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Dunlop E3s
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Posted 2012-05-22 10:34 AM (#114887 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Chris - just remember what I recently forgot. The bike will react much quicker to your input - you have to 're-learn' some things - quickly.

And something I also forgot - with new tires, the bike leans over further when on the side-stand. And is MUCH harder to pull it back upright !!!
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Posted 2012-05-22 10:35 AM (#114888 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
My poor planning has given me a deal. I'm at Star City Power Sports in Roanoke in dire need of a tire. I'm figuring $300+ for the whole ordeal. The E3 is cheaper than I found on line at $194 and they'll take off the bike and mount for $61, and they're doing it right now. I'm on my way to fort Knox and the old tire was below the wear bars, shame on me.
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Posted 2012-05-22 12:36 PM (#114894 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Just replaced my E3s with a new set of E3s. Just past 14k. Got my annual vehicle inspection and the front just passed, (sort of), had to promise to replace. Rear could have gone a while longer, but if I'm going through the effort of jacking up the bike and ruining my day, it's all getting done. Even changed out the brake pads while it was apart.

I thought 14K was reasonable, especially considering about 5K of that was on newer concrete roads. You can almost watch the rubber come off!

I considered trying another brand, but why? These did everything I asked for, why change on the opinion of another if I'm satisfied with what I have. Just say'in.
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Posted 2012-05-22 12:36 PM (#114895 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
New tire on. If you're around the VA-KY-TN border, you might see smoke on the mountain...
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Posted 2012-05-23 5:48 PM (#115022 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Man, what a ride on a new pair of shoes. The front is fairly new, but it's amazing the difference from a worn tire, at the wear bar and a new tire. There was good and bad about having a new tire while riping through the mountains. First, the handling was superb on the dry pavement. But it was raining most of the way. The problem was until that tire coating wore off I was doing a lot of sliding around turns, but surprisingly I just went with it. Fortunately the heavy down pours were on the straight interstates. One time I was following a semi in the hammer lane and that idiot was doing 75 and 80 in the pouring rain. I was focused on the road and it didn't even feel we were going that fast at all. No hydroplaning, no nothing. In the mountains going across 58 and 25E there were some heavy rains, but mostly just a steady rain and a mist, on and off. The thing is, it is looking to be the same way on my ride home tomorrow. Bring it on...

Edited by varyder 2012-05-23 5:49 PM
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Posted 2012-05-23 9:20 PM (#115043 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
I was running 41PSI front & back on the last set. Rear looked even and good, Front looked considerably thinner in the centerline, so left the rear at 41 and cut the front back to 39 psi. See if that evens it out some. Also re-installed "Ride-On".
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Posted 2012-05-24 2:37 AM (#115048 - in reply to #115022)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 244

Varyder: If you get this give me a call on the cell 502.544.3277. I am just 10 miles North of Ft. Knox on 31W.

I like to share a cup of coffee and meet you. Or call me before you hit town< I can meet you and ride down to knox's with you.

Rick in Lou. KY

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Posted 2012-05-24 4:00 AM (#115050 - in reply to #114143)
Subject: Re: Dunlop E3s


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Rick, I'll be leaving around 10:30am this morning heading north on Dixie hiway to 64E. Will you be around then??
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