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Lost 40lbs
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Posted 2012-01-08 6:18 PM (#105010 - in reply to #104870)
Subject: RE: Lost 40lbs


Posts: 100
Hudson, Ohio
varyder - 2012-01-06 6:52 PM

I took the trunk off New Year's Eve and have had it off ever since. I've taken it off before but it never stayed off for long. I'm going to try and go as long as I can, I primarily keep the trunk on to keep my computer out of the weather. I'm going to try something different in case it rains.

I just like the way the bike handles without the trunk. I thought there was little difference but having it on for a year or more and now that it is off, I feel a difference. I had thought about selling my passenger backrest and rack at one time, but now I know I'll never part with it, the trunk on the other hand, well, only time will tell.

Who else has gone "Street" with the tour bike and stayed?

Took my trunk off as well...but lucky to find the passenger back wife and daughter ride with me often so the backrest is great to have. Rarely use the fact, doubt I will ever use it again. The wife doesn't do long trips so I will keep it off until she decides to take one with me.

I love the way it feels and handles (and looks) without the trunk!

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Posted 2012-01-10 10:53 PM (#105177 - in reply to #104944)
Subject: RE: Lost 40lbs


Posts: 232
Rollin' - 2012-01-07 9:43 PM


No trunk. The luggage rack gives me a lot of adjustability.

That look is great. What backrest and rack is that?would love to be able to do my pearl wht that way.
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Posted 2012-01-10 11:24 PM (#105181 - in reply to #105177)
Subject: RE: Lost 40lbs

Iron Butt

Posts: 825
, WI
TRELL - 2012-01-10 10:53 PM Rollin' - 2012-01-07 9:43 PM


No trunk. The luggage rack gives me a lot of adjustability.

That look is great. What backrest and rack is that?would love to be able to do my pearl wht that way.

Victory parts but they stopped making them.

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Posted 2012-01-16 2:40 PM (#105496 - in reply to #104871)
Subject: Re: Lost 40lbs


Posts: 266
Hartland, , WI
willtill - 2012-01-06 5:07 PM

.....Have always wondered how the Vision would handle without it. Then again, I think the styling of the trunk completes the Vision.


It looks more "spatially" balanced...symmetrical.
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