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ABS light
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Posted 2011-11-30 9:57 PM (#102507 - in reply to #99405)
Subject: Re: ABS light


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Wow, I think it may be a muffler bearing causing the light to come on. Start with the simple things, Sensor must be very close to the tone ring, check conections for corrosion/moisture, finally check the condition of the wire, outer casing sould be rubbed through. ABS systems alway revert back to std braking. ABS light has nothing to do with the fluid system, I guarantee that it is electrical or ECM. JMO!!!
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Posted 2011-12-16 2:40 PM (#103562 - in reply to #102507)
Subject: Re: ABS light

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
norcan - 2011-11-30 9:57 PM

Wow, I think it may be a muffler bearing causing the light to come on. Start with the simple things, Sensor must be very close to the tone ring, check conections for corrosion/moisture, finally check the condition of the wire, outer casing sould be rubbed through. ABS systems alway revert back to std braking. ABS light has nothing to do with the fluid system, I guarantee that it is electrical or ECM. JMO!!!

I agree, it has to be electrical -or- programming (ECU). Last time I went to the dealer, the digital wrench software was due for an update. That usually means that they slipstream minor "fixes" into the various ECU maps!!! Sooo after updating the digital wrench software, I then used it to upload the latest stock flash onto my ECU. Ever since, my ABS has been working (light goes out at 6mph), with one or two minor exceptions. This is opposite from previously, where it would absolutely never work (light always on) with one or two exceptions.

Anyone having issues with your ABS, I highly suggest you go to your dealer, have them update their Digital Wrench software to the latest version (in my case, it was 3.3.1), and reflash your ECU.

Edited by Turk 2011-12-16 2:41 PM
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Posted 2012-01-07 5:50 AM (#104894 - in reply to #102499)
Subject: Re: ABS light

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10

My dealer called and said my bike is fixed. No more ABS and the ABS work as expected. My poor dealer went thru hell replacing everything was ready to start replacing other electrical parts that may not seem directly related. I can't post what was wrong just yet because in all actuallity the dealer spoke to my wife and she relayed to me that the bike was fixed. My wife had to relay the message b/c I am out of the country on business. Anyway as soon as I can get the scoop from my dealer I will let everyone know. I have been getting emails from riders with the same problem wanting to know what the solution is. Looks like my dealer is blazing a path on this one
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Posted 2012-01-07 5:51 AM (#104895 - in reply to #99405)
Subject: Re: ABS light

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Sorry should say 'No more ABS light'
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Posted 2012-01-07 11:56 AM (#104914 - in reply to #104895)
Subject: Re: ABS light

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
Yes! Please post up what they found as soon as you get the chance!


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Posted 2012-01-07 1:58 PM (#104927 - in reply to #99405)
Subject: RE: ABS light


Posts: 232
When i got the bike back from dealer he said they could not find anything wrong. I think it had to be the air gap thing because when i left here i went thru a rain,wind,dirt storm then with the sand and wind down there.
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Posted 2012-01-07 7:03 PM (#104938 - in reply to #99405)
Subject: Re: ABS light


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
A few months ago I took Scream to the dealership to have her hooked up to the computer.
I posted the results on another thread.
Since then, no problems.
So I haven't a clue how or what fixed it.
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Posted 2012-01-14 5:44 PM (#105390 - in reply to #104938)
Subject: Re: ABS light Solved for me.

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
Since some of my error codes indicated it could be a problem with the rear sensor, my dealer ordered one in. We did the swap this morning, which isn't quite as easy as it seems on the surface. Getting to the connector and cutting the tie straps was a bit of a pain, but after the new sensor went on, problem solved. ABS light goes out at 6mph as it should.
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