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After Market Alarm Systems
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Posted 2008-08-10 2:51 PM (#15738 - in reply to #15737)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 353
I don't think Victory riders have to worry about theft, first off, Victory is not even on the top 5 theft list, most thefts are done for parts, unlikely that stolen Vic parts are high in demand considering the numbers of Vics on the road as compared to Harley, Yamaha, Honda etc.
Then there's my Vision, what parts are going to be useful to anyone other than another Vision rider?
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Posted 2008-08-10 4:08 PM (#15740 - in reply to #15705)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
On top of being loud enough, my alarm also pages me. Sorry your experiences with alarms sucked and you wasted your money.
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Posted 2008-09-12 2:48 PM (#17929 - in reply to #8536)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Here is a video demonstrating my Scorpio i600 alarm and proximity sensor. Keep in mind that there are adjustable levels for both proximity alert and vibration. In the video I walk up to the bike and proximity warning kicks in. I leave until it quits and then reapproach more slowly. Finally, I set the alarm off twice from the keyfob panic. When I'm next to the camera, you'll hear the chirp of the keyfob. It chirps and vibrates to alert you that the bike is alarming.
I just returned from a month of offhsore work. The bike sat with the alarm in passive mode without a trickle charger. Yesterday it started right up. No funny battery drainage when it's not armed. I have had that problem with previous car alarms and was relieved that this is not an issue for Scorpio. I do have to add that the Lo Jack is probably a better unit. If for no other reason, than because just sticker placement will deter theft. Lo Jack is more widely known. This Scorpio is better for guys who don't want kiddos to burn themselves on the motor or passer-bys from "trying it on for size". Plus it will keep would be theives looking for easier targets. I just wish they had included a sticker to place on the bike. Mine did not come with one.
Enjoy... Or not.

Edited by bigwill5150 2008-09-12 2:54 PM
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Posted 2009-01-01 11:53 PM (#25908 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

New user

Posts: 1
I would have to assume that you still use the oem key to lock the handlebars, otherwise you can just push it away?
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Posted 2009-01-02 12:28 AM (#25911 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Uh yeah, that would probably be a pretty safe assumption. If it's a gang of thugs or If they can push this 900lb bike up a ramp without assistance I'm probably not going to mess with trying to stop them.
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Posted 2009-01-02 6:26 AM (#25912 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 1350
I emailed Scorpio system for my 10th and they need info on the wiring harness to check if anything changed since '08. I have no idea if reverse wiring would change anything for them?

I guess it all depends on what you want out of an alarm system. If you are in a motel room and someone tries to steal your bike? Would having in chained to a lamppost be better? What if they crash it before Lojack locates it?

We can only do so much. Park in safe well lighted places. Most motels I have stayed at will let me park my bike at the entrance or at least give me room where I see it out the window. Park near bikes that have a higher theft rate? I most likely will change my parking location at Sturgis this year. I always park about 4 blocks from the center of town on the side of store. My concern is the limit of 100 10th Anny models. Should I have bought a 10th so I have worries? Only time will tell.
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Posted 2009-01-06 11:11 AM (#26181 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
why do motorcycle alarms sound like video games or birds chirping? lol not very loud.
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