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Another tire thread
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2012-08-29 12:04 PM (#122524)
Subject: Another tire thread


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
About 4 months ago, I had new Dunlap's put on my Vision. From the moment I pulled out of the shop, The front end had a wobble when you shook the handle bars. I chalked it up to the tire being new and needed to be broken in. It actually had me spooked. I tried all the normal remedies, pressure, alignment, etc, and could never get confident in the tire.

After reading here and other forums, I decided to take this tire off and give the Bridgestone's a try. I just finished a 2100 mile 4 state ride from California to Colorado and back, mostly in the high country, riding twisty trails. I never once thought about the wobble. Some of the ride was even in rain.
This tire is day and night better.

I was at my local dealer and happened to mention this to one of the mechanics. He said that he had just installed a Dunlop on the front of a Cross Country and noticed the same thing. He immediately changed it out. Anyways, thought I would share this with you all.

I am now a Bridgestone believer.
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Posted 2012-08-29 12:11 PM (#122525 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

Thanks for sharing. Having had about 6 front tires on my Vision, all Dunlop Elite III's, not once have I felt a wobble. I wonder what the difference is?

I run 41psi in front and rear, how about you?

Edited by varyder 2012-08-29 12:12 PM
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Posted 2012-08-29 1:52 PM (#122528 - in reply to #122525)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
You had E3s on it from the factory. Did you ever notice this then? I am on my second VV and 4th set of E3s and have never experienced this. I wonder if you had a bad one. Depending on how the dealer stored them, I wonder if it developed a flat spot or they got a defective batch in.

Changing from the E3, you should read this thread:
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2012-08-29 5:03 PM (#122537 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Got 3 Vics and always have replaced with the factory recommended Dunlop.

I tried air pressure from 36-42. Never felt stable. I am assuming I got a bad tire.

I like the Stone's and they are much cheaper and easier to get.
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Posted 2012-08-29 5:43 PM (#122539 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 32
I've been very happy with my Michelin Commander II. Slightly oversized, but rides great and the wear thus far looks favorable. Plus a good ride...

Ride safe.

Edited by Bix 2012-08-29 5:44 PM
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Double Vision
Posted 2012-08-29 6:49 PM (#122548 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread


Posts: 281
My Vision picked up a wobble between 20-30 mph with a new E3 installed last month. Since then I've abused that tire on the Dragon, the Snake (5 times), the Back of the Dragon (twice), the Cherohala Skyway (twice) and a host of other roads between NJ and NM. I'll replace that E3 with a new E3 when the time comes. I'm sold on the Dunlops. My Vision has over 40,000 miles, all on Dunlop E3s.
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Posted 2012-08-29 7:15 PM (#122552 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio

You know that touring bikes weigh a lot more than a cruiser or smaller motorcycle. Not knowing how you ride - 1-up, 2-up, street trim, tour pack, trailer, etc, tire load ratings play a critical roll in your safety. E3s are the only choice if you roll heavy.

Just trying to help out fellow riders.
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Posted 2012-08-29 8:23 PM (#122558 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
I also put a new G709 on the front 2 weeks ago. I'm still reserving judgement until it is half worn out since E3's only gave me trouble when they started cupping. But I will say the harder tread compound in the center seems to be best suited for folks who ride straighter roads than I do. So far, so good with the 'Stone!
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Posted 2012-08-29 9:29 PM (#122564 - in reply to #122524)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread


Posts: 259
Land O Lakes, FL
I'm also a huge Stones convert. I don't "mind" the E3's but the Stones are a nicer riding tire. Even the local guys here say the same thing. If you get a good set of Dunlops they are great but inconsistent. I had the dreaded wobble on my wing and the stones fixed that and rode so much nicer. They are also a bit of sharper turning tire and I feel give better handling feel and don't cup as easy. The E3's don't have quite such an aggressive profile and provide a more neutral handling, neither sharp nor dull but somewhere in the middle. The Stones handle more precise. My E3's are almost done and will be getting the stones as a replacement.

They are quickly becoming a favorite of the Wingers, I know I'm sold. They also have a bit higher load rating than the Dunlops which helps them cope better with the heavier bikes like ours so they don't cup as easy. Now if you don't watch your air pressure, like any other tire they will cup as well, but if you pay a little attention to them they are great. Really transform the ride for the better.

Just my .02 on the subject...

Edited by PhantomX 2012-08-29 9:31 PM
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Posted 2012-08-30 8:00 AM (#122575 - in reply to #122564)
Subject: Re: Another tire thread

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
Unfortunately, we will probably be hearing more stories of tire blowouts with the heavy weight motorcycles riding on the lower capacity tires.
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