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Rear tire change how-to??????
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Posted 2009-06-20 3:54 PM (#37139)
Subject: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I have been searching the forum for this for over an hour now, and to no avail. I need to remove my rear tire from my Vision, and want to do it without messing up things I don't need to take apart. I have all the tools I need, and it is up on my M/C jack....Any help?? I have my tire sitting in the garage waiting to be put on if I just get the old wheel/tire off....Please help. I have found a thread saying there were pics in the gallery of this, but I went to the gallery, and can't find them!!! I am at my wits end, and will soon just remove it the way that seems easiest if I get no replies. Thanks for any help, -----Metalguy
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Posted 2009-06-20 4:02 PM (#37140 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: RE: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 98
Santa Maria CA
the shop manuel has a good break down on changing the rear tire................ if you don't have you should get one.
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Posted 2009-06-20 4:14 PM (#37141 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: RE: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Metalguy, yes the manual does have the breakdown. I didn't use the book when I pulled my off, but I didn't mess anything up either. You need to keep the brake caliber bolted to the bracket. You can remove the pads for easy removal and replacement. I don't know if the manual says that. You can do a search or look for it in the tech q&a forum. That is really the hardest part, getting the brake caliber/bracket back on. you'll have to undo the swing arm for easier removal.

I've got mine all back on now as we speak, changing the oil now and I should be able to fire it up when I get done with the oil change. I still have the rear doors and lower panels to put back on and I'm off for a test ride.

found it

thank David White!

Edited by varyder 2009-06-20 4:16 PM
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Posted 2009-06-20 5:43 PM (#37144 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Thank you fr posting this Vary. I have the tire off now, and it will be at the dealer to have the new one mounted today!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2009-06-21 8:54 AM (#37181 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 71
Opelika, AL
Actually, if it is on a lift, you can unbolt the shock and the rear tire swings down.. much easier that way...
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Posted 2009-06-21 9:58 AM (#37187 - in reply to #37181)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 1484
If you go to my gallery, there is a sequence of pictures that pretty much walk you through the removal. Going back with the new tire is harder, it is best to have a helper to push the axle through while your holding stuff in place.
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Posted 2009-06-21 11:20 AM (#37189 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I am waiting on tires, now...I did remove the lower shock bolts, then the axle nut, and the axle, and the belt, then rolled the tire on out. Way easy. I left the disc brake bracket on. Once I got the worn out tire off, I found at least two pieces of debris in it! A nail, and a large copper piece. Glad it was worn out, now. While I am waiting for my tires, I will clean, clean, and inspect under there. I have a small trip this coming weekend with my Dad (76 Y.O.) ------Metalguy
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Blue Demon
Posted 2009-10-20 1:35 AM (#46244 - in reply to #37187)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 99
Kansas City, Ks

Caught a nail and was laying on the garage floor seeing if I could remove the wheel myself and have it fixed. I'm laying
there comtiplating all the s#/t I was going to have to remove so I could slide the axel out. Well, then i was giving thought
to loading it all up and just taking it to the dealer and having them do it all.

So, I popped onto here, put "rear tire removal" in the search engine and low and behold there was the answers that I was
looking for. Remove the shock bolts from the swing arm.... 15 minutes later, I have the tire off next to the bike.

Great site and, again, Thanks...
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Posted 2009-10-20 12:11 PM (#46261 - in reply to #37189)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
metalguy - 2009-06-21 11:20 AM

While I am waiting for my tires, I will clean, clean, and inspect under there. I have a small trip this coming weekend with my Dad (76 Y.O.) ------Metalguy

I remember something in the beginning about the plastic bushings being cracked where the rear shock absorber attaches. Anyone else remember something about this?? Anyhow, inspect the points where the rear shock attaches.

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Posted 2009-10-20 12:35 PM (#46270 - in reply to #46261)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 1484
In this do it yourself task, where the shock and the strut attach to the swing arm can be inspected and lube applied easily durning the tire change. Also, lube the rear axle during the tire change. A thin film of grease is all that is needed in these areas, I use wheel bearing grease.
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Posted 2009-10-20 12:38 PM (#46271 - in reply to #46270)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
VisionTex - 2009-10-20 1:35 PM

In this do it yourself task, where the shock and the strut attach to the swing arm can be inspected and lube applied easily durning the tire change. Also, lube the rear axle during the tire change. A thin film of grease is all that is needed in these areas, I use wheel bearing grease.

Smooth, not crunchy Peanut Butter does the trick as well, and it is environmentaly safe. Wait, no never mind that is to remove stickers.... sorry....
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Posted 2009-10-20 5:13 PM (#46293 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 1436
metalguy, for future reference you only need to pull the bolt on the suspension strut for it to drop down (throttle side) and not the shock bolt (clutch side).
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Posted 2012-02-09 7:57 PM (#107349 - in reply to #46244)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 155
Stockton, California
Ok. I have decided to take the rear tire off myself. (very nervous since this is all new to me). Anyway I have the manual and have printed out the instructions from VisonTex and have the needed tools. But I have a few questions. First thing is the bolt is a 15mm instead of 17mm. Did they change the size for the 2010? Also, the bolt swings inside a carriage. Is that normal? and lastly I am having an extremely hard time taking the bolt off. It is very, very tight to the point that I feel I am going to break something (on the bike or my knuckles). Any help would be appreciated. THX
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Posted 2012-02-09 8:06 PM (#107350 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
which bolt are you speaking of? I don't want to assume.
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Posted 2012-02-09 8:40 PM (#107355 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 155
Stockton, California
The pushrod bolt on the throttle side. Not the shock bolt. What I have read so far, that is the one to take off.
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Posted 2012-02-09 9:03 PM (#107358 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
yes, that is correct. You've got a lock nut on the inside, and I think it is 15 and the bolt head is 17. But anyway, I could be wrong, so just make sure you've got the right size wrenches. Having a wrench on both the nut and the bolt, I just give a quick snap, opposite pull, and it comes undone. I hope that helps.
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Posted 2012-02-09 9:49 PM (#107360 - in reply to #37139)
Subject: Re: Rear tire change how-to??????


Posts: 155
Stockton, California
Thanks for the input. I will try again tommorrow
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