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Victory RAM mount for the Vision
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-08-26 7:34 AM (#16964)
Subject: Victory RAM mount for the Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

I know that this has been mentioned in another thread, but I thought I could offer a little bit of insight into what the problem is with the mount and ball combination from Victory.

 I purchased both the ball and the mount from my dealer and when I was called that they were in (as well as a number of other new accessories ) I knew to check the fit of the ball into the mount before leaving the dealer, needless to say, as with others here it didn't fit.  Being a machinest I recognized that the sizes were nearly the same but of a different pitch.  As it turns out the ball has 10 mm x 1.0 threads and the mount has 3/8"-16NC threads, close in diameter but definitely not compatabile.  The good thing about the mount though is that you can mount up to 3 RAM balls on it for many options.

I found out that the brake and clutch reservoirs on the '09 Visions will be of the same style as on the Jackpots, except in gray powdercoat instead of black like on the Jackpot.  The only real difference is that the reservoirs on on the Jackpot and the '09 Visions have the mirror mounting holes in them, hence Victory offering just the RAM ball with the 10 mm thread in the catalog.  The mistake they made was in not listing the thread size of the ball, and listing the ball right next to the Vision mount in the catalog.  Unfortunately Victory is not listing any of the 3/8"-16NC RAM balls in the catalog go I ended up going to and ordering the correct balls so that there is no modification to the mount needed.

I hope this helped clarify this a little bit for everyone!



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