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Bike wont start if not in neutral
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Posted 2012-04-14 9:11 PM (#112223)
Subject: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
So i have two interesting issues....

1) the windshield works intermittently going up and down with the switch, most often NOT working. But then some day ill test the switch and itll work for a few seconds. This is not a big deal for me as all since i leave it low all the time. I only figured out cause one day i was riding and some truck had spewed a ton of black smoke so i tried to raise it to have it go around my helmet, and it didnt work.

2), and more importantly for me, i used to be able to keep the bike in first, pull up the kickstand, pull in the clutch and start it. Now nothing happens. I can only start it by putting it in neutral. Not stopping me from riding, but something that should be fixed i guess.

Any ideas of what to check? I have another 1.5 years of warranty, but dont want to give up my bike cause then that means i have to (ugh) drive a car to work.

2009 vision premium tour
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Posted 2012-04-14 9:34 PM (#112229 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
I love troubleshooting electrical problems. The first thing is to determine if any of these could be related. Not likely but but not impossible. The first thing to eliminate is the battery/vehicle ground connection. Make sure the battery connections are good and battery ground is solid going to the fuse box and chassis. When the shield will not go up/down does the headlight dim? If you connect at voltmeter accross the battery does the voltage drop even when the shield stays still?
There is a switch on the kickstand and at the clutch lever, it is possible the clutch lever switch is defective. It is a very simple device and could be checked in no time. My brake lamp handlebar switch went bad and Had the dealer order and I continued to ride just had to make sure I used the foot brake to activate the brake light when in traffic.
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Posted 2012-04-14 9:45 PM (#112231 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Pretty sure no kickstand switch. I would go with clutch handle switch for not starting in gear.
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Posted 2012-04-15 5:25 AM (#112241 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
They could be related, but personally I would find the problems and fix them. If it is one thing affecting two noticeably, but you may have bigger problems, the ground is the first and most simpliest to check. If the two is unrelated, then it may be your windshield motor, I think I recall someone else having an issue and got it replaced. There is no kickstand switch, so it may be in the clutch switch if it only starts in neutral. I don't like to take too much of a chance when it comes to electrical, because if it eventually affects the high dollar electronics, you'll be sitting for a while.
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Posted 2012-04-15 7:24 AM (#112244 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
As for the windshield, I would firstly look at the switch, even spray some contact cleaner in and around the toggle, if you almost never use it as you stated, it may very well be corroded or dirty. As for the not starteing in gear. I would also look at the cluth handle safety switch. it is out in the open and a quck visual may determine that it is also dirty/gummed up. When you depress the clutch, the pin may be sticking and coming out slowly, looking from under the handle bar, squeeze the clutch fully and watch that the safety pin on the switch is coming out all the way. It maybe sticky, or the sping is weak and takes a bit of time for it to make contact. The time it takes to put the bike in neutral with the engine off, and while putting the kickstand down, I am guessing you probally are holding the the clutch in, may the time it is taking for a slow reacting switch to operate. The pin on this switch moves approx 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. Check the simple stuff first, both issues are steming from the left hand control. If they look fine then maybe a rub/worn wire/s between the control and the main body of the bike. Just my 2 bits.
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Posted 2012-04-15 11:03 PM (#112318 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
As far as the kickstand switch, I was confusing it with another bike.
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20 10 Vision
Posted 2012-04-16 10:53 AM (#112348 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 430
I was also having problems with the windshield not going up and down all the time. I cleaned and sprayed all the contacts and it now works fine.
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Posted 2012-04-16 11:08 AM (#112349 - in reply to #112318)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

wroman - 2012-04-16 12:03 AM As far as the kickstand switch, I was confusing it with another bike.

Perhaps, but Victory riders are too grown up to need such a device...

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Posted 2012-04-16 2:11 PM (#112353 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
Hose down the contacts with heavy duty contact cleaner before you tear into switches, usually if it WAS working, and now works some of the time, it's most likely crudded up contacts.
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Posted 2012-04-22 10:12 AM (#112698 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: RE: Bike wont start if not in neutral

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 39
Reedley, CA
I am confused the obvious answer is take to dealer, you have 1.5 yrs left on warranty
You paid for the warranty, why not use it
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Posted 2012-04-22 10:49 AM (#112701 - in reply to #112698)
Subject: RE: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Cletisv - 2012-04-22 11:12 AM

I am confused the obvious answer is take to dealer, you have 1.5 yrs left on warranty
You paid for the warranty, why not use it
I know, but the silly reason is, well, I REALLY love riding. I ride every day, rain or shine. And if I have to drop if off at a dealer, that means a few days of having to drive. Silly I know, but riding in to work is kinda like my "coffee" in the morning. Wakes me up, and makes me happy.

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Posted 2012-04-22 12:11 PM (#112703 - in reply to #112701)
Subject: RE: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 4278

sfalexi - 2012-04-22 10:49 AM Cletisv - 2012-04-22 11:12 AM I am confused the obvious answer is take to dealer, you have 1.5 yrs left on warranty You paid for the warranty, why not use itI know, but the silly reason is, well, I REALLY love riding. I ride every day, rain or shine. And if I have to drop if off at a dealer, that means a few days of having to drive. Silly I know, but riding in to work is kinda like my "coffee" in the morning. Wakes me up, and makes me happy. Alexi


You said it you ride rain or shine. So if you ride in the rain there will be a drop of water thay will screw you.

Now and then a little lube here and there and a spray cleaner here and there will make you go a long ways.

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Posted 2012-04-22 3:56 PM (#112718 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 4278
It just came to me there is a pop out button behind the clutch lever. Pull clutch lever and you will see a black pin that should go in an out when you use the clutch. Maybe its broken or stuck in.
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Posted 2012-05-05 5:52 PM (#113585 - in reply to #112223)
Subject: Re: Bike wont start if not in neutral


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
OK. The black pin moves freely in and out, not stuck or slow. I unplugged the little connector by the clutch lever, and sprayed some connection cleaner in there and around the cracks of the windshield switch. I checked the fuse for the windshield (a pain to do with the windshield down) and it's good. I then slightly took apart the controls on the handlebars to see what the windshield switch looked like and it looks like a sealed switch so water shouldn't have bothered it anyway.

So my DIY routes are exhausted. Time to go on vacation, come back, and then drop it off at a dealer and hopefully they won't delay fixing it. I know tons of dealers treat bikes like "toys" and take their time fixing it figuring that the customer doesn't need it, but it's my daily driver. Maybe they'll have a loaner or something (doubtful), but I can't have it staying at some dealer for a week cause they took 5 days to get around to "looking at it" or something (it's happened before)

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