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oil temp reading
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Posted 2013-02-21 5:00 PM (#131153)
Subject: oil temp reading


Posts: 122
Westchester Co., NY
I have one of the dipstick oil temp gauges. It now reads a little over 220F when stone cold. Is there anything that can be done to fix it? Thanks.
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Posted 2013-02-21 6:22 PM (#131160 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 4278
never had any faith in them. Go back to where you bought it maybe they'll take it back
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Posted 2013-02-21 6:53 PM (#131161 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
replace with new dipstick.. Im on #3 in 4 years. they are junk. but i like to look at it from time to time.. I wouldnt put a ton of faith in them ...
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Posted 2013-02-21 6:55 PM (#131162 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
When your buddy on his Harley is not looking, put it in his bike and then video him freaking out!!! lol Are you able to adjust the reading like some of the large rotary thermometers, If the guage can be turned, then just boil water and adjust to 220 f, how ever if you can adjust it that easy, it will likely turn while installing and removing the dipstick.
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Posted 2013-02-21 7:03 PM (#131163 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 122
Westchester Co., NY
The dial can be turned so that you can have the face pointed in whatever direction you want. But the hand and the numbers turn together. I found mine to be very accurate when I got it. I boiled some water and it read 212 exactly. I gues I can't complain about dependability as I have had this one since 2004 or 2005.
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Posted 2013-02-23 12:50 AM (#131213 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Not trying to sound like a smartass but who cares what the dipstick says? It's a Victory. It's not gonna overheat as long as you keep some oil in it. As a matter of fact, the early Vics ran too cold and Vic switched to a smaller oil cooler just to warm up the oil a bit.
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Posted 2013-02-23 5:07 AM (#131218 - in reply to #131213)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Monkeyman - 2013-02-23 1:50 AM

Not trying to sound like a smartass but who cares what the dipstick says? It's a Victory. It's not gonna overheat as long as you keep some oil in it. As a matter of fact, the early Vics ran too cold and Vic switched to a smaller oil cooler just to warm up the oil a bit.

"Ya dirty ape" - Charles Heston here

If one has an instrument; it should read correctly; no matter how trivial it's usage is is. I have a oil temp dipstick as well and just like the novelty of having oil temp available to me when I look down.

I have been unable to turn the dial face though; so I can have it oriented in a better manner of view. Too concerned that I may break it; in trying to do so....

Edited by willtill 2013-02-23 5:09 AM
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Posted 2013-03-06 12:10 PM (#131787 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
Mine turns by pushing in on the dial

Edited by conn-e-rot 2013-03-06 12:11 PM
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Posted 2013-03-06 2:16 PM (#131790 - in reply to #131787)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
conn-e-rot - 2013-03-06 1:10 PM

Mine turns by pushing in on the dial

Really? I didn't try that. I'll give that a shot. Thanks!
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Posted 2013-03-06 3:36 PM (#131793 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Throw that piece of shit as far as you can
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Posted 2013-03-06 4:10 PM (#131794 - in reply to #131793)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
kevinx - 2013-03-06 3:36 PM

Throw that piece of shit as far as you can

I agree, temp dipsticks are mostly only good for cosmetics. However, I can't throw mine away. It's a rare Bodfish Customs piece made by and given to me by former VMC member Vikeme (also known as "Banned Sam") back in the days of Victory's infancy.

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Posted 2013-03-06 5:59 PM (#131798 - in reply to #131790)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
willtill - 2013-03-06 3:16 PM

conn-e-rot - 2013-03-06 1:10 PM

Mine turns by pushing in on the dial

Really? I didn't try that. I'll give that a shot. Thanks!

That did the trick! Something so simple! And I was contemplating channel locks on that sucker....

Thanks so much conn-e-rot!


Edited by willtill 2013-03-06 5:59 PM
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Posted 2013-03-06 6:02 PM (#131799 - in reply to #131793)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
kevinx - 2013-03-06 4:36 PM

Throw that piece of shit as far as you can

It is not a piece of shit. Though it is not indicative of the true state of temps in the engine; it's fun just to look down and see what the temp of the oil is in the crankcase.

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Posted 2013-03-06 6:24 PM (#131800 - in reply to #131794)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
rdbudd - 2013-03-06 5:10 PM

kevinx - 2013-03-06 3:36 PM

Throw that piece of shit as far as you can

I agree, temp dipsticks are mostly only good for cosmetics. However, I can't throw mine away. It's a rare Bodfish Customs piece made by and given to me by former VMC member Vikeme (also known as "Banned Sam") back in the days of Victory's infancy.


That's different. The other ones are only good at producing OCD and hysteria; in otherwise sane individuals
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opas ride
Posted 2013-03-06 7:23 PM (#131802 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 500
As the old saying goes..Temp dial dipsticks are as "useless as tits on a boar"....They may look good but are a waste of money..I tried a couple myself from cheap to costly and they both ended up in the trash...Get a Mastiff , best for the buck out there...IMHO
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Posted 2013-03-06 8:19 PM (#131805 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
OCD? Hysteria? With a simple oil temp dial gauge? Why is that remarked?


Post links to Bodfish Customs (if available) and Mastiff

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Posted 2013-03-06 9:14 PM (#131807 - in reply to #131805)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
willtill - 2013-03-06 9:19 PM

OCD? Hysteria? With a simple oil temp dial gauge? Why is that remarked?


Post links to Bodfish Customs (if available) and Mastiff

you would have to be in my shoes to truly understand. I see people in just short of panic because of those things, people that become obsessed with tracking oil temps to atmosphere, and riding conditions, people that freak out because they feel it is a perception of tune. Though I have yet to hear of alien intervention; I'm sure the day will come
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Posted 2013-03-06 11:20 PM (#131813 - in reply to #131805)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
willtill - 2013-03-06 8:19 PM

Post links to Bodfish Customs (if available) and Mastiff

Bodfish Customs was a VMC member who was trying to make some aftermarket pieces for Victory motorcycles when there was none at all--prior to the advent of the Freedom motor bikes. Long gone. Mastiff is another VMC member who makes temp dipsticks and did have some other bits at one time. I don't have a link right now, but you can reach him through a PM on the VMC.

If you can't access the VMC user listings, PM me here and I'll send you his email address. Sending him a PM yourself from the VMC would be best though.


Edited by rdbudd 2013-03-06 11:26 PM
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Posted 2013-03-07 3:47 AM (#131815 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
There's a thread on VMC titled "Mastiff". I can't remember which section it's in but I think it's a sticky so it should be at the top of one of the thread lists.

+1 on what KevinX said. I'd notice the oil temp was 220 today then tomorrow when it was 230, I'd spend the ride being concerned something was wrong. The next day (when it might be 20* warmer out) when the oil showed 240*, I'd think I'd broken something. If the oil temp dipstick isn't going to do any good, ditch it in favor of a nice billet dipstick.
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Posted 2013-03-07 10:59 AM (#131822 - in reply to #131815)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Frank (Mastiff) has nice billet dipsticks too.

Edit: I just checked over on the VMC and Frank posted his email address on the open forum. Since it's not a secret, you can contact him at or at


Edited by rdbudd 2013-03-07 11:05 AM
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opas ride
Posted 2013-03-07 3:04 PM (#131834 - in reply to #131153)
Subject: Re: oil temp reading


Posts: 500
In my opinion Mastiff is the nicest and best built dipstick on the market for the price....Frank is one of the nice guys and will certainly take excellent care of your order as he did mine...No more hassle with the "silly nonsense of the temp dial" Just soild billet and looks great.....BTW his web-site/info is under the Product Review title on the VMC web-site....

Edited by opas ride 2013-03-07 3:09 PM
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