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am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch
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Posted 2008-07-04 10:43 AM (#12865)
Subject: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 59
I live in Ca. and my right side is frying am i the only one?? what can be done to get the heat away, will new flow thru exhaust help or do i need to make a heat shield or something. tnx, tom
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-07-04 11:39 AM (#12868 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Tom, I had the same experience when I demo'd the Vision (see my review). There are lower louvres available to help add cooling air - see photo. Beyond that, you might consider adding highway pegs and moving your foot to them.
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Posted 2008-07-04 7:30 PM (#12888 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

I know you probably have checked this but...if you have a Premium Vision or heated seats, center the toggle switches under the left side of the passenger seat. When I got my Vision home from the dealer I found the passenger seat heater on high.
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Posted 2008-07-04 8:34 PM (#12891 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I have a problem with the vinyl seats. I'm looking at getting a leather seat. It allows a little more breath and prevents baboon butt.
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Posted 2008-07-04 8:45 PM (#12894 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 537
, FL United States
For your leg the highway pegs work well for cooling down your legs put their are some issue with them. The head of the bolt that keeps the pegs on is a little big and need to be replaced. Some don't like where the pegs are they tend to raise your feet a little.
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Posted 2008-07-04 11:36 PM (#12902 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 72
Eden Prairie, MN
tom - 2008-07-04 9:43 AM

I live in Ca. and my right side is frying am i the only one?? what can be done to get the heat away, will new flow thru exhaust help or do i need to make a heat shield or something. tnx, tom

I have about 6000 miles in the seat and only notced the heat a couple of times. However, I wear leather chaps. Ironically, I find that chaps help keep cooler in the sun and protect my legs from heat from the pipes and engine.
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Posted 2008-07-05 11:43 AM (#12917 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 537
, FL United States
Did I read somewhere that the lower deflectors were comming into the dealers with the VHB tape now.
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Posted 2008-07-05 4:23 PM (#12925 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Rainmaker: I have experimented with, and without chaps, and you are right! Without the chaps, my leg just cooked! With them, although still quite warm with weather in the 90's, my leg didn't feel it would catch fire...I will sometimes just wear shorts under the chaps, and it is a good comprimise.------Metalguy
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mike s
Posted 2008-07-05 8:35 PM (#12930 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 223
Valdosta, GA
Better flowing exhaust, pull the "cat cons" and get off of Victory's maps. Pick up one of Lloydz tuners and add a little more fuel to your mix. Mine runs fine at all temps. I do notice it'll pick up a bit of heat when I get on it pretty hard, but it dissipates fairly quickly once I settle back down.
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Posted 2008-07-06 5:26 AM (#12941 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 141
Cumming, GA
I have the lower deflectors installed and the heat problem has disappeared. They are available through the dealer, but make sure that the ones you buy have the 3M VHB (very high bond) tape on them. The original pair that I had did not have the proper tape and one fell off. The dealer covered it under warranty. They work great and I am glad since I am getting ready to take a 5k trip starting 8/11. Going to the AVR, across SD to CO to Yellowstone, to Denver, to Phoenix, to San Antonio, to Mobile, Al and back to Atlanta, GA.
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Posted 2008-07-06 11:09 AM (#12952 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 59
tn x bob
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Posted 2008-07-06 2:19 PM (#12960 - in reply to #12930)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 353
mike s - 2008-07-05 5:35 PM

Better flowing exhaust, pull the "cat cons" and get off of Victory's maps. Pick up one of Lloydz tuners and add a little more fuel to your mix. Mine runs fine at all temps. I do notice it'll pick up a bit of heat when I get on it pretty hard, but it dissipates fairly quickly once I settle back down.

It's what I've got, Cycle Dragon pipes, cat's removed and LLoyds VFC-08v and the heat is still there, funny though, the heat that bothers me most is not the stop and go traffic but the heat that is captured in the almost motionless bubble behind the legs while cruising at 70mph.
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Posted 2008-07-06 4:17 PM (#12961 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 400
I went on a trip with my wife this weekend to a state park. The park has about 30 miles of roads. I was stuck in 2nd gear most of the time going between 20 and 25 miles per hour. A few times I was up around 30 miles per hour and in 3rd gear. My oil temp was around 250 degrees and I was roasting. It would be great if Vision owners with level 1 and level 2 upgrades, or any upgrades , could post their oil temps. I have the Victory oil dipstick with a thermometer. I usually run around 210 degrees regardless of outside temp. When it gets really hot outside, the oil temp creeps up to 230-240 degrees.
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Posted 2008-07-06 5:00 PM (#12963 - in reply to #12961)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

IndyVision - 2008-07-06 4:17 PM I went on a trip with my wife this weekend to a state park. The park has about 30 miles of roads. I was stuck in 2nd gear most of the time going between 20 and 25 miles per hour. A few times I was up around 30 miles per hour and in 3rd gear. My oil temp was around 250 degrees and I was roasting. It would be great if Vision owners with level 1 and level 2 upgrades, or any upgrades , could post their oil temps. I have the Victory oil dipstick with a thermometer. I usually run around 210 degrees regardless of outside temp. When it gets really hot outside, the oil temp creeps up to 230-240 degrees.

IndyVision, I'm still running stock, though that is not what you asked for. I've got the same dipstick and mine runs between 170 - 200 and sometimes a little over, even in the hot days and slow traffic. Maybe around 220 it will read. But we have to keep in mind that this little buggers may not be exactly right as it sounds we have about a 10 degree variance. 

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Posted 2008-08-26 11:16 PM (#17002 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch

New user

Posts: 3
I went to yellowstone and back home to WA. and noticed the same thing. I have over 12,000 miles on mine. I put 3,00 in two weeks with no monkey butt but a hot crotch and right leg.
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Posted 2008-08-27 7:49 AM (#17016 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 294
rhode island
Put the lower wind deflectors on, and you'll feel like you'er riding an open motorcycle.
Not sure why there's still folks putting up with the heat when the solution is so easy,
and no i don't find them ugly, but extremely effective.

Edited by sandman 2008-08-27 7:50 AM
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Posted 2008-08-27 9:43 AM (#17018 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 103
Hi Pinkiegirl I like a girl with a hot crotch,
a right leg and no monkey butt. Single by chance? Bruce
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Posted 2008-08-27 12:54 PM (#17024 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
I am also a Ca. Rider an the lower wind deflectors is the answer. Easy install and it is like turbo A/C on your legs. Last week I rode to Yuba City, it was about 95 that day but up to 100 at some points during the trip. Just rotate the deflectors and they capture the air and force it right across the legs. With the deflectors no heat issue at all. I highly recommend them. A quick easy fix.
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Posted 2008-08-27 1:42 PM (#17025 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 79
Austin, Texas
Again, it is an appearance issue. The mounts for th lower deflectors come in black which looks like crap on the silver bikes. If Victory would chrome the mounts, it would be excellent. Or, offer them in a color match to the factory paints.

And yes, my right inner calf just below the knee is on fire almost every time I ride. I would not, however trade my ride although I really loved my Kingpin.
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Posted 2008-08-27 4:25 PM (#17033 - in reply to #12941)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 460
Centennial, CO
visionbob - 2008-07-06 3:26 AM

They work great and I am glad since I am getting ready to take a 5k trip starting 8/11. Going to the AVR, across SD to CO to Yellowstone, to Denver, to Phoenix, to San Antonio, to Mobile, Al and back to Atlanta, GA.

Drop me a line. I live in Denver and should be back in town when you are coming through. THAT will be a GREAT ride!
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Posted 2008-08-27 4:44 PM (#17034 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: RE: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
tom - 2008-07-04 9:43 AM

I live in Ca. and my right side is frying am i the only one?? what can be done to get the heat away, will new flow thru exhaust help or do i need to make a heat shield or something. tnx, tom

Yes - The heat is there, but I have found that when it starts shriveling my inner leg hairs, I just extend my legs and point my toes outward and the most wonderful breeze goes up my pants leg. (OK - I reread that and it sounds awfully Un-Manly).

Anyway - I don't like the look of the lower deflectors on the bike. Another Member was looking into some chrome vents (Round or rectangular) that you could put through the front cowling down low. That way, you could open or close them and not have the air in winter. I was hoping that test would go through with some results.

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Posted 2008-09-12 11:08 AM (#17926 - in reply to #12865)
Subject: Re: am i the only one with heat cooking the right leg and crotch


Posts: 143
Sparta, WI
It was a bit of an issue when on long hot rides this summer. Streatching out my legs to "just the right spot" would allow air to flow up my jeans and ultimatley to my crotch. It is a cheap thrill but these days I take what I can get. Now that the weather is cooling off I welcome the warmth. Saw a bike with the wind deflectors on yesterday and the owner said they are the cure for leg heat.
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