Price of Oil
Posted 2011-01-20 9:31 AM (#77665)
Subject: Price of Oil


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Not a debate on better or worse, but I have notice that the prices on dinos, semi-syns and full syns are all going up. Why? I can see the dinos, they are dependent on crude, semi-syns should be a bit less of an increase, but full syns shouldn't be infuenced at all of crude prices. Is it greed, or am I missing something? Or does it cost some dino to make a full syn?
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-20 9:46 AM (#77666 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
iluvink that is a question we all casually ask when we buy an orange, pepsi, clothes, etc, etc. Interestingly enough, everything seemingly revolves around the price of oil, but that is the base for the fuel that used to transport stuff, to include synthetic oil. So when the price of oil changes, expect the peeble in the pond effect with everything else. Don't expect it to change anytime soon...
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Posted 2011-01-20 10:02 AM (#77669 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Cap'n, I totally understand transport costs, and yeah that seems to go up for everything...I just seems like if crude rises, say 10%...then dino would follow exactly, but semi-syns a bit less, and full syns even less...but they all seem to be going up at the same rate. Ok, so it is a bit naive of me to use that logic. Shoot, I can remember when the old leaded gas cost less than unleaded gas, and I know that they had to ADD lead to gasoline.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-20 10:24 AM (#77670 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
in january 1979 gas was $0.55 a gallon. in may of 1979 it was $1.25 a gallon. In Germany I was paying about $5.00 a gallon in 1996 while stateside was still paying about $1.75 a gallon. My guess is that products use a loose adherence to supply and demand with associated cost, while others just guess at what folks are willing to pay for so they can make an extra buck in the process. I feel a lot of products are well overpriced, but if I want it, what choice am I given, I feel I'm overpaid so it all works out some how.

what is it about oil threads?
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Posted 2011-01-20 11:27 AM (#77675 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
YEAH - what is it ?

We pay $1.30 L - so $5.00 a Gallon or so. Ain't killing us .... or Europe. Quit yer cryin'
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Posted 2011-01-20 11:55 AM (#77680 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 1350
First you have to remember that a Federal judge said it was okay to define synthetic oil as such even if the base comes from Dino oil. Only 3 full syns are true full syns. So if the base costs go up so the product price goes up. I am sure there are some places that go up on their true syn oils just because consumers don't know the difference?

Donetracey, what is the price of your heating oil? Many Americans think by going out and buying a new car to save 10 MPG and paying $400/month on a car payment is saving them money. O.o Hybrid SUV? At least we keep you folks across the border entertained.
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Posted 2011-01-20 12:20 PM (#77684 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
In New Yawk - price is $3.50 Gal - in Ontario $ .90 Litre - pretty close. And Canada is a NON-IMPORTER of Oil - all domestic.
Out west, we seldom use heating oil - instead natural gas which we have lots of - and it's cheaper.

Entertained? You bet. Buncha monkeys jumping on the electric car mania. What a crock - WAY costlier to environment and running costs than oil. Amuses the hell out of me how stupid people can be. Whacko's are even building electric motorcycles. HA !

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Posted 2011-01-20 3:33 PM (#77696 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 4278
Just wait you haven't seen any thing yet. Get ready to bend over. When ass hole Obama gave the car company money so they could produce more fuel efficient cars we didn't know how it was going to hurt us.
Now that there are cars getting 33mpg and the electric car the oil company's still want the same profit. So by the end of the year gas will be 5 dollars a gallon to make up for the new cars so bread milk burgers and pop will all be going up to keep there profit. It will coat more to get the product to the store so we will pay. Oil will go up cause the demand will be less but the profit will stay the same.
Obama is getting us out of our rescission. Have you noticed in the summer you can buy a 24 pack of water for 2.99 and now in winter when no one is thirsty the water is 3.99 a 24 pack. I'm just pissed that when they say there doing something good for us are wallets get thinner.
When I was young and had a job I didn't much care but being on a fixed income it gets me mad as all can be.
Sorry if missed what I was trying to say
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Posted 2011-01-20 3:47 PM (#77698 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Johnny, like you, I have learned a few things - in my life, anger has never made things 'better'. Enough anger, and things just get 'changed' - usually not for the better. And this applies both on a WORLD level - and on a personal level.
So what are we to do? ANGER will just bring on an early end to your life. My heart is not tough enough to bear much anger (quintuple bypass + stints).
I don't have a solution. I just find that I feel better when I just LAUGH at the dumb asses. And I cry when I think of what's ahead for our young people. But I will not get angry - that will kill me before I catch up with Varyder's 100K miles. That should only take me until I am 80 to achieve.
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Posted 2011-01-20 11:39 PM (#77767 - in reply to #77696)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 74
shakopee , Mn

Breaking News

Government Motors announces $500 million investment in Mexico to build green engines. Estimated 1000 jobs

I thought all those green jobs were for U. S. workers silly me.
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Posted 2011-01-21 12:47 PM (#77831 - in reply to #77665)
Subject: Re: Price of Oil


Posts: 4278
Your right. Its not that I get angered more like I just don't understand. My Dad passed in 91 and he was 86 and he told me he was happy he was going cause the future doesn;t look good. He was so right. I'm happy I'm a old man cause the kids of the future are headed for some really hard times. If your young under fifty go to school and learn more cause you'll need it.
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