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Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1
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Posted 2012-07-16 3:08 PM (#119576)
Subject: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
I would like to hear some opinions of how the sound of Witchdoctor baffeled pipes compares to the S1/ L1 pipes.
I've read several posts where guys took the baffeled witchdoctors off because they felt they were too quiet and went with the unbaffeled version. That is way over the top for what I'm looking for.
Exhaust tone is subjective I realize. What I'm looking for is something just a little deeper or more of a rumble than the S1/L1s offer without being obnoxious.
I was all set to go with the Thundersticks due to their amazing deep rumble. That is, until I heard them on a Vision first hand. They were great until the throttle was cracked. That's when they got too sharp and obnoxious for my liking. The rider told me never got above 3500 RPM going through the gears.
Your input would be appreciated
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Posted 2012-07-17 7:25 AM (#119614 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
Here is a sound clip of the baffled pipes I have on mine.
I want some louder pipes so these are for sale right now here but if they don't sell real quick they will be used as core for no baffle set. The baffled are louder than stock but not obnoxious once you are cruising you can't hear them unless you really listen but my buddies tell me they can still hear them following me. Where are you located?

Edited by conn-e-rot 2012-07-17 7:26 AM
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Posted 2012-07-17 11:37 AM (#119626 - in reply to #119614)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
Thanks for the reply, the great description, and the links. I'm located in Wichita, KS. A member of the Flint Hills Victory Riders
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Posted 2012-07-17 11:39 AM (#119628 - in reply to #119614)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
Oh, I forgot to ask, With the baffeled witchdoctor pipes, did you have to change your fuel mapping?
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Posted 2012-07-17 11:59 AM (#119629 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
I have heard the unbaffled pipes in person. I think they have the best sound and volume of any pipe yet. I will be ordering mine in the near future.
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Posted 2012-07-17 12:22 PM (#119631 - in reply to #119629)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
Thanks! That's exactly the first hand kind of info I'm looking for!
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Posted 2012-07-17 12:37 PM (#119632 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
no remapping on mine and it runs fine I will be adding a power commander and custom map this winter but that is after some other goodies I have planned
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Posted 2012-07-25 1:29 PM (#120178 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 128
You do not need to do a remap. The bike will run just fine. Thanks for all the positive comments!
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Posted 2012-08-13 12:49 PM (#121448 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 65
Installed the WitchDoctors Muscle Muffler w/o baffle over the weekend. One word, Wow!

Keep doing a double take to make sure it's a V-Twin and not a Big Block V-8, lol.

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Posted 2012-08-13 7:24 PM (#121474 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 128
Glad you liked them. Now you know why we call them "Muscle mufflers" Because they sound like an old muscle car!!
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Posted 2012-08-14 2:22 PM (#121509 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
I would like to add that I have heard S1,2 and Atom bombs in the past, but not all together. Ordered my WD w/o baffle pipes. Should be here in 6 to 8 days. Let ya'll know more after I get them on.
Vision-Marine.......How was the install? Factory pipes fight much coming off?
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Posted 2012-08-16 8:36 AM (#121606 - in reply to #121509)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 65
wtwhitelaw - 2012-08-14 3:22 PM

I would like to add that I have heard S1,2 and Atom bombs in the past, but not all together. Ordered my WD w/o baffle pipes. Should be here in 6 to 8 days. Let ya'll know more after I get them on.
Vision-Marine.......How was the install? Factory pipes fight much coming off?

Install was pretty easy. It was my 1st time taking anything off the vision. You have to open your saddlebags and remove the saddlebag door (6 bolts each side). Once you do that, than you can access the trim bolts (Torx bolts size 25 only need to remove 5 on each side, not the very last one above the tips). Then remove the lower trim panel to expose the two bolts holding up the exhaust. remove those two and give it a few twists and it should slide out fairly easy. should take about an hour or a little longer total to install both sides. Pretty straight forward. Look at the youtube video for the Muscle Muffler on the cross country for some tips on mounting the heat shields. Otherwise, there was nothing tricky at all about the install. Good luck!!!

Edited by Vision-Marine 2012-08-16 8:39 AM
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Posted 2012-08-18 7:04 AM (#121722 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
Thanks for the tips. Mine came in the mail yesterday and I will be installing this weekend!
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Posted 2012-08-19 12:43 PM (#121753 - in reply to #121722)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
Modified a set of stock pipes by removing the baffles. Hope they sound the same as the "muscle" muffler by
WD. A little cutting, welding, & painting.... Install is planned for the afternoon. If they sound
like I expect them to, DIY post later this week in the tech reference section.
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Posted 2012-08-20 9:39 PM (#121870 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: Re: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 259
Land O Lakes, FL
I drilled my stockers out. Hole saw to open the inner baffle and then drilled 6 1/2" holes around the end of the muffler. I have the six shooter tips so you can't see the holes. Sounds great, and super cheap. About $20 for parts. Now its not as deep as these but still a good sound. I'll have to get a sound clip up
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Posted 2012-08-21 1:10 PM (#121894 - in reply to #119576)
Subject: RE: Question: Witchdoctor pipes compared to S1/L1


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
Witchdoctor; I understand you're going to be at the VMC national event in Hot Springs. Will you have pipes? I'd sure like to hear the baffled pipes before I take my S1/L1's off.
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