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Posted 2013-11-12 10:35 AM (#148786)
Subject: Pulley

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 45
Dealer says rear pulley is bad bike has been at dealers since oct 22 nd how long does it take to get a replacement pulley from victory? was ten days after oct 22nd before they even looked at it. They told me they were 10 days behind ha give me a break at this time of year?
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Posted 2013-11-12 6:50 PM (#148798 - in reply to #148786)
Subject: Re: Pulley


Posts: 4278
I think you have a bad dealer. He could of ordered the pulley as "rider down" and had it with in 48 hours.
There are to many Bad vic dealers out there
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Posted 2013-11-13 4:33 AM (#148810 - in reply to #148786)
Subject: Re: Pulley


Posts: 1350
"There are to many Bad vic dealers out there" I don't buy that statement. I have rode around this great country of ours and have only found a few "bad" dealers. You read about the bad dealers but MOST people don't write about the good dealer that they worked with.

"rider down" is meant to help riders on trips. If you use it for everyday problems crying wolf doesn't work any more.
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Posted 2013-11-13 2:42 PM (#148826 - in reply to #148786)
Subject: Re: Pulley


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
If the bike is rideable & the sprocket is mearly worn and not a safety issue I'd continue to ride while shopping for new or lightly used sprocket and put them on myself at the next rear tire replacement along with a new belt. This is one of the main reasons to have two bikes- twice the maintenance but zero down time.
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Posted 2013-11-13 9:29 PM (#148839 - in reply to #148826)
Subject: Re: Pulley

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
ByteN2it - 2013-11-13 3:42 PM

This is one of the main reasons to have two bikes- twice the maintenance but zero down time.

Two bikes should half the maintenance because the mileage is divided between them. You are absolutely correct about no down time.
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