OK - It's Here
Posted 2011-04-18 5:46 PM (#84254)
Subject: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York

For those of you that like the look of the sequential tail lights but don't have the luxury of the time it takes to do it, I can now offer you a completed harness.

For more info go here: http://www.grlighton.com/index.php?p=1_9_Vision-Mod


Thanks for looking.


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Posted 2011-04-18 8:17 PM (#84262 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 4278
Gary are you going to do the front. I think you have a great idea doing this.
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Posted 2011-04-18 9:09 PM (#84263 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
John, I am looking at it and I have some thoughts that I am working through. The front is almost the complete opposite situation as the rear. The rear is a very complex modification on the bike but very doable as an off bike mode because you have a stand alone cable assembly to work with. The front is just the opposite, being a pretty straight forward "on bike" mod but a challenge off bike because all the front is part of the main harness and not separable. As I said, I do have a thought that I think may work. First I need to feel the interest in the rear mod and see if it will produce enough 'working' capital to fund the prototype mod to the front. I will keep you updated.

And thank-you for your interest.
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Posted 2011-04-18 9:26 PM (#84264 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: RE: OK - It's Here


Posts: 3204
What all is involved with taking the harness out and is there any warranty? 
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Posted 2011-04-18 10:15 PM (#84265 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I vaguely remember this mod. What else is needed to make this complete?
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Posted 2011-04-19 7:11 AM (#84275 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
To install this mod you need to remove the seat, tail lights, and trunk (or filler panel).
There is nothing else needed.
Sequencing modules carry a Lifetime Warranty, the rest of the harness 90 days.

If you have the experience under your belt of changing a rear bulb, I would expect you could install this harness in about an hour.
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Posted 2011-04-19 9:38 AM (#84278 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: RE: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York

See It In Action.

Click Here

Edited by glighto11 2011-04-19 9:40 AM
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Posted 2011-04-19 10:00 AM (#84282 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 54
Orangeville, PA
Ok maybe a dumb question so please bear with me. Does this affect my ability to remove the trunk once it is completed? I have looked at other harness mods and was made to believe that afterwards I would no longer be able to remove the trunk. I would like to not lose the option of trunk removal and still having the mod work without the trunk.
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Posted 2011-04-19 10:37 AM (#84285 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 244
Fargo, ND
That's pretty sweet. Do you have a price in mind yet?
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Posted 2011-04-19 10:40 AM (#84286 - in reply to #84275)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
glighto11 - 2011-04-19 7:11 AM

To install this mod you need to remove the seat, tail lights, and trunk (or filler panel).
There is nothing else needed.
Sequencing modules carry a Lifetime Warranty, the rest of the harness 90 days.

If you have the experience under your belt of changing a rear bulb, I would expect you could install this harness in about an hour.

What else, besides the harness, do I need to buy? That is what I really need to know.
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Posted 2011-04-19 11:24 AM (#84288 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 4278
You need light bulbs I think you would put in new ones as long as your there.
Gary's wiring harness is the same as stock and goes where the stock harness goes. No the wiring would not be in your way.
Go back and look at his link and re read what he has to say its very straight forward.
Just wish I could afford his harness.
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Posted 2011-04-19 11:27 AM (#84289 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Has no effect on trunk what so ever.
Nothing else to buy.
Price and info at web site linked in first post.
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Posted 2011-04-19 11:35 AM (#84291 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
I cannot get the vid to play. I will try it on my desktop when I get home. Sounds intresting!
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Posted 2011-04-19 11:45 AM (#84292 - in reply to #84291)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

wseemann - 2011-04-19 11:35 AM I cannot get the vid to play. I will try it on my desktop when I get home. Sounds intresting!


Same here 

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Posted 2011-04-19 6:05 PM (#84324 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
I checked the link with both Explorer and Firefox and it seems to work fine for me.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2011-04-19 8:42 PM (#84340 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
Next question: I have a Bushtec trailer wiring harness installed on my bike. Bushtec did it, so I don't know how it was done. How would you work with it? And would having a trailer attached be of significance with the modification?
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2011-04-19 8:47 PM (#84341 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
Funny about the video - it ran for me yesterday, but not today.
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Posted 2011-04-20 9:23 AM (#84381 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
ummmm. Nope, just a black screen, with the pointer moving like it is playing. Do youhave to be registered to watch?
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Posted 2011-04-20 1:42 PM (#84411 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Seems there are still some having trouble with the video so I listed it on Ebay and now am using there video.
Try this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=30054...
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Posted 2011-04-20 11:25 PM (#84446 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
It just went on my Wish List, great job!
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Posted 2011-04-21 10:51 AM (#84457 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 164
Quad Cities, IL
Pretty cool...but probably doesn't make sense if I run the Kuryakyn 4710 Run/Brake/Turn mod which also flashes the lights 3x with the brakes. Or does it? Can this be run with the 4710 mod?
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Posted 2011-04-21 12:10 PM (#84463 - in reply to #84457)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York

HLUSN8 - 2011-04-21 11:51 AM Pretty cool...but probably doesn't make sense if I run the Kuryakyn 4710 Run/Brake/Turn mod which also flashes the lights 3x with the brakes. Or does it? Can this be run with the 4710 mod?

No. You don't want to mix these two mods. They do completely different things. They will NOT coexist with each other.

If I understand the data sheet correctly, the total net gain of the Kuryakyn mod on your bike is that you gain the brake light in the top bulb. You still only have one signal bulb on each side and no center bulb at all when the turn signal is on. Correct?

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Posted 2011-04-21 4:11 PM (#84491 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 277
Apopka, FL
That is cool as can be. A little steep, but cool nonetheless.
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Posted 2011-04-21 5:35 PM (#84497 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
centrel Minnesota
Love the mod on my list to get, but one question how will this afect trailer wiering? I am usins a powerd converter to a 4 pin flat?
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Posted 2011-04-21 6:11 PM (#84502 - in reply to #84463)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 164
Quad Cities, IL
glighto11 - 2011-04-21 12:10 PM

No. You don't want to mix these two mods. They do completely different things. They will NOT coexist with each other.

If I understand the data sheet correctly, the total net gain of the Kuryakyn mod on your bike is that you gain the brake light in the top bulb. You still only have one signal bulb on each side and no center bulb at all when the turn signal is on. Correct?

With the 4710 mod it turns the trunk lights from running only into running/brake and turn signals. Also it pulses the brake lights (trunk and V) 3x when either the front/rear/both brakes are applied.

You are right that the 4710 mod alone will not do anything to the V lights except pulse them when braking.

However, there is another easy mod I found in this forum where you go to the plug under the seat and pop a pin out which then makes both middle lights brake lights always...even with the turn signal activated. I like that mod too.

Thanks for the input! I do appreciate it.
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Posted 2011-04-21 6:15 PM (#84503 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 164
Quad Cities, IL
Ok so now I am curious, if I were to bag on the 4710 mod for the sequencing lights...Can you sequence the lights from Top down rather than down up? Not sure why but that is how I envisioned it in my head before I saw the video (which I struggled with until it was on e-bay). I imagine others might be curious about this too.
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Posted 2011-04-24 3:51 PM (#84742 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 146
I certainly am!!! I LOVE this mod and it is now 1st on my list (as soon as I can become informed about what will happen to my 4710 run/turn/brake controller)?? I would really like to keep my 4710 due to the activation of the upper (trunk) lights. IS there a way to combine the two to keep the safety features of both??
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Posted 2011-04-28 9:12 PM (#85101 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: RE: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York

Updated modification.

Because of so many inquiries I had added a wired in pigtail for hooking up trailer lights. (I would still recommend a trailer isolation module)


The taps could also be used to tie in resistors for those that choose to go with LEDs. (I supply no input as to what those resistors should be)


 I believe the taps could also be used to drive the 4710 mod for the trunk. (The 4710 would only be driving the trunk, taillights would still be per my mod)


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Posted 2011-04-29 8:05 AM (#85132 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: RE: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York


Apparently EBay has some kid of promotion going on. I was made aware that they have a 10% off coupon on the mod listing.


Can't tell you the details as it has nothing to do with me.

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Posted 2011-05-01 11:36 PM (#85299 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here


Posts: 146
Cool, thx for the info on the 4710 glighto11. I might very well be interested since this is the case.
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Posted 2011-05-08 7:40 PM (#85789 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I just ordered. I know it is Sunday, but is it in the mail yet?
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Posted 2011-05-11 10:03 PM (#86069 - in reply to #84254)
Subject: Re: OK - It's Here

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
Gary, even though I was joking, you had sent me the shipping info on Sunday night! Awesome service.

Installation was straight forward, but I had to remove the one relay (forward one) as it had a wire clamp on it. Removing the relay wasn't that bad at all. This entire project took me about 1.5hrs + I cleaned the rear bumper, waxed the M piece and re-rerouted some wires.

For those that did KansasGuardsman bike light mod, you WILL have to undo this and put it back to stock. I'll be busting out the soldering iron tomorrow and finishing this up (I just have to solder and put the seat back on).
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