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Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension
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Posted 2013-02-10 11:19 AM (#130672)
Subject: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
I just purchased a (15-1666 adapter 12v/15a) Adapter to plug into the power outlet in the left side storage bin.

The purpose is to convert from the standard BMW style power outlet that comes with a '09 Victory Vision to a standard Cigarette Style (Female) outlet.

I want to be able to use it to supply power to either my Garmin GPS or my I-Pod so they will not lose power on long trips.

PROBLEM: I plugged this new (TC-6662GA Adapter Plug Extension) into the Stock BMW Plug and there's NO POWER,.......NO POWER,........NO POWER?!

Does anyone have a Victory Vision Wiring Diagram or could You tell me where to look under the Front tupperware to see if my original BMW Plug in is properly connected?

Thank You in Advance.

Edited by dadude 2013-02-10 11:20 AM
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Posted 2013-02-10 12:25 PM (#130675 - in reply to #130672)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension


Posts: 181
Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
I had this with my vision as well, the connector on the back of the plug was off, just locate it and put it back on. On mine it was located right near the adaptor
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Posted 2013-02-11 8:21 AM (#130704 - in reply to #130675)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension


Posts: 599
New Mexico
uknessie - 2013-02-10 11:25 AM

I had this with my vision as well, the connector on the back of the plug was off, just locate it and put it back on. On mine it was located right near the adaptor


I also had the retaining ring come loose, so reassembled with Loctite and have had no problems since. Just make sure you use the correct Loctite as they have a lot of different types. It was a while ago, but I believe I used either 'blue' or 'red' Loctite.

I looked through the wiring diagrams, but not sure of their accuracy in this area. Shows both powerlets coming from the same power source. Mine in the trunk is always on, whereas the one in the storage bin is only on when the bike is 'on'. Does kind of look like the lighted badges are from the same circuit, so if those have power your powerlets should have power.

Edited by Boots 2013-02-11 8:22 AM
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Posted 2013-02-11 9:01 AM (#130705 - in reply to #130672)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
The lighted badges, horn, and power outlet in glove box are all on the same circuit. As mentioned above, if those work then there will be power to your outlet. If those do not work then check your horn fuse. If they work, but no power to your outlet then the connector is loose or came off as stated above.
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Posted 2013-02-11 7:34 PM (#130720 - in reply to #130672)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
Anyone know if the power let plug can be removed and a cigarette lighter put in its place?
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Posted 2013-02-11 7:51 PM (#130721 - in reply to #130720)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension


Posts: 599
New Mexico
baadawg - 2013-02-11 6:34 PM

Anyone know if the power let plug can be removed and a cigarette lighter put in its place?

Although I'm sure it could be done, but I tried and failed. Was going to require too big of hole for the location in the glove box.
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Posted 2013-02-12 5:39 AM (#130727 - in reply to #130672)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Don't know why it wouldn't fit, Boots. The '10+ had the generic cigarette lighter socket as stock. Both should be wired the same. One hot, one ground. I've seen some that have added a standard cig lighter socket at the front of the glove box.
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Posted 2013-02-12 9:36 AM (#130731 - in reply to #130727)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension


Posts: 599
New Mexico
Monkeyman - 2013-02-12 4:39 AM

Don't know why it wouldn't fit, Boots. The '10+ had the generic cigarette lighter socket as stock. Both should be wired the same. One hot, one ground. I've seen some that have added a standard cig lighter socket at the front of the glove box.

Mainly just me, but you're right, it should work.

And here is probably the bigger issue behind it. I know coming in Mid February this will not be received well, but here goes...
I just don't have any winter down time for bike projects! Living in Seattle for 25 years it was ingrained in me that if it is riding weather, you RIDE! There would be weeks/months on end where I knew I would not get a single ride in, so from mid October to July 5th little projects like this filled the void.
Here in Albuquerque there are only a few days spread out here and there that I can't ride. There is an average of 300+ days of sunshine per year, and we have been in a drought the 5 years I have been here, so am sure the number of sunny days has been even higher than that. If the roads are dry, I'm on the bike.

I don't even have time to wash it, and just barely get the basic maintenance done!

So, there ya' go. I'm done whining, and hey, it's a sunny 30deg outside...Think I'll go for a ride :-)
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Posted 2013-02-12 4:42 PM (#130745 - in reply to #130720)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
baadawg - 2013-02-11 8:34 PM

Anyone know if the power let plug can be removed and a cigarette lighter put in its place?

Yes it can. A recent thread on here used an HD cigarette lighter. I changed the Powerlet socket to a USB so I can charge my phone, MP3 player, the gf's iPhone, etc. The USB is intended to replace a cigarette lighter so they are the same size. However the Vision's Powerlet is slightly smaller. You will have to drill or file it out slightly. Click the link below for info on how to do this. Powerlet Socket to USB&highlightmode=1

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2013-02-12 4:55 PM
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Posted 2013-02-13 8:59 PM (#130774 - in reply to #130675)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
That was it! Thank You Mucho!
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Posted 2013-02-13 8:59 PM (#130775 - in reply to #130704)
Subject: Re: Problem with: Cigarette Adapter Plug European Style Extension

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
That Worked! Thanx!
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