Posts: 307 Columbia, SC | I swear, this is the WORST part of the bike. I HATE that if I try to signal my turn with plenty of notice, it turns off before I make the turn. Then I'm worried whether the person behind me realizes I'm turning, or the person in front of me knows which way I'm turning.
If anyone knows if there's a wire I can cut, or a program I can ask the dealer to flash, or where to poke the vision with a stick so that it disables this feature it'd be MUCH MUCH appreciated. I promise to sing your name to the heavens. Thank you.
Alexi |
Posts: 3773 Pittsburgh, PA | i see your point. but i think what is also bad and danergous is when someone rides with their turn signals on too long... the drivers behind you NO longer pay attention to it.. I see it all the time where i live. a Rider will ride past 2 or 3 turns and their turn signals are still on. Then all the sudden they do turn and you didnt know which turn he or she wanted to make.. I noticed in my area if a rider has a turn signal that doesnt turn off the cars get used to it being on too long and then close the gap between the car and bike. |
Posts: 492 Indianapolis, IN | Also the most common cause of motorcycle deaths is the dreaded left turn in front of the rider. This can easily be caused by a rider that forgets his left turn signal is on after making a turn and then further down the road oncoming traffic at an intersection sees his left turn signal, thinks he is also turning left in the opposite direction. They proceed assuming the bike will turn left and instead the bike slams into the side of the left turn car in front of him
I know its a "Change" that many of us have or are having difficult to adjust to. But it's just a matter of learning a new habit. Now that I am used to my routine on the vision I have to re-learn to remember to cancel the signals on my other bike when I choose to ride it. I would much rather the signal would cancel by itself, cause even on my best day in the past, I would, and still do forget to cancel the signal once in a while. An yes, other drivers do get tired of bikers that forget to cancel their signals, and that's a very dangerous situation. |
Posts: 307 Columbia, SC | I always cancel my signals. Every time. I understand it's great for those people that forget it, but I don't. So I'd like to remove the computer aspect that thinks I'm irresponsible.
How about that guy that thinks you're going straight because your left turn signal canceled itself BEFORE you make the turn?
Alexi |
Posts: 1350
| "or a program" Real simple fix, hit the switch again. O.o I have lots of people ask how I get my turn signals to stay on so long. I just tell them I have "programmed" my brain to hit the switch till I have completed the turn. Simple and costs nothing. |
Posts: 492 Indianapolis, IN | RedRider - 2011-09-15 9:07 AM "or a program" Real simple fix, hit the switch again. O.o I have lots of people ask how I get my turn signals to stay on so long. I just tell them I have "programmed" my brain to hit the switch till I have completed the turn. Simple and costs nothing. Exactly what I do. Hit the switch when I am ready to signal and hit it again as I'm slowing to make the turn. Sounds like a bother but once you do it for a day or two it just becomes automatic. Also If I'm just changing lanes I just hold the switch because when you do this for more than two seconds it cancels immediately upon release. I know it all sounds like a pain, but really it's just learning a new habit. |
Posts: 4278
| I have never had such a frustrating time before with the turn signal. Some times it works the way it should but never take my thumb to far from the button.
I have read the manual more times then I care to so I can get it right but no luck.
The turn signal ranks right up there with changing the headlight bulbs or the chirping belt. Dam Victory |
Posts: 307 Columbia, SC | I hit the switch tons of times too. But it's still frustrating. I shouldn't HAVE to hit the switch up through a turn. That's just a poor design element. An automatic cancelling switch should be time activated or with a gyro so it's activated by lean. Not have ANYTHING to do with MPH.
Alexi |
Posts: 3773 Pittsburgh, PA | its kinda like how back in the last 1970's they made it a law for motorcycle headlights to be ON all the time. we know people had the ability to do it themselves, but would they always? |
Posts: 492 Indianapolis, IN | I'm thinking there must be some type of malfunction for some, perhaps a warranty issue. I really, and I mean really don't have any issues with mine. They work exactly as described in the owners manual and are 100% predictable. If I set the signal well ahead of time, I know I will have to reset it again before I actually make the turn if it takes more than about 10 seconds ( the manual says its based on a preset distance if you are above 15 mph). I hit it one more time and all works just fine. The signal stays on until I begin to accelerate after the turn (again the manual says once you have reached approx. 15 mph). If I am under about 15 mph it will stay on indefinitely while I'm sitting at the light. If I hold it for more than one second when making a turn or lane change, it shuts off when I let go of the button. That's about it. If yours isn't doing this, I'd say something is wrong. |
Posts: 8144 New Bohemia, VA | I'm not really sure how longs yours last, but I refresh every few moments to keep it going until I turn. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 880 Orlando, FL | Try not turning on your signal 5 miles before the turn!!!!!! |
Posts: 307 Columbia, SC | I guess it's the preset distance. Don't know what the distance is, but I tend to put my signal on RIGHT when I start slowing down to turn (or before) so the person behind me knows WHY I'm suddenly slowing down to a crawl on a 45 mph road. Trying to avoid the road rage. I'll see if I can dig up that distance and will just have to gauge better as to how close to the turn I turn it on. Maybe that will help.
Alexi |
Posts: 494 Akron Ohio area | Ohio law states "turn on turn signal 100 feet before the turn.
Unless you're pushing your motorcycle, it won't time out in that distance. |
Central Wisconsin | sfalexi - 2011-09-14 11:54 PM I swear, this is the WORST part of the bike. I HATE that if I try to signal my turn with plenty of notice, it turns off before I make the turn. Then I'm worried whether the person behind me realizes I'm turning, or the person in front of me knows which way I'm turning. If anyone knows if there's a wire I can cut, or a program I can ask the dealer to flash, or where to poke the vision with a stick so that it disables this feature it'd be MUCH MUCH appreciated. I promise to sing your name to the heavens. Thank you. Alexi  The sealed $60 Auto Cancel Module is under the center console. The module appears to receive input from the speed sensor. Don't know what it would take to disable the cancelling without taking a chance of scrapping the module and/or possibly disrupting the cruise control.
Posts: 2118 Pitt Meadows, BC Canada | You guys are scary.
Look - signalling is communicating with other drivers to let them know something about what you intend to do.
I sure as shit do not EVER want other drivers to know what I intend to do - BECAUSE - they will do their best to KILL me once they know what I intend to do.
So - I don't let them know - until the LAST second what that is - and then I 'make it happen' so fast they don't GET a chance to KILL ME! Something I have learned over 52 years. My signals work perfectly. I have had 'auto-stuff' since my first Virago in 1980 - so I know how to use it. Point is - don't let Cager's know what you intend - they will sure as f**k figure a way to make it NOT HAPPEN - or worse. It's called 'Defensive Driving'. And it has worked for me....
And yes, they don't 'Intend to kill me' - they just do weird shit somehow thinking they are making things better. Don't give them the chance - just 'make it happen' before they can do their weird shit. A 'Life Lesson' for y'all ....
Posts: 2118 Pitt Meadows, BC Canada | And an afterthought -
If you are thinking about 'time to cancel my turn signal' ....
You are likely NOT thinking about keeping yourself alive - watching EVERYTHING around you. Let the goddamned signals worry about themselves - keep your thoughts on EVERYTHING that's moving - or about to move. Auto signals are GREAT - cuz they take one more thing out of what you NEED to think about to keep ALIVE !!!
Iron Butt
Posts: 612
| Just as should be done in a car, your turn signals should be activated BEFORE you begin slowing down. I believe the auto-cancel will keep them alive for up to 10 seconds. I just hit the button again when I get close to turning to make sure they are still active.
When changing lanes, I use the 'momentary' function of the switch and simply hold it until my lane change is near complete.... then release.
Those of you who don't like signaling your intentions to other drivers, why not just disconnect your brake light too? Who needs to know your intention to slow down and stop afterall ???? OMFG
Edited by Turk 2011-09-16 8:48 AM
Central Wisconsin | donetracey - 2011-09-15 11:40 PM And an afterthought - If you are thinking about 'time to cancel my turn signal' .... You are likely NOT thinking about keeping yourself alive - watching EVERYTHING around you. Let the goddamned signals worry about themselves - keep your thoughts on EVERYTHING that's moving - or about to move. Auto signals are GREAT - cuz they take one more thing out of what you NEED to think about to keep ALIVE !!! Mr Tracey, You need to take a deep breath and relax man. If somebody wants to tweak their turn signals from cancelling out that is THEIR business. I too like the turn signals cancelling out automatically BUT NOT before I make a turn. Yes I have learned to adapt to the turn signals cancelling out before I turn, by activating the signal switch again. Also I still use my arm as a turn signal when I can. Oh' ... I only have had, my motorcycle license for 38 years.
Iron Butt
Posts: 849 , FL United States | RedRider - 2011-09-15 9:07 AM
"or a program" Real simple fix, hit the switch again. O.o I have lots of people ask how I get my turn signals to stay on so long. I just tell them I have "programmed" my brain to hit the switch till I have completed the turn. Simple and costs nothing.
+1 |
Posts: 523 seattle, wa | You can over ride the self-cancelling system by holding the turn signal button in. If you hold for more than 3 seconds(or maybe it is flashes) it will go off when you release your finger. I am in the habit of holding the button until I complete my turn. I got tired of the signals staying on too long after I have turned. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 741 Central New York | Always drive straight, never turn!
Posts: 1359 New Bohemia, Va | I've only had my moto-license for 27 years, but sadly only about 200,000 miles in the saddle. I've taken two motorcycle safety courses, one to get my privileges on a military post, and about 3 years ago, to renew that privilege. I totally agree with doing things the "right way", however, you really need to know how to ride your bike in the bad situations. I notice it is happening more and more and I have agree with Mr. Tracy as he is on the money about his riding assessment. I don't have statistics on this, but I believe most motorcyclist are involved in an accident because they are thinking the "right way" and doesn't anticipate the idiot driver that does not drive by the rules.
I'm not sure what all of this means, but I have become very defensive in my riding. I'm hoping to share some of the "bad habit" I've gotten into just to do what I believe helps me survive. Just this past week alone riding up to and returning from Jessup, MD, I actually found times that I feared for my life because of the fact I was riding a motorcycle. One instant for some reason I had some idiot that seem to target me because I take off fast from the light just so I can have a safe zone longer. However, he made it a point to get in front of me once I was at cruizing speed, and even cut me off like the idiot he was when we got into traffic. I kept my cool but soon found the opening that he could not take and left the retard behind and enjoyed the rest of my ride.
When I returned to riding, I made sure that I do it slowly, so to speak. I didn't ride every day, and when I would drive my cage I would make assessments of what I would if I was on my bike. This is a process I do even today when I'm driving or riding in a cage. I place blame where blame belongs, if someone runs a red light and T-bones me, it is them that is in the wrong, but I'm still dead or debilitated. Or I can anticipate at EVERY red light that someone maybe a runner and avoid the encounter entirely. This actually happens once about one a month or more. I've had a single close encounter with a runner that I thought that would be the one. That happened nearly two years ago, but it keeps me reminded that it could happen today.
So, what does all this have to do with turn-signals? I'll say this; know your bike and the functions of it. If you have to train yourself to refreshing the turn signal until you have completed your turn. You should not have to think about, you just do it. There are a lot of things that you should just do when riding, because if you are thinking about it, you are not as aware of the dangers that are coming at you. I would ask how many of you practice a panic stop regularly? If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're the next one on the statistics scoreboard. I'll rehearse several times a week, coming to a stop, doing a quick down shift until I get to first gear, and prepare myself to reengage in case I need to. Being able to quickly accelerate out of danger is just as important as knowing how to stop to avoid danger. But if you don't practice and think about these things every day, I hope LUCK is with you, and I don't believe there is anything such as luck. Everything has a reason and purpose. By the way, if you do believe in luck, there is really one kind of luck, bad luck. Think about it.
One last note: Motorcycle Safety Course!
Edited by Cap'n Nemo 2011-09-16 12:24 PM
Posts: 307 Columbia, SC | One instant for some reason I had some idiot that seem to target me because I take off fast from the light just so I can have a safe zone longer. However, he made it a point to get in front of me once I was at cruizing speed, and even cut me off like the idiot he was when we got into traffic. I kept my cool but soon found the opening that he could not take and left the retard behind and enjoyed the rest of my ride. Not for nothing, but isn't this driving OFFensively? Wouldn't DEFensive driving be to back off on the accerator and allow the person that just cut you off to zoom ahead and give yourself that space cushion in front of you? Different mentality I guess than what I would have done.
This is a process I do even today when I'm driving or riding in a cage. I place blame where blame belongs, if someone runs a red light and T-bones me, it is them that is in the wrong, but I'm still dead or debilitated. Or I can anticipate at EVERY red light that someone maybe a runner and avoid the encounter entirely. This actually happens once about one a month or more.I do the same thing. If I'm up front at a red light, when it turns green, I look left and look right before proceeding. If I see a car coming up and it looks like it's going a little too fast to stop at the light or it's just going to run it and try to get through, I wait. Definitely see WAY too many people running that red light where I live now than I ever have anywhere else.
So, what does all this have to do with turn-signals? I'll say this; know your bike and the functions of it. If you have to train yourself to refreshing the turn signal until you have completed your turn. You should not have to think about, you just do it.That's my problem. With non-canceling turn signals, there WAS no thinking. Click to start when you're ready to start signaling. Complete the turn, and push to cancel after you're done. That's it. One push to start, and (for me at least) three pushes to make sure it's canceled. Automatic reaction EASILY put in my brain. Now I HAVE to think and have to pay LESS attention to the road because I simply CANNOT predict when the turn signal is going to cancel itself. Sure I cankeep my thumb pressed against it throughout the turn (which makes it difficult to use the clutch to downshift before a turn and I'm not comfortable not having my thumb wrapped around the bar when I let go of four fingers to pull a clutch lever). Or I can keep my eyes going from the road to my signal indicator so I can push it again whenever it DOES cancel. Or I repeatedly press my thumb to initiate it over and over and over and over again. Which should be unnecessary for ANY rider.
If that flasher module is really only 60 bucks, I'm VERY tempted to do some research on the wiring of the bike and am going to try blocking some pins or wires. There's GOT to be a way.
PS - I know it's wierd, but auto canceling at this point has become a major factor for future purchases. Everyone has their pet peeves. Some DEFINITELY want heated handgrips, some need a topcase, some want to be able to turn off traction control or ABS, etc. etc. I'm just sorely disappointed that for THIS particular bike, it's such trouble to disable it. Most bikes you can easily add or disable these features, and it's frustrating that this bike is SO customizable, except you have to keep a "luxury" feature such as this and there's no way to override it. Silly. Why do they force to except a complex system instead of allowing you the option of going back to a KISS (Keep it simple) method?
This is Victory's version of the KIPASS for the Kawasaki Concourse. Unnecessary complex technology to accomplish a simple task that every rider should EASILY be able to accomplish, or be able to learn to accomplish on their own.
PPS - Made sure to take note today of how it worked while riding. As I was riding at about 35 mph, I put the right turn signal on and started to slow down. Downshifted to 3rd, and the it turned off at about 28 mph, after going about 30 feet. Had to put it back on. Completed the right turn at about 20 mph, sped up, and it turned off at about 30 mph after I had been going straight for about 30 feet (but far after I would have canceled it myself if I hadn't been testing the auto cancel)
Edited by sfalexi 2011-09-16 12:47 PM
Posts: 3773 Pittsburgh, PA | Shoot... I forgot to mention this.... When I got my 2011 that day I had turn signal issues! They would turn off way to soon!! And it got worse a worse to where they would stay on for 2 seconds... So I took the bike to the dealer and they said my turn signal module was bad... So under warranty it was replaced . And now its normal. |
Posts: 1359 New Bohemia, Va | Offensive, defensive, it is a mind-set. I'm riding to get to my destination and hold off the idiots until I get there. I'm not out there to overtake anyone, I just ride, and perhaps some may consider that I ride hard. One thing I notice in the tactic of backing off and letting them get down the road, is that sometimes they want to play the game with you. I've actually gone miles with some idiot playing the game, even though I backed way off. By riding the way I do I feel I'm keeping them from getting the touch-down, and I'm on down the road away from them. Just how I feel. |
Posts: 2118 Pitt Meadows, BC Canada | Cap'n - I ALWAYS ride faster than the 'pack'. Any slower - and you're IN the pack where they WILL try to kill you. And slower than the pack - is even worse cuz the idiots will pass you, then slow down and ogle - pass again ... all kinds of dangerous crap. I get in front - then slow down, keeping the pack at bay - behind me, and not gaining too fast on the pack in front. Lone Wolf I call it. Signalling is less important then, because there is no one around to see it anyway and I will have completed my turns before anyone can do something silly to me.
Of course - sometimes you can't avoid the pack - so you use all the right things to stay alive. For me - this also includes SONGFAN'S 99 LED brake lights, signals, hand signals, and out-and-out menacing glares. Stay alive!
Posts: 8144 New Bohemia, VA | donetracey - 2011-09-16 2:26 PM
Cap'n - I ALWAYS ride faster than the 'pack'. Any slower - and you're IN the pack where they WILL try to kill you. And slower than the pack - is even worse cuz the idiots will pass you, then slow down and ogle - pass again ... all kinds of dangerous crap. I get in front - then slow down, keeping the pack at bay - behind me, and not gaining too fast on the pack in front. Lone Wolf I call it. Signalling is less important then, because there is no one around to see it anyway and I will have completed my turns before anyone can do something silly to me.
Of course - sometimes you can't avoid the pack - so you use all the right things to stay alive. For me - this also includes SONGFAN'S 99 LED brake lights, signals, hand signals, and out-and-out menacing glares. Stay alive!
"LIKE" |
Posts: 1229 Rancho Cucamonga, CA | I think Ark is on the right path, what you are describing is NOT how they should be behaving. Get a dealer involved. |
Posts: 8144 New Bohemia, VA | Arkainzeye - 2011-09-16 2:00 PM
Shoot... I forgot to mention this.... When I got my 2011 that day I had turn signal issues! They would turn off way to soon!! And it got worse a worse to where they would stay on for 2 seconds... So I took the bike to the dealer and they said my turn signal module was bad... So under warranty it was replaced . And now its normal.
if this is the case - have the dealer check it out! |
Central Wisconsin | sfalexi - 2011-09-16 12:44 PM ...That's my problem. With non-canceling turn signals, there WAS no thinking. Click to start when you're ready to start signaling. Complete the turn, and push to cancel after you're done. That's it. One push to start, and (for me at least) three pushes to make sure it's canceled. Automatic reaction EASILY put in my brain. Now I HAVE to think and have to pay LESS attention to the road because I simply CANNOT predict when the turn signal is going to cancel itself. Sure I cankeep my thumb pressed against it throughout the turn (which makes it difficult to use the clutch to downshift before a turn and I'm not comfortable not having my thumb wrapped around the bar when I let go of four fingers to pull a clutch lever). Or I can keep my eyes going from the road to my signal indicator so I can push it again whenever it DOES cancel. Or I repeatedly press my thumb to initiate it over and over and over and over again. Which should be unnecessary for ANY rider. If that flasher module is really only 60 bucks, I'm VERY tempted to do some research on the wiring of the bike and am going to try blocking some pins or wires. There's GOT to be a way. Alexi PS - I know it's wierd, but auto canceling at this point has become a major factor for future purchases. Everyone has their pet peeves. Some DEFINITELY want heated handgrips, some need a topcase, some want to be able to turn off traction control or ABS, etc. etc. I'm just sorely disappointed that for THIS particular bike, it's such trouble to disable it. Most bikes you can easily add or disable these features, and it's frustrating that this bike is SO customizable, except you have to keep a "luxury" feature such as this and there's no way to override it. Silly. Why do they force to except a complex system instead of allowing you the option of going back to a KISS (Keep it simple) method? This is Victory's version of the KIPASS for the Kawasaki Concourse. Unnecessary complex technology to accomplish a simple task that every rider should EASILY be able to accomplish, or be able to learn to accomplish on their own. PPS - Made sure to take note today of how it worked while riding. As I was riding at about 35 mph, I put the right turn signal on and started to slow down. Downshifted to 3rd, and the it turned off at about 28 mph, after going about 30 feet. Had to put it back on. Completed the right turn at about 20 mph, sped up, and it turned off at about 30 mph after I had been going straight for about 30 feet (but far after I would have canceled it myself if I hadn't been testing the auto cancel) I got this response back from a Victory representative.
In 09 the auto-cancel function moved from a separate module into the engine ECM. It cancels the signals earlier at slow speeds than 08 & previous Victory models but works fine in most situations. It was changed again in 2010. Unfortunately there?s nothing that can be done to change it on an 09.
Edited by Thomas 2011-09-27 9:34 PM