Well, I just didn't want to spend a lot of money, but I wanted more visibility with brake lights. I went to Autozone and they had some flexible, waterproof, LED lights for decent prices that have a 3M backing on them. 36" was 35 bucks and 8" was around 10 I think. So I used a combination of the 99 LED mod and the kuryakyn 4710 install to turn the two 4" strips (from the 8" package) as turn signals.
So first I took apart the trunk shell. Took out all the screws and it dropped so that the only thing left was the shiny top attached to the hinges. Then I used this light....
I took it and cut off one side's wires. I cleaned up the lid and stuck it to the lid just like the 99 LED mod. I then drilled a hole in the lip of the lid to run the wire up so that all my wires could be put between the top shiny part and the plastic part I just removed. Then I took off the side lights of the trunk and cut open the bottom with a dremel. I put the 4" led strip in there and left the bulb as a running light. Drilled a hole for the wire to go through as well. I have a feeling this might let enough moisture in for it to fog up, but I think it'll still do the trick of getting me noticed. 
Next I found a place to route the wires. I routed them all between the two upper shells, however needed a place for them to drop down behind the speaker. There's a screw in the case lid JUST above the speaker that holds the lid parts together. I figured the lid had enough screws so I just widened that hole to accept all the wires, and then cut off the part that would hold the screw on the lid's shell. This way I can put the wires there, and not worry about them not fitting or getting pinched. The part hold the screw cut way down... The hole widened... After putting all the wires in and routing them back to that screw hole, I put a thick piece of heat-shrink tubing over all of them to neaten them up and make it easier to route them. I put them behind the speaker and ziptied them to the existing wire loom. Then came the positaps tapping into power for brake, turn, and signals. That information I used the 4710 mod thread for. I found the wires after searching for about a hour and tapped into them. Taking a cue from another poster, I attached these wires to a standard 4 pin hitch plug. The reason being that now I can STILL remove my topcase if I want. If I had directly spliced them, I couldn't. This way I just have to undo TWO plugs.
So then you solder the grounds to the ground of the other 4-way pin, each one to it's respective wire, wrap with electrical tape, and put it together. All done!
Took me a couple hours, but I was working slowly, I'm unorganized with my tools and "lost" my allen key and all the LED strips multiple times, and I changed the way I did it about four times. I settled on trying out the running lights AND led flashers. I don't know how long that will last with the cut out lenses, but I figured I may as well give it a shot! Here's a video of the finished product in my garage....[URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqTnNgLPVUQ Not bad. We'll see how long the stickiness holds up. Especially the turn signals. I changed my mind on location for them a bunch of times so I ended up using superglue to attach them. We'll see how long that holds up. Alexi