Ram Mount Aqua Box
Posted 2008-04-10 4:53 PM (#8193)
Subject: Ram Mount Aqua Box


Posts: 297
Just thought I would let some people know that in my serch for a motorcycle mount for my Tomtom Go 720 GPS, I found that Ram Mounts has something new they are coming out with. They call it an aqua box, and it's made for GPS units and is waterproof. They even have holes in the back for cables. I know a lot of people got the Victory GPS, but I just can't justify spending the extra $1000.00 when I already ahve a GPS. It doesn't come out until May 1, 2008, but I thought I would let everyone know. When I went into their mount by bike section, it doesn't list the Vision. I emailed them and if I get a response, I'll post it here. I would gladly buy something like this so I don't have to lay out that much money. Here's the link for those who are interested.


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