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New 2016 Models
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Posted 2015-07-31 7:52 PM (#174028 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: RE: New 2016 Models


Posts: 319
I cant believe that the once flagship of the lineup is now pass?. Victory is not interested in the Vision and it shows.
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Posted 2015-07-31 8:48 PM (#174030 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
You can tell what rides vision a bunch of whiny old guys
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39 chev
Posted 2015-07-31 10:10 PM (#174031 - in reply to #174030)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Pillager, MN

Winning - 2015-07-31 8:48 PM You can tell what rides vision a bunch of whiny old guys


Great first post... .


I think if you do some reading, you will find that Vision riders are some of the most loyal riders around.  It is disappointing because we have told for a few years now that there was an update coming and it never ends up happening.  Heck, I was told by a factory guy at the Twin Cities Motorcycle Show that there was a new Vision coming this fall.  It is a great bike (I love mine), but it needs a few updates.  From a factory perspective, it is crazy of them to not offer something to tempt guys like to me to update.  Even if I don't buy something else, I'm certainly not buying a new Vision...hence no $$$ in Victory's pocket.


I am typing this from Rapid City and I visited with a rep at the Victory booth at Sturgis today.  He said he knows that the Vision needs updating and so does the factory, but it is a complex bike and very labor-intensive to assemble because of all the parts.  He also said that he gets the same complaints at every show.  I told him that they better get some "real" changes to the bike soon or they would be loosing their loyal customer base to other bikes.  He basically gave me the same line...they are working on it and I will love the new bike when it comes out, but no indication of when that will be...



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Posted 2015-07-31 10:13 PM (#174033 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
They'll lose me if they change anything.
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Posted 2015-07-31 10:39 PM (#174034 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
I've got to be honest here. I too was among many hoping for a new improved Vision this year, and somewhat disappointed when I learned of no changes. I've had my 09 since it was new and still enjoying every minute on it. I've taken several long trips and it's never failed me. I just returned from a trip to Wyoming & Montana riding the Beartooth Pass and to Yellowstone. I rode there with two other Goldwing riders. We rode aggressive many times through the mountain curves and hills. Those Goldwings tried to outperform me but the Vision was an equal match performance wise, and I could out perform them in the curves. When I returned home from that trip, I was grinning just as big as the first day I got the bike. For now, I know I still have a great bike that I thoroughly still enjoy riding, and will keep it until Victory finally decides to update the model. Even though the Indian is getting all the attention, the Vision is a sweeter ride. I've test rode all the Indian models, and like them very much, but when I saddled up on my Vision after riding those Indians, I knew I already had the better ride.
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Posted 2015-07-31 11:47 PM (#174035 - in reply to #173944)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models

Central Wisconsin

Thank you Polaris, you saved me $thousands$ for not updating the Vision ;-)

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Posted 2015-08-01 6:27 AM (#174036 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Victory vision is fine they just need more custom parts
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Posted 2015-08-01 10:00 AM (#174040 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
As eluded to by 39 chevy, evolutionary and not revolutionary changes, imporvments, and upgrades. That's what Honda does with the GW and BMW does with their tourer. Polaris needs to look at what the other manufacturers have done and ditto what has worked for them and their customer bases. I realize the Vision is a complicated machine with many parts so why not improve it by designing some of the body panels to be fewer in number with more durable attachment points/hardware. Any Vision owne that has had to remove and replace body panels over the years of ownership has encountered the attachment points plastic failure. Maybe change, redesign some every year just to let customers know that they value the customers concerns on things their initial R&D could not have uncovered way back when. Don't radically change the look but perfect what is already a good basic design.
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Posted 2015-08-01 10:25 AM (#174041 - in reply to #174034)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
kmt27 - 2015-07-31 10:39 PM

I've had my 09 since it was new and still enjoying every minute on it. I've taken several long trips and it's never failed me. I just returned from a trip to Wyoming & Montana riding the Beartooth Pass and to Yellowstone. I rode there with two other Goldwing riders. We rode aggressive many times through the mountain curves and hills. Those Goldwings tried to outperform me but the Vision was an equal match performance wise, and I could out perform them in the curves. When I returned home from that trip, I was grinning just as big as the first day I got the bike. For now, I know I still have a great bike that I thoroughly still enjoy riding, and will keep it until Victory finally decides to update the model. Even though the Indian is getting all the attention, the Vision is a sweeter ride. I've test rode all the Indian models, and like them very much, but when I saddled up on my Vision after riding those Indians, I knew I already had the better ride.

The wife and I recently got back from a similar trip to that area, plus Glacier and Waterton Lakes Canada. 4000 miles in 11 days. Like you, we had a couple of Goldwings in the group, along with three new Harley Rushmore Limiteds. One of them broke. The Goldwing riders were sure that they could outperform our Vision, but they couldn't. (I have some Lloydz goodies quietly doing their thing). The Goldwings touch down in corners before the Vision, and they don't have quite as much power as my Vision. They always want to stop for a stretch before we do.

I love my Vision. Even if they never update the model, I won't really be too disappointed. It is still currently the best touring platform out there.

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Posted 2015-08-06 9:12 PM (#174136 - in reply to #173772)
Subject: Re: New 2016 Models


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
I saved tons of money this year because Victory had nothing to reach out and grab me. Instead I expect to pay Rylan Voss a visit and get a bit of improvement on my '13 Vision without Victory being involved. He has a nice after market intake that I think would suit me.
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