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Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken
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Posted 2012-05-30 9:56 AM (#115505)
Subject: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 251

Hello All

I am looking for a telephone number for Victory either in Canada or the US. I dropped the bike at a stop with my wife on the back and as it fell over the "passenger hand grip" the she was holding broke off (she's alright, just a bruise on her arm). The Polaris warranty is telling my dealer that the passenger hand grip is a "cosmetic tybe body panel" and therefore is not covered. I cannot believe that Victory would not cover what is clearly one of the safety features on the bike... Or at least I hope not???


Edited by Gerica 2012-05-30 10:20 AM
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Posted 2012-05-30 11:13 AM (#115509 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: RE: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
Your dealer should get it covered, that being said, you may want to talk to another dealer that can and will get it taken care of for you. If you are out of warranty that could bring up another issue. My dealer here in Oklahoma City area has gotten things covered that I would not have thought would be covered. I beleive its the dealer and not Victory. Good luck.
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Posted 2012-05-30 11:39 AM (#115513 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: Re: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 251

Thanks for the advice. However, in my case the closest dealer (where I bought the bike) here in Canada is still a ferry ride away. If I don't get anywhere soon I will go to the dealers in Alberta. I don't know if the dealers in Washington state can help a canadian customer... I will say that I have sic'd my wife on them now and we are looking at buying another bike so I am sure that something will happen... Thanks Again
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Posted 2012-05-30 3:20 PM (#115527 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: Re: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Um....don't have a phone can't help you there.

However I do need to ask some things, hope you understand.

Why would you expect Victory to warranty something that YOU broke?

I'm trying to figure out how "safety feature" makes any type of difference in this case. I mean the tipovers are a safety feature, so if someone slides their bike and gouges or bends or breaks the tipovers can they expect Victory to warranty them??

And also....I think calling the handles a safety feature is perhaps a stretch. I agree that they are just "cosmetic" handles and aren't designed and/or intended to be a safety feature. While they are stout and in theory should hold the average person on the average bike drop they aren't truly designed to be indestructible. Actually I think its a balance between functional and cosmetic. If they designed to be indestructible then they run the risk of them not "breaking off" when they need to which then could lead into a liability situation.

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Posted 2012-05-30 4:21 PM (#115531 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: Re: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 251

Questions are always good as are diffeent points of view, and I can see we definately have that... LOL!

If the passenger handles are not there for the passenger to hold onto, especially during a tip over, then what are they there for? And I do understand that everything breaks, however, there has to be a certain amount of common sense that if something is used and not abused, under reasonable circumstances that it will not fail. There is quite a difference between a crash at whatever mph and tipping over at a stop sign. I would think that if the handle breaks under the tipover scenario should that not send up a few flags? Not to mention that every video and demo (put on by Victory Dealer, shows using the handles to assit in lifting the bike... I guess its a good thing that I never had to rely on this after tipping the bike over and while I was alone because I would probably still be there...

I guess my point is that I know that there are limits, however, in this case I do not feel that there was a great amount of stress put on this part for it to have failed the first time that it was used? Am I really being that unreasonable? Please let me know?

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Posted 2012-05-30 7:12 PM (#115543 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: Re: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i dont think anywhere in the owners manual is there a guarantee of the tip over protection? i mean the hand rails are plastic arent they?? speaking of safety issues. on my 08 at 21k miles i had the rear rotor Fail on me!!! the floating part of the rotor was shot! i had the extended warranty.. the dealer called it in.. DENIED... they said read the fine print in the warranty. They were right, rotors are Not covered. that would be a serious safety issue! and what pissed me off when i bought a replacement rotor my dealer said there was a NEW part number for the rotors on the 08.
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Posted 2012-05-30 8:36 PM (#115550 - in reply to #115505)
Subject: Re: Victory Contact Info - Passenger Hand Grip Broken


Posts: 251
No, the hand grip mounts are metal... As for your rotors, obviously the company hid behind the fine print to avoid providing good faith for a part that they obviously knew that was substandard... Absolutely not right. During moments of weakness it really infuriates me when I hear that when the public takes as normal acceptible practice something that years ago would have not been thought of to be done to consumers... The times they are a changing...

In anycase, I would like to thank everyone for your comments and ideas, I just have to, once again, suck it up buttercup and move on...

Thanks All
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