After Market Alarm Systems
Posted 2008-04-15 9:03 AM (#8500)
Subject: After Market Alarm Systems

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Strongsville, Ohio
Has anybody tried or thought about purchasing an after market alarm system for their Vision yet?

I have been searching online and in this forum for advice. I have run across a few different brands out there. But I am wondering, if all that glitter and hype is what these units are cracked up to be.

I want to be able to install myself (very capable). My needs, I think are perimeter, motion and nuetralization of the starting system of the Vision.

Fourteen days to go to the delivery of my new Midnite Cherry Tour Premium
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Posted 2008-04-15 6:15 PM (#8524 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 118
Capitol Region of NH
I will be going with this manufacturer for mine. It is the only one that I have found that you can buy the wiring harness that just plugs in. Check out the attached web-site and look around there. There are a few threads about this system, not sure if it was on here or the VMC site.
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Posted 2008-04-15 9:13 PM (#8531 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Thats the first time I have seen the Vision listed on a site other than company site. Makes you feel like they did their homework.
Keep us posted on the install.
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Chandler Tom
Posted 2008-04-15 9:29 PM (#8533 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 89
Chandler, AZ
I had the Scorpio on my 06 Cory Jackpot... Best alarm out there IMO...Make sure and carry the AC Charger when you travel because the battery does go out after about a day of use..
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Posted 2008-04-15 9:30 PM (#8535 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 1324
So Cal
CT, which model did you have?
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Posted 2008-04-15 9:39 PM (#8536 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 1324
So Cal
VICTORYTCRIDER, Thanks for the link. I have no problem with aftermarket accessories, but I want to buy from a company that looks like it will still be in business down the road. The fact that they have the Vision listed gives me a positive feeling about them.
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Posted 2008-04-16 11:43 AM (#8574 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
Jerry, i had the Scorpio installed on my Vis w/ perimeter & motion. It works great but as Chandler Tom said ordering a 2nd charger to carry on your Vision is a "MUST". Was out on a 2 day ride w/ my SO & the fob's battery died. Couldn't set the alarm at the motel so I parked on the sidewalk right next to my room. Ordered 2nd charger next day when I returned home.
The system itself works very well & I am pleased w/ the investment.
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Posted 2008-04-16 11:52 AM (#8576 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
I have the Scorpio i900 on order, it seems to be the best shot, considering others I have had. They have made a special connector for the Vision that is made here in Scottsdale. I picked it up and talked to the Scorpio people and they are 100% behind the unit and integration with the Vision, nice people, on top of their product.
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Posted 2008-04-16 7:15 PM (#8600 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Strongsville, Ohio
Luke and CT,

What's the purpose of the additional charger for the fob? Why does it discharge so fast? Car fobs' batteries seem to last for at least a year.

Ever hear of Talon? Found it while searching a while back.

Thanks, Jerry
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Posted 2008-04-16 7:23 PM (#8601 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: RE: After Market Alarm Systems

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Strongsville, Ohio
Also at the dealer today, they sure are pushing Lo-Jac. I just don't get this product. Why pay for a service that finds your cycle after she's been stolen. Nine times out of ten, the bike is in pieces on the floor. I sure don't want it back. That's why we all have insurance policies to cover theft.

I would like to stop or deter wannabe thieves or just the curious sitters and lookers right off the bat with an audible alarm system.
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Posted 2008-06-23 10:14 PM (#12280 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
They seem to have exceptionally well engineered alarm units but I grow very SICK of having to drag a dozen chargers everywhere I go. I just emailed Scorpio to see if there is a work-around for the battery life issue. If so; I'm sold. If not; I will probably continue to shop around. I have no idea what kind a battery life a 2-way pager usually has but my regular old keyless entry/alarm controllers have ran about 2 years off a single batt (of course I'm offshore every-other month, so maybe that has something to do with it). Anyway; IF they reply, I will post it.

Edited by bigwill5150 2008-06-23 10:22 PM
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Chandler Tom
Posted 2008-06-23 11:06 PM (#12288 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 89
Chandler, AZ
Sorry I didn't see your other post/question. I have the SRi600 TRs-6. D-Jim has the newer model. I believe you can find these on E-Bay for a great price. The fob runs out fast becasue it is a two way radio receiver. A car key fob is different because the Scorpio is always sending and receiving signals ( I am not a tech person, however that is what I was told)... When I go on weekend trips, I just make sure I plug it in at night to ensure it is always charged up. The charger is relatively small and not that big of a deal...
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Posted 2008-06-24 12:29 AM (#12298 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Strongsville, Ohio

How about VIZZON or VISZUN?
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Posted 2008-06-24 8:49 PM (#12341 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Okay, this company has actually earned my respect and my business! They replied to the question I sent last night with:

"The SR-i600 with the TRS-6 remote has a built in rechargeable battery. It operates in the same premise as a cell phone. The more you use it the more that you need to charge it. Most of our customer that take long ride simply take their charger with them.
We do have the TRS-55 remote available for theSR-i600 with uses standard AAA batteries that will last about 3 months on average no charger required."

I'd say I'm pretty much sold on the AAA batt. alternative. They're cheap and die out so infrequently that I could keep a spare around with the tool kit and not worry. They might be spelling bee champions at Scorpio but then, either am I half the time (the other 60% of the time, I can't add either LOL).
NastySlinter, those are good ideas. Got me to thinking about VISZEN too! Thanks for the input!
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Posted 2008-07-24 5:54 AM (#14304 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Just got back and installed the SR-i600. It was VERY straight forward and works great. I'm out in the country side, so I'll have to wait until I'm urban again to truely test the reception. Thus far it is great.
-The rechargable 2-way pager can be turned off (while the alarm remains in its armed state but transceiver will not notify you of alarm state); thus, greatly improving "FOB" battery longevity.
-The factory connect harness is actually $30 vice the currently advertised $20 for the Vision specific unit.
-You WILL still have to run a seperate cable all the way to the battery regardless of Vision factory connect harness.
-IF you have a multimeter, you can find a suitably rated, constant 12VDC source behind the fuel tank but I will not advertise where (its a security system).
-The factory connect harness is still WELL worth the $30 unless you feel like hunting, cutting and soldering all weekend for fun (it would be like punching another clock to me).
-The main alarm unit is encapsulated with epoxy resin, so it is truely water resistant; thus, you can mount it anywhere.
-The key "FOB" is easily armed with or without proximity sensor actived by selective (single) buttons.
-Adjusting most parameters can be done from comfort of a motel room but the parameter function must be adjusted manually.
-You cannot hide the parameter sensor behind metal but it easly detects through leather, vinyls and fibers (mine's on the underside of a certain piece and still need to tune it down).
-You can selectively arm/disarm with or without siren chirp.
-Programming the unit does require research in the installation/users manual. You won't be doing this off the top of your head unless you are a certified genius or VERY proficient. BUT you are able to arm and disarm with certain modes active (i.e. proximity and vibe or vibe only).
-When alarming, it is very loud and shrill (as loud as any car alarm).
-You will have to cut and splice some ignition wire if you feel elect to install the ignition kill relay.
-The main module includes the siren, so be prepared to spend time mounting it in such a way as to not muffle the sounder.

Although the main module is small (about 4''X6"x1/2"thick) I recommend that you buy some really long and beefy tie-wraps for the main module mounting. The kit comes with high-strength velcro but you'd be fighting the adhesion after a few hundred miles (even if it is to supplement the velcro).
I planned on checking the amp draw of the unit while it was active but I really don't have the time to leave it sitting with a multimeter. I'll let you know if it kills my battery in the next 2 months because I must let it sit for a month straight while I'm at work, I'll leave it off the battery tender (If you really care).
Hope this helps

Edited by bigwill5150 2008-07-24 5:59 AM
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Posted 2008-08-07 7:31 PM (#15524 - in reply to #8574)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 133
New Castle Delaware
That constant 12 v source behind the fueltank that your talking about is it a grey connector ? Which wire is the hot one? I just got the same alarm and didn't realize you still have to hook one wire to the battery. That connector would be perfect. Appreciate any help.
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Posted 2008-08-07 8:51 PM (#15528 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
I'm about to be back into my electrical to do a little more lighting wiring. Let me verify which color it is. I THINK the gray/pink wires are all key switched. If I recall correctly, the constant hot was blue/pink.
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Posted 2008-08-10 3:13 AM (#15699 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Hey Bikerdave48:
Just got done doing a little lighting/radio tuner upgrade to my bike. I do apologize for misleading you to believe that the 12V constant was directly behind the fuel tank. It is NOT. When I posted that; I was keeping the idea too simple, trying to avoid would-be-theives from understanding the wiring on the bike. Truth is, if they want it, they'll get it and they could easily clip the battery at the posts (for those of us without backup battery modules). Anyway, the wire I used on my Street Primo is dark blue/pink striped. For you, with the Tour rig, it is the harness that is probably connected to your Tour pack. For us guys without the Tour pack, it is terminated to a dead-end harness and covered with a plug. I basically used a lot of caution and sectiond the insulation away, in the middle, from 1/2" of wire (not cutting the conductor), and then soldered the alarm's positive lead to that section. I suppose one could do the "splice and twist" but I don't recommend it. The worst thing you can use is the "crimp/splice" taps on a voltage source. They stress the wires to the point of breakage a wreak all sorts of havoc in the long run.
Hope this helps
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Posted 2008-08-10 3:46 AM (#15701 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 293
I installed the Digital Guard Dog - seemless, consumes no power
And easy to install. I got the keyless model but that isn't really
necessary IMO. Uses RFID technology.
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Posted 2008-08-10 4:06 AM (#15702 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
If it consumes no power, it is not working.
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Posted 2008-08-10 4:28 AM (#15703 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
We bought the lo-jac w/ early warning system (which is an extra cost option) and had it installed at our Victory dealer.

I know the early warning system works, because we have it in my daughters car. She took the car in for service and to have a new key cut to replace one she lost. Mechanics moved the car with the new key - not the one with the lo-jac fob, and my email and cell phone lit up like a christmas display telling me that the car might have been stolen.

I had to call the dealer twice to get them to drive the car with the lo-jac fobbed key so that the system, would leave me alone.

The radio beacon allows the police to track the vehicle if its reported missing. I decided that the early warning system worked well enough that I should put it on my Vision.

In all fairness to other systems lo-jac is in no way perfect. In fact the lo-jac recovery feature is worthless in any jurisdiction that the police do not have the equipment to track your vehicle. For example about three years ago my neigbors lost an SUV and a trailer with a couple of sea-doos on it that was stolen from the parking lot at Harrahs in Laughlin, Nev. while we were on vacation.

The Laughlin police at the time did not have the equipment to trac the car (they do now). 6 months later their Mountaineer was returned after being discovered buried and partially burned in a big pit in the desert. The Watercraft are still missing.

So before you invest, check with your local police to see if they are able to track your property if it disapears.

I use the fork lock, and a disk lock with a bright orange cord that loops over the throttle (which reminds me that its there) as an added disincentive to potential theives and when traveling I carry a long cable and lock to secure the bike to an immovable object whenever possible.
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Posted 2008-08-10 7:45 AM (#15705 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I have owned 4 motorcycle alarms so far. And i will say this..... No more.... In my case they were all a waste of time and money. The siren they have arent even close to as loud as a car alarm. I had my last alarm (with pager) go off a few times and no one even cared to look at it. And the few times someone did look, they thought it sounded like a video game and didnt know it was an alarm calling out for help. Basically what the alarm system(s) i have had did was give me a false sense of being safe. No insurace company gave any discounts as they said it was Not Oem. Afew companies said they would give discounts (IF) it was profressionally installed and the installer would sign a waiver. No installer i talked too would sign anything.. (I dont blame them). So what i do now is, Instead of putting hundreds into a toy alarm. I put it into Higher insurance coverages... But if you must have some type of system, i would say the only REAL system to protect your investment would be Lo-Jack. Anything else in "my opinion" is a Toy and something to place with when getting on and off your motorcycle.

I almost forgot to add, I had a lady sit her kid on one of my motorcycles while the motion sensor set off the alarm! i came out of burgerking to see whats going on.. The alarm was going off (lights and all) and she was still trying to put her little boy on my seat.. The toy siren meant nothing to her. They arent loud enough to be annoying to be around. Hell i heard car audio systems that were louder than my alarm sirens. So unless you are there when the siren goes off can you can See whats going on, it doesnt really matter. I had people that thought my siren was (cute!). 8(

Edited by Arkainzeye 2008-08-10 7:50 AM
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Posted 2008-08-10 8:14 AM (#15708 - in reply to #15699)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 133
New Castle Delaware
Hey Will Thanks for getting back appreciate it. I will proceed with caution. I want to get it installed before I leave for my trip to Houston next Saturday,
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Posted 2008-08-10 12:03 PM (#15729 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
AAA did give me a discount, for installing the Lojac.
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Posted 2008-08-10 1:29 PM (#15737 - in reply to #15702)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 293
bigwill5150 said:

Location: Extreme S.W. Kansas If it consumes no power, it is not working.

Well, okay, it consumes the same power that your ignition switch and starter relay does. Which is essentially none, until it the power is on. Doesn't make noise or call you on the phone- it just disables the ignition circuitry until you are present. It's the same tech as Lexus, Toyota, etc use in their Smart Key systems.

Edited by jama 2008-08-10 1:42 PM
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Posted 2008-08-10 2:51 PM (#15738 - in reply to #15737)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 353
I don't think Victory riders have to worry about theft, first off, Victory is not even on the top 5 theft list, most thefts are done for parts, unlikely that stolen Vic parts are high in demand considering the numbers of Vics on the road as compared to Harley, Yamaha, Honda etc.
Then there's my Vision, what parts are going to be useful to anyone other than another Vision rider?
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Posted 2008-08-10 4:08 PM (#15740 - in reply to #15705)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
On top of being loud enough, my alarm also pages me. Sorry your experiences with alarms sucked and you wasted your money.
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Posted 2008-09-12 2:48 PM (#17929 - in reply to #8536)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Here is a video demonstrating my Scorpio i600 alarm and proximity sensor. Keep in mind that there are adjustable levels for both proximity alert and vibration. In the video I walk up to the bike and proximity warning kicks in. I leave until it quits and then reapproach more slowly. Finally, I set the alarm off twice from the keyfob panic. When I'm next to the camera, you'll hear the chirp of the keyfob. It chirps and vibrates to alert you that the bike is alarming.
I just returned from a month of offhsore work. The bike sat with the alarm in passive mode without a trickle charger. Yesterday it started right up. No funny battery drainage when it's not armed. I have had that problem with previous car alarms and was relieved that this is not an issue for Scorpio. I do have to add that the Lo Jack is probably a better unit. If for no other reason, than because just sticker placement will deter theft. Lo Jack is more widely known. This Scorpio is better for guys who don't want kiddos to burn themselves on the motor or passer-bys from "trying it on for size". Plus it will keep would be theives looking for easier targets. I just wish they had included a sticker to place on the bike. Mine did not come with one.
Enjoy... Or not.

Edited by bigwill5150 2008-09-12 2:54 PM
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Posted 2009-01-01 11:53 PM (#25908 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

New user

Posts: 1
I would have to assume that you still use the oem key to lock the handlebars, otherwise you can just push it away?
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Posted 2009-01-02 12:28 AM (#25911 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Uh yeah, that would probably be a pretty safe assumption. If it's a gang of thugs or If they can push this 900lb bike up a ramp without assistance I'm probably not going to mess with trying to stop them.
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Posted 2009-01-02 6:26 AM (#25912 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 1350
I emailed Scorpio system for my 10th and they need info on the wiring harness to check if anything changed since '08. I have no idea if reverse wiring would change anything for them?

I guess it all depends on what you want out of an alarm system. If you are in a motel room and someone tries to steal your bike? Would having in chained to a lamppost be better? What if they crash it before Lojack locates it?

We can only do so much. Park in safe well lighted places. Most motels I have stayed at will let me park my bike at the entrance or at least give me room where I see it out the window. Park near bikes that have a higher theft rate? I most likely will change my parking location at Sturgis this year. I always park about 4 blocks from the center of town on the side of store. My concern is the limit of 100 10th Anny models. Should I have bought a 10th so I have worries? Only time will tell.
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Posted 2009-01-06 11:11 AM (#26181 - in reply to #8500)
Subject: Re: After Market Alarm Systems


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
why do motorcycle alarms sound like video games or birds chirping? lol not very loud.
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