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How accurate are your dummy lights?
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Posted 2014-01-28 2:57 PM (#150831)
Subject: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 119
I don't find the dummy lights very helpful, especially the gas gauge and temperature. For gas I rely more on the trip meter, but haven't come close to 249 miles between fill ups. The Low Fuel light generally comes on after about 160 miles. The temp gauge seems to run about 5 degrees off. Anybody else have these nuances? Can you get more gas in while the bike is on the kickstand or while standing it straight up?
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Posted 2014-01-28 3:38 PM (#150832 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: RE: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
If you're talking about your Vision, you can get over 1/2 gallon more in the tank with the bike on the sidestand than you can with it standing straight up, due to the fact that the left tank vents through the right tank.

On my 2008 Vision, the low fuel light comes on with 1 1/2 gallons left in the tank, thereby telling me that I've got approximately 60 miles to find a gas station. This occurs between 180 to 200 miles on the tank (40 to 44 MPG)

If you have been filling your bike with it standing straight up, you're only getting about 5 1/2 gallons in it to start with, so you only go about 160 miles @ 40 MPG before the low fuel light comes on with 1 1/2 gallons left in the tank (4 gallons used). In other words, your gauge is accurate.

If you're only getting 5 1/2 gallons in it to start with, your maximum range will only be about 220 miles @ 40 MPG.

My temperature gauge reads high after standing in the sun for awhile, but is pretty accurate after I get on the road and the body of the bike cools down. The sender is under the panel below the windshield, so it reads the hot air built up under there until I get moving and the panel cools down to ambient temperature.


Edited by rdbudd 2014-01-28 4:06 PM
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Posted 2014-01-28 4:03 PM (#150833 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 119
RDBUDD, Thanks for the tip on filling up. I guess I got to get my lazy butt off the bike and yes it's my Vision I'm talking about. The Judge doesn't have much to say besides what gear I'm in.
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Posted 2014-01-28 4:17 PM (#150834 - in reply to #150833)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
YENRABSRIDE - 2014-01-28 4:03 PM

RDBUDD, Thanks for the tip on filling up. I guess I got to get my lazy butt off the bike and yes it's my Vision I'm talking about. The Judge doesn't have much to say besides what gear I'm in.

You're welcome sir.

I try to find a pump where the bike will lean well to the left when on the stand, but if it is on a fairly level parking island, I often put my foot on the floorboard and gently rock the bike after the gas gets to the bottom of the filler neck, to get the air out of the tank and get the last 1/2 gallon or so in. The Vision uses two tanks with a balance tube at the bottom and a vent tube at the top, and fills through the right tank only. Air gets trapped in the left tank, not letting it fill all the way with gas, if you don't encourage it to come out. If you have the bike vertical, the air can't get out at all, because of where the vent tube is. I find that I can get more in the tank if I fill slowly, giving the air time to bleed out.

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Posted 2014-01-28 6:05 PM (#150837 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 4278
If you pull the V valance on the front of the bike and with a flash light look behind the left hand mirror. You'll see a black with with a electrical terminal on the end of it. If you pull the wire out (it held in by the slot) and run in down by the front of the gas tank the temp gage will be dead nuts right on.
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Posted 2014-01-29 3:33 PM (#150854 - in reply to #150837)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 599
New Mexico
johnnyvision - 2014-01-28 5:05 PM

If you pull the V valance on the front of the bike and with a flash light look behind the left hand mirror. You'll see a black with with a electrical terminal on the end of it. If you pull the wire out (it held in by the slot) and run in down by the front of the gas tank the temp gage will be dead nuts right on.

Do you need to secure it?
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Posted 2014-01-29 4:47 PM (#150855 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
160??!!! My light never comes on till after 200. U may want to have ur sensor checked. That's way off
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Posted 2014-01-30 2:56 AM (#150862 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
When my light comes on, I can get just over 5 gallons into the tank. Most of my riding is between 80-85 mph so the light comes on around 180 miles. If I stay below 75, I can stretch that to 200.
Temp Guage usually reads 4 degrees high (so it's not really 119 going thru Barstow).
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Posted 2014-01-30 6:58 AM (#150864 - in reply to #150831)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 1350
The lights are nice to make me aware. Accurate, I don't need. Roughly 2 and 1/2 hours in the saddle I need to pee and stretch anyway. Temp gauge is within 3 degrees. The most important thing I want from it, is there a chance of black ice otherwise it's nice to know info.
the extra 1/2 gallon is nice when I know the stations are few and far apart. Like in the midwest when it's 9 miles from the exit.
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Posted 2014-01-30 11:46 AM (#150872 - in reply to #150864)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
RedRider - 2014-01-30 6:58 AM

the extra 1/2 gallon is nice when I know the stations are few and far apart. Like in the midwest when it's 9 miles from the exit.

You got that right. And, in some parts, the station might be closed if you get there after suppertime.

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Posted 2014-01-30 6:11 PM (#150893 - in reply to #150854)
Subject: Re: How accurate are your dummy lights?


Posts: 4278

Boots - 2014-01-29 3:33 PM johnnyvision - 2014-01-28 5:05 PM If you pull the V valance on the front of the bike and with a flash light look behind the left hand mirror. You'll see a black with with a electrical terminal on the end of it. If you pull the wire out (it held in by the slot) and run in down by the front of the gas tank the temp gage will be dead nuts right on. Do you need to secure it?

I wrapped the extra wire around the over flow tube and zip tied it there. You can check with your smart phone and find out its right on

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