Gerica - 2011-03-08 5:38 PM
Hello All Okay, I've read many threads regarding using car tires, better known as going to the "darkside". I've read about towing a trailer and the need to go to the darkside. And now I am reading about using a Hitch Doc hitch with car tires. My questions are 1. Do I need to go to the darkside in order to be towing a traler? 2. Are there really huge benefits to going to the darkside if towing a trailer? If so, what are they? 3. Are there people that are towing trailers and have not gone to the darkside and have had many happy trails? If so, any words of wisdom? 4. What are the preferred types of tires for towing - Darkside�and/or Non Darkside? Thanks All 1 - no, you dont need to go darkside to tow a trailer....not at all 2 - huge...I would say so - basically its weight handling. If your 2 up pulling a 400lb camping trailer your hauling alot of weight....and that is where a darkside tire MAY work out better - personal choice 3 - I know alot of trailer guys using regular motorcycle tires with zero will be just fine 4 - I dont think it matters in respect to towing a trailer - I see them as mutually exclusive, they dont really have much to do with each other.