
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Posted 2008-12-15 11:51 PM (#25108 - in reply to #25102)
Subject: Re: Custom wheels/tires


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
Larger rear wheels have always offered a smoother and more stable ride. Side profile, such as a low profile tire is what can cause less forgiveness and harder response.
And yes a wider tire offers a little more resistance when turning the bike, but like anything else, if you want it you learn to adapt the amount of force you apply when turning. It does not affect turn radius other than the game it plays with your mind when getting used to them. On another note, if no one changed what works then we would all still be riding the 1903 HD and not evolved to something such as the Vision. I wish i could offer more input to yankcan0 on the rear tire. I can tell you that the 21 X 3.5 front tire will offer you steering that is more sensitive to input and many times a tire of that size depending on the front forks will give more feedback of the road conditions.
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Posted 2008-12-16 7:26 AM (#25118 - in reply to #25107)
Subject: Re: Custom wheels/tires


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
Because it looks cool - Duh!





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Attachments Arlen102.jpg (53KB - 3 downloads)
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Posted 2008-12-16 8:57 AM (#25123 - in reply to #25102)
Subject: Re: Custom wheels/tires


Posts: 103
Yank You use a 21in. 70/120 Dunlop E 3 for the front tire and Im to fat to see the rear. You can call Ness 800-223-6377 and Im sure they can help you. As for the ride, you will notice a bit of frontend lift with a small decline in turning radius. They look really nice and Im glad I have them on my bike. I think I have the small rear tire.
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Big Al
Posted 2008-12-16 12:04 PM (#25129 - in reply to #25102)
Subject: Re: Custom wheels/tires


Posts: 64
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Just a side note: Codfather, Did you ever cure your wobble? or did you move to the other wheels to avoid it.... Just wonder what the cause was so I can avoid it. Alan
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Posted 2008-12-29 10:49 PM (#25754 - in reply to #25102)
Subject: RE: Custom wheels/tires

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
Winter-St. Augustine Fl. Summer-Blind River Ont. C
Thanks for all the input on these wheels and tires. I have decided to stick with the stock rear wheel/tire and go to the 21" in front. Hope to have the switch completed by Bike Week.
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