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Vision Trike
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Posted 2013-11-04 12:07 PM (#148502)
Subject: Vision Trike

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 5
I was told by my dealer that California Sidecar and Trike is in the process of redesigning the XR, XC kit to fit the Vision. The pictures show what he has done with his personal Vision. If you have questions please feel free to call Phil at Victory of Louisville (502) 290-0135.

Edited by thediode 2013-11-04 12:13 PM

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Posted 2013-11-04 12:51 PM (#148503 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 576
, IA
Wonder if they replace front fender with a one piece
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Posted 2013-11-04 1:49 PM (#148504 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1350
Very nice looking trike. Maybe after PA gets their bridges done so I don't have to ride done the breakdown lane, I will look into them.
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Posted 2013-11-04 2:15 PM (#148508 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 118
Spfld, IL but temp Bay area, CA
Quite different from the Crossbow
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Posted 2013-11-04 3:00 PM (#148509 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Nice trike. It would be interesing to see an original trunk used and the 'saddlebags' have those curves and lines toward and into the center. Just a thought.
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Posted 2013-11-04 5:57 PM (#148513 - in reply to #148509)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Not bad. I'm glad they're working on a Vision trike.

It would be nice if they offered an option to use the original Vision trunk, and also incorporated extra fuel storage somewhere. Vision trikes lose 1/2 gallon fuel capacity and trikes generally lose about 5 MPG due to extra weight and air drag. That would result in about 190 miles range before you're walking. Another 1 or 2 gallons of fuel would be nice. A reverse option would also be nice.

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Posted 2013-11-05 8:03 AM (#148531 - in reply to #148513)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I agree, need to use the original Vision trunk. Looks like the storage in the back is a lot bigger than the Crossbow which is virtually non-existent
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Posted 2013-11-05 8:41 AM (#148538 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Im Not a fan of that trunk.. maybe its just the paint? but it looks cheap.. almost like one of those china made trunks from ebay..
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Posted 2013-11-06 9:48 AM (#148597 - in reply to #148502)
Subject: RE: Vision Trike

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 5
The trunk seems to be a little more solid than the original Vision trunk. They will also be developing a mount for the Vision trunk so Vision Tour owners are not paying more than needed.

Those are not the tires and rims that come with the kit, the seat has been modified for better fit. The seat mod will not be needed if the Vision kit is developed.
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Posted 2013-11-06 11:43 AM (#148599 - in reply to #148597)
Subject: RE: Vision Trike


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I like it. The day when I'll be needing "training wheels" is getting closer.

If you get the chance, and your dealer has any input/influence with CSC, you might have them mention the need for extra fuel capacity and optional reverse. I would strongly consider triking my 2008 Vision someday with this kit.

The 2008 Vision cannot be fitted with the factory reverse option. Most other Visions don't have reverse either.

5 1/2 gallons of useable fuel isn't enough--not enough range.

If I can't get my Vision triked, I'll probably have to go back to a Goldwing for the trike--and I do not want to do that if it can be avoided. I like the Vision better.

The styling of the CSC is fine as is.

To be a real winner, it needs:

Factory Vision trunk option.
Another 1 1/2 to 2 gallons fuel capacity (to maintain the range).
Luggage capacity of at least as much as the Vision saddlebags--preferably more.


Edited by rdbudd 2013-11-06 11:50 AM
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Posted 2013-11-06 11:51 AM (#148601 - in reply to #148513)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
rdbudd - 2013-11-04 4:57 PM

Not bad. I'm glad they're working on a Vision trike.

It would be nice if they offered an option to use the original Vision trunk, and also incorporated extra fuel storage somewhere. Vision trikes lose 1/2 gallon fuel capacity and trikes generally lose about 5 MPG due to extra weight and air drag. That would result in about 190 miles range before you're walking. Another 1 or 2 gallons of fuel would be nice. A reverse option would also be nice.


why do Visions lose fuel capacity when triked?
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Posted 2013-11-06 12:00 PM (#148602 - in reply to #148601)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
jimtom - 2013-11-06 11:51 AM

rdbudd - 2013-11-04 4:57 PM

Not bad. I'm glad they're working on a Vision trike.

It would be nice if they offered an option to use the original Vision trunk, and also incorporated extra fuel storage somewhere. Vision trikes lose 1/2 gallon fuel capacity and trikes generally lose about 5 MPG due to extra weight and air drag. That would result in about 190 miles range before you're walking. Another 1 or 2 gallons of fuel would be nice. A reverse option would also be nice.


why do Visions lose fuel capacity when triked?

Because they have two fuel tanks connected by a balance tube. The balance tube isn't quite all the way to the top of the tanks. The filler is on the right side, which is the high side with the bike on the sidestand. Filling on the sidestand allows a full fill. Filling with the bike standing straight up and down will not allow the last 1/2 gallon to be put in the tanks, because of the balance tube height, and also because not all the air in the left tank can be purged out with the the bike vertical. You can only get about 5 1/2 gallons in.

If you fill your Vision two-wheeler with the bike standing vertical, you'll have the same problem.

The Lehman Crossbow trike even has a sticker on the bike warning of the reduced fuel capacity.

6 gallons X 40 MPG means most Visions can range about 240 miles if they have to.

Goldwing trikes lose anywhere from 5 to 10 MPG, depending on loads and winds. So if a Vision trike only has 5 1/2 gallons of useable fuel, then 35 MPG = 192 miles range and 30 MPG = 165 mile range. Not good. Adding 2 gallons auxiliary fuel to the trike would give 7 1/2 gallons useable fuel X 30 MPG = 225 miles range.


Edited by rdbudd 2013-11-06 12:12 PM
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Posted 2013-11-06 12:12 PM (#148603 - in reply to #148602)
Subject: Re: Vision Trike


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
ok, that makes sense now.
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