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Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport
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Posted 2013-10-28 10:25 AM (#148238)
Subject: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

New user

Posts: 4
Carlisle Ontario Canada
I am looking to ship my VV and a friends BMW to San Diego early December for a week or 2 of riding.....too snowey in Ontario Canada! We will end up in the Phoenix area and are looking for a place to store the 2 bikes near the airport if possible. We will return in Feb for another week or so of riding, then store them again until march or april, then ride them home.

Does anyone know of a safe place close to the airport?
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Posted 2013-10-28 6:22 PM (#148257 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 13
I think I would find a gated climate controlled lock and storage and prepay for the few months then you could come and go as you please. I would also check with your insurance to make sure they cover it.
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Posted 2013-10-28 6:50 PM (#148259 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport


Posts: 4278
why not try a dealer down there he might or he would know of somebody I would think
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Posted 2013-12-07 11:02 PM (#149454 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

Glendale, AZ United States
I live in Glendale, Arizona, which is about 25 minutes from the airport by car. I have a deep four car garage with room to spare, but I would not want that responsibility of storing your motorcycles, which may change in the future if we ever go riding together . I meet a ton of folks from Canada at my local watering hole, which is close to the Coyote hockey arena. Beer and hockey is a great combo as far as I am concerned. I found a motorcycle storage place called "Cube Smart" Here is the link:
One facility is located at 3122 east Washington, which is very close to the light rail and a rock's throw from the airport. It looks like a unit large enough for two bikes will run about 22dollars/month. Hope this helps and have a fun time on your ride. Vlad.
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okie vision
Posted 2013-12-08 10:10 AM (#149460 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Talk about helping out a fellow Vision rider!
Doesn't get much better than this. Great job Vladezip and others!
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Posted 2013-12-08 1:42 PM (#149465 - in reply to #149460)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

Glendale, AZ United States
Thanks for the feedback! We are all motorcycle brothers/sisters irregardless of what we are riding, which is a concept a lot of HD riders find difficult to understand. I don't really have any brand loyalty. I love the Vision a great deal, but will certainly jump the coop if something better comes along when I'm looking to buy in the future, which is less than I could say for my HD riding brother who will ride a HD roadglide until he checks out.
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Posted 2013-12-08 2:31 PM (#149469 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
He had better take good care of that Road Glide. They are no longer being made although the rumors abound, especially among the shark riders. That is where I came from. I owned a rode a 2011 shark.
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Posted 2013-12-08 2:41 PM (#149472 - in reply to #149469)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

Glendale, AZ United States
Oldman47 - 2013-12-08 1:31 PM

He had better take good care of that Road Glide. They are no longer being made although the rumors abound, especially among the shark riders. That is where I came from. I owned a rode a 2011 shark.

I'm not sure what HD was thinking by getting rid of the only frame mounted fairing bike they had. The road glide is the best of the HD lineup as far as I'm concerned. He's got a 2013 roadglide custom with the 103. He just turned 5K on the bike and is already having issues with it with a 23K out the door price tag to boot. OUCH!
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Posted 2013-12-08 5:52 PM (#149478 - in reply to #149472)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport


Posts: 4278

Vladezip - 2013-12-08 2:41 PM Oldman47 - 2013-12-08 1:31 PM He had better take good care of that Road Glide. They are no longer being made although the rumors abound, especially among the shark riders. That is where I came from. I owned a rode a 2011 shark. I'm not sure what HD was thinking by getting rid of the only frame mounted fairing bike they had. The road glide is the best of the HD lineup as far as I'm concerned. He's got a 2013 roadglide custom with the 103. He just turned 5K on the bike and is already having issues with it with a 23K out the door price tag to boot. OUCH!

Nothing to fear road glide will be back new look and way bigger motor. Is the rumor

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Posted 2013-12-13 2:54 AM (#149629 - in reply to #148238)
Subject: Re: Storing 2 bikes near the Phoenix Airport

New user

Posts: 1
I feel this post is very well organized and is quite interesting. I really want to join this kind of events.Thanks for the post.
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