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powered antenna issues (maybe)
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Posted 2008-12-24 4:47 PM (#25524)
Subject: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I couldnt find.. that thread about the powered antenna installed on the vision. I did mine today. When i turn the 4 way flashers on the radio reception is completely gone... I know i dont use the 4 ways, i was just wondering if i need to do something else before i put her back together again. I also noticed if i walk around the bike the reception goes in and out. Like i said i didnt put the bike back together cause i didnt want to have to rip her apart again! I also noticed reception was better with the antenna powered but the dash NOT put back in place. now that its back in place i see a few stations dont come out like they did, B4 i put the black plastic dash back together.. btw i used the same antenna mentioned in the instructions... Do notice i now get the WB wherei didnt before.. can anyone give me ideas, before i put her back together. Im going to leave it apart for a few days.. its winter, no rush
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Posted 2008-12-24 5:56 PM (#25527 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: RE: powered antenna issues (maybe)

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

 Here is the thread on the install....

Sounds like you might have the power wire for the antenna ran to close to something and its causing some interference. Did you wire-tie it to other wires? Like perhaps the HID wiring? Or have it ran close to the HID ballast? I would imagine that doing either of these would probably cause the issue you are describing.

I wonder if tightly "coiling" the power wire would cause problems?

I'd consider unhooking the wire and pull it out and lay it across the top of the dash and hook it back up and see if this solves the problem. If it does then you know you are having an interference issue and need to reroute the wire. If this doesn't solve the issue then you might possibly have a bad antenna.

Oh....btw.....yea...I'm guessing here...but just a bit

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Posted 2008-12-24 9:51 PM (#25532 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
well i didnt wire tire anything (yet). but i did bunch up the extra cable (there is alot) and used black tape to hold it together. kinda like how your wrap up rope.. The radio and dash is not bolted down yet, as i wasnt happy with the results to put her back together... Myabe tomorrow or over the weekend i will mess with it more. I noticed it i disco the power led from the antenna that radio reception is completely gone... so i know power it going to it..
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Posted 2008-12-24 10:51 PM (#25533 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 68
Cabot Arkansas
you can use the extra power outlet connection in front of your seat it should be a 2 wire plug. plug into the gray/black wire(if i remember right) i also ran into this issue.
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Posted 2008-12-25 2:55 AM (#25535 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
That is a side effect of using the flasher as quick tap. Sorry, I thought I mentioned this in the Oct. update. I didn't include the recepticle under the trim panel because I have a Street and I wasn't sure if it was something that was plugged into the Tour. It is key switched if it's available. I used mine to run the auxillary LED lighting so it's tapped out. BTW, as mentioned, do experiment with antenna location. I have an idea to replace the stock antenna underneath the panel that does not include having to run another amp. It would be as simple as unplugging the trim peice and plugging in an antenna in it's place. Problem is that I can not source the end connector that they use (its unsheilded too, which is another problem from the plant). Sorry I'll update that.
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Posted 2008-12-25 9:27 AM (#25541 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Thats for the ideas. are you saying a better location might be where the first antenna is? at that alum panel? Or should i leave it under the black plastic dash.? Btw Bigwill5150. Im going to be making a road trip on my Vision to Kansas! My family to which i never meet before said, be ready for kansas... it is the most boring state to drive through.. LOL. ill being coming from Pgh PA. so ill take I-70 right to there. For this trip im more concerned with Speed of getting there.. The town ill be riding to is called Emporia.
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Posted 2008-12-25 1:35 PM (#25549 - in reply to #25533)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Thank you very much for that idea. it solved the 4 way flasher problem.. and here is something else. ( i know this wont make sense) but when i tapped into that power of that plug you mentioned my radio reception got much better! and the antenna is in the same place.. I dont understand why. maybe i shouldnt worry about it and just accept a better working radio. thank you all.. Merry Christmas!


stumpy - 2008-12-24 10:51 PM

you can use the extra power outlet connection in front of your seat it should be a 2 wire plug. plug into the gray/black wire(if i remember right) i also ran into this issue.
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Posted 2008-12-25 2:34 PM (#25551 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 68
Cabot Arkansas
i put mine under the plastic panel and can pick up stations nearly 70 miles away.
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Posted 2008-12-25 5:04 PM (#25555 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
yeah now i went from maybe getting 1.5 stations to being able to fill all my presets! I wasnt used to that...
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Posted 2008-12-25 11:24 PM (#25559 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Hmm. Sounds like you found that the ground isolation was better under from that loop. When I go to peice together my bike again (still waiting for painted parts to arrive after a sideswipe) I'll look into that. Are you guys saying that power plug is not used for the Tour model too? If so, then that would definitely be the place to tap the power. When I mentioned the new antenna I didn't mean to imply that the current mod should go behind the metal trim panel. I tried that and it didn't work so hot for me. I kinda let this all go when my bike became permanently parked for the last few months. I sure could use a good ride about now.
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Posted 2008-12-29 9:29 AM (#25721 - in reply to #25524)
Subject: Re: powered antenna issues (maybe)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Ok now get this.. since doing the antenna mod. and routing the power wire to a new place. i noticed Since that when the bike is not in motion that the radio reception is WAy BETTER, but when i ride, it is NOT the same as when the bike is not moving. i checked the power connection and it is still connected. And i know the antenna is working because when im riding the WB7 is working.. where as the WB never ever worked at all on this bike.. So i dont know what to think. i know when i ride the radio reception is patchy at best. but if i come to a light its as if the radio is able to find the signal or something. im just saying how it feels. Im about ready to just get XM and call it quits.. i notice i still listen to my ipod because at least the radio is not in and out when i go up and down a hill..
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