3M paint Protecter
Posted 2011-08-22 5:26 PM (#94353)
Subject: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 4278

I can't show you the film cause its all most invisible on my gray vision. I did the panels just in front of the shifter and brake peg where your feet can slid up and scratch the paint.. I did the tip of the front fender and the headlight. 

I saw this film on youtube and a friend has it on his harley trick. The friend had a rock hit his rear fender and it damaged the film but not the paint. 

I gut the film from a friend who works for 3M and she said they sell a lot of it. NAPA caries it. I made templates out of computer paper cut the film and with

a spray bottle of water and 30% of baby shampoo. Spared my fingers with water separated the back from the film and put it in place squeegeed out the water.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At5qvqz1XWI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At5qvqz1XWI

Edited by john frey 2011-08-22 5:28 PM
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Posted 2011-08-22 9:02 PM (#94367 - in reply to #94353)
Subject: Re: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
so you have to cut these to fit the vision? i had the other version of this on my 08 i would like to get some more on my 2011 vision. but the ones i had were Pre-cut.
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Posted 2011-08-23 12:43 AM (#94385 - in reply to #94353)
Subject: Re: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
You can get precut ones from Invisigard, but it will run about $300 for the 23 cut pieces.
Less if you buy thru ebay.
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Posted 2011-08-23 5:42 AM (#94388 - in reply to #94353)
Subject: Re: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 1350
Don't forget to put some on the edge of the fuel tank where the nozzle can damage the paint.
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Posted 2011-08-23 6:17 AM (#94390 - in reply to #94388)
Subject: Re: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
RedRider - 2011-08-23 5:42 AM

Don't forget to put some on the edge of the fuel tank where the nozzle can damage the paint.

My 2008 vision never had this problem, but I never left the fuel pump hanging ... There is actually a warning on my2011 to Not do this...
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Posted 2011-08-23 6:44 AM (#94393 - in reply to #94353)
Subject: Re: 3M paint Protecter


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i had the invisagard on my 2008 it was amazing. i actually heard things bounce off the front of the bike and NO chips. but honestly. out of the 23 piece kit i didnt even use half of them. i heard if you email them they will make you a custom kit, or at leat order them piece by piece. not sure how much it costs, depends on the peices you want..
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