Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | Day one completed as a new Vision rider. Purchased 2008 Vision Tour Premium in Steel Metal with the following modifications, all installed by original owner at Twin Specialties in Raleigh, NC.: S1L1 exhaust, 2nd ness air cleaner(?), plexiglass lowers, Victory GPS (selling in orig box as I have a 2820 garmin), trunk light and mirror, highway pegs, trunk rack, Sony 10 cd changer (selling immediately) and I think that is it. Had 6500 miles on it and put another 300 on last night-very hot in North Carolina and Virginia. The lowers definitely help with the thigh heat, but so does the temps being below 95! I was stopped by people where ever I stopped for gas and water and asked what kind of bike, did I have it made custom, where can I get one, isn't that thing too big, etc. Old people. Young people. All races. This is an equal opportunity crowd pleaser. Enough on that.
So here are my questions for all, especially varider and radioteacher for the tech stuff.
1. I would like to get the bike in comm status similar to the way I had my BMW LT, to that end- being able to place and receive calls ( the gps has Bluetooth), talk over my gmrs to my riding friends, talk to my wife on the intercom, listen to stereo from the xm on the 2820 with gps and radar detector priority, listen to the bike radio from the speakers or the Autocom ( I have the super logic avi that does everything) and maybe sip a latte at the same time . How is this done?
2. I need a good, attractive cup/ bottle holder - which one is available And simple to install? Where to get-local purchases preferred?
3. The bike is very hot, though so was the road. Do I need for concern? And which way are the lowers supposed to be adjusted for optimimum venting of the heat AWAY from me?
4. Who has it? I want it back! Ok, so I may have confused this forum with my house. I need an owner's manual for the bike. PDF or paper, I don't care. I got questions that need to be answered, and while I could quickly inflate may posting stats, I would rather just look it up.
5. Maintenance- what is essential and when? So far the bike has only had oil changes. What should I do next?
6. I watched my voltage decline yesterday while in was riding, and after using the radio and gps for a while this morning, about had an hour, the battery would not start. Bad battery or get the alternator checked?
7. If I am going to use the auto com, where can it be placed where I can still have access to the controls, and be able to plug and unplug accessories? And how should things be wired? Should it go to the 12v plug, or straight to the battery?
Cup holder, hello? Talk about a reformed BMW rider!
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| Here is the Kruzer Kaddy Brand Cup/Drink holder.....http://www.noemtz.com/kruzerkaddy.htm Vision Clutch perch mount towards bottom of page.
Edited by NOEMTZ 2010-07-25 12:43 PM
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Posts: 8144 New Bohemia, VA | Birdneckrider - 2010-07-25 1:27 PM
So here are my questions for all, especially varider and radioteacher for the tech stuff.
1. I would like to get the bike in comm status similar to the way I had my BMW LT, to that end- being able to place and receive calls ( the gps has Bluetooth), talk over my gmrs to my riding friends, talk to my wife on the intercom, listen to stereo from the xm on the 2820 with gps and radar detector priority, listen to the bike radio from the speakers or the Autocom ( I have the super logic avi that does everything) and maybe sip a latte at the same time . How is this done? I'm not that high tech, RT has got that one
2. I need a good, attractive cup/ bottle holder - which one is available And simple to install? Where to get-local purchases preferred? I've got a $14.95 leather one on my handle bar, works great for me.
3. The bike is very hot, though so was the road. Do I need for concern? And which way are the lowers supposed to be adjusted for optimimum venting of the heat AWAY from me? Don't have the lowers and I'm not sure if I ever will get them, but they are turned in to push the air around the motor. A motorcycle is hot by nature, but you know that already. Vic motors are said to have never overheated.
4. Who has it? I want it back! Ok, so I may have confused this forum with my house. I need an owner's manual for the bike. PDF or paper, I don't care. I got questions that need to be answered, and while I could quickly inflate may posting stats, I would rather just look it up. I can't find mine either, and it has maintenance info in it. No pdf version that I know of, but you'll find out soon.
5. Maintenance- what is essential and when? So far the bike has only had oil changes. What should I do next? There's really nothing until 15,000 miles if I recall, but what do I know, I can't find my manual.
6. I watched my voltage decline yesterday while in was riding, and after using the radio and gps for a while this morning, about had an hour, the battery would not start. Bad battery or get the alternator checked? Check the alternator, that don't sound good to me.
7. If I am going to use the auto com, where can it be placed where I can still have access to the controls, and be able to plug and unplug accessories? And how should things be wired? Should it go to the 12v plug, or straight to the battery? The CB is mounted in the trunk, and you'll have an intercom plug on your console and one on the trunk on the left side.
Cup holder, hello? Talk about a reformed BMW rider! Yeah, I don't get the cupholder thing on a motorcycle either.
Edited by varyder 2010-07-25 12:54 PM
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Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | No installed cb that I am aware of, so no hookup there. But the mounting in the trunk may not be a bad option. I was trying to find a spot that would allow me to remove the trunk if I was so inclined. We shall see. There is another victory guy here in VA beach- do you know who he is? | |
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Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | Quick question i forgot to ask- what position do the heated seat switches need to be in for the heat to be off? I was hot buttin it at every setting. It was hot, so i get it. But where are those switches supposed to be? | |
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Posts: 412 Fargo, ND |
Re: heated seat
There is a switch for each the front and back seat. Each switch has 3 positions...forward - middle - rear. The middle position is 'off'.
Cool Beans!
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Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | Thanks! That is what I thought! | |
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Posts: 8144 New Bohemia, VA | Birdneckrider - 2010-07-25 3:09 PM
No installed cb that I am aware of, so no hookup there. But the mounting in the trunk may not be a bad option. I was trying to find a spot that would allow me to remove the trunk if I was so inclined. We shall see. There is another victory guy here in VA beach- do you know who he is?
I heard tale of someone putting it the left saddle bag I believe and not involving the trunk at all. I don't know the details but a search might turn it up.
As far as anyone in Va Beach, the only one I know personally is David White and he's out west right now. I know there are several others down that way, but don't know them. | |
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Posts: 599 New Mexico | Birdneckrider - 2010-07-25 11:27 AM
3. The bike is very hot, though so was the road. Do I need for concern? And which way are the lowers supposed to be adjusted for optimimum venting of the heat AWAY from me?
4. Who has it? I want it back! Ok, so I may have confused this forum with my house. I need an owner's manual for the bike. PDF or paper, I don't care. I got questions that need to be answered, and while I could quickly inflate may posting stats, I would rather just look it up.
5. Maintenance- what is essential and when? So far the bike has only had oil changes. What should I do next?
Here is the owners manual, avail through this forum. Have to download each chapter, which is what I did.
Gotta admit, the lowers kicked my A$$ for a while, but think I have them figured out.
Fully open - Warmth for legs, and up into drivers area
Fully closed - Normal airflow around engine.
Partially open - Full airflow directed onto legs/engine. Ahhhhhh... Very VERY nice when temp reads about 95. | |
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Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | Birdneckrider:
There have been a couple of electrical system recalls that apply to 2008 Visions. Some of the very early 2008s had bad voltage regulators, a far larger number appear to have had poor connections (loose bolts) on critical electrical connections. Also handled under a recall.
Just select 2008 from the menu and read away. You can (and should) ask your dealer to check the service record on your bike to be sure that they have been performed.
If youre delving into the issue yourself, first check the battery connections, many of us have found them to be loose, while you're at it check for loose bolts on the main circuit breaker (one of the recalls).
See this thread:
A number of Vision riders have experienced failure of the OEM battery (mine died an ignominious death on day two), but keep in mind that yours may just be 3 years old and ready for the recycling facility.
One other thing to remember, whenever working on your Vision, you should always position the electric windshield in the fully up position before beginning any work. This will allow you to get to the fuse panel should you blow a fuse in the process.
Good Luck and welcome. | |
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Posts: 323 Troy, NY | I'll send your the 2008 service manual using yousendit.com
You get an email from them with a link to download the file -it's a big file!
I love my lowers - cools me off in the heat and arms me upmin the spring and fall! | |
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Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | Love and admiration to all so far! Still awaiting a guru-tactic response sealing with the audio. I can tell you that trying to get all the "farkles" (sorry, a BMW term I am importing to the new home) to work together can leave a guy wanting for simpler times. I think the autocom is the necessary link to make all work together, so maybe there was a reason it cost me like $700! So here are two more questions that are less self serving though still vision specific:
1. What conditions are the line for when to keep the bike in the garage and drive instead? Darkness of night, rain, threat of storms, excessive heat, excessive cold, etc. All come to mind, and how many of these are mitigated by the safety features of the vision?
2. How important is abs, and at what point do these safety features necessitate an upgrade to a new bike? I originally was going to buy a 2008 vision last fall and held off because I decided that the lack of abs was a deal killer. Now I am on a non-abs, non-reverse 2008 because in the end, I was just too in love with the bike. How many sell their 08's for 010's just for the abs and reverse? And will they all have these features in the near future?
Let's see where this goes, but don't forget about my audio question, radioteacher! You have a reputation to uphold! | |
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Posts: 3204 Memphis | Welcome BNR, Way to ask the hardest question right off the bat. Integrating all of the electronics is by far the most complicated task because no two riders have the same set-up. Good luck in your quest. As far as the safety limitations, I'm gonna guess for you it will only be ice. Everything else can be handled by the Vision. You BMW guys are to thank for the power windshield. That plus the heated grips and seat put you in the same comfort league as the LT. ABS is a totally personal call. If it saved your butt on the LT and you would have surely crashed without it, then you have a solid case to go back to it. I think the brakes on the Vision are very predictable and the compression braking of the engine helps a lot. I'm just now changing out my original pads at 40K. The reverse is not a huge deal unless you have short legs and physically can't get the leverage to move it. The LT definitely needed it but the Vision seat is a lot lower. I'm guessing you will miss the centerstand more than reverse. The lower wind deflectors are a must for temperature management. Putting a brake light on the trunk is a big deal to me. The stock brake lights are the lowest four bulbs of the "V" and in bumper to bumper traffic they probably won't stand out like you would like. Making turn signals out of the trunk running lights wouldn't hurt either. Lots of guys have done the Kuryakin mod here. I personally have 99LEDs as the trunk brake light and Muth signal mirrors just to raise it all up get it into drivers lines of sight. Stock lighting is as good as any bike made. I'm still on my original headlight bulbs after nearly 3 years. Changing them out is ridiculously hard so I'm thankful for every day they last. The turn signal switch is going to feel really weird to you. It is all on one side, just like a car! What a concept. Your gonna like the Vision. If you can live without the ABS, the '08 is a lot cheaper to upgrade with a cam kit compared to later models. That will keep you a lot closer in trail to your old LT buddies. What we lack in top end is more than made up for in attention. Welcome aboard. Farkle away! | |
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Posts: 3006 San Antonio, TX | I am not fond of the CB and audio setup for the intercom. I need to upgrade to J&M headsets for the helmets. I am not fond of the wires. If I did it again I would look into blue tooth options for intercom and interconnects.
The iPod provides me the best entertainment value and yes I do sing along.
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Feel free to post here or send me a PM.
Ride Safe | |
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Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | OK, here we go with my limited knowledge on integration of the audio . . . I learned alot from this site and VOG.net. Many of us have been searching for the perfect COM/GPS/iPod/Phone integration. Many have considered bluetooth pucks, AV switchers and have debated on wireless vs. corded and "music wirelessly in my helmet vs. sound from my bike's speakers, etc.
I think I have finally pulled together a solution that is the perfect blend. Here are the components: 1) iPod & cord 2) upgraded J&M speakers 3) Garmin Zumo 660 4) CardoScala Rider bluetooth headsets 5) XM module
First steps are simple. Best way to get tunes are to buy the iPod cord and iPod and you'll have more music than you will ever need. Can you hook up without cord, yes, but this way you get charging capabilities and you can change songs, playlists etc through the audio "cube" or center console. While sound output is OK with stock, go ahead and upgrade to the J&M speakers. Save yourself the time and hassle reading all the long posts on Ohm ratings, etc. J&M's are fairly inexpensive and direct drop in replacements. They sound great and I can't believe how clear the music is even with our helmets on. My wife had a hard time hearing music in wind with stock speakers . . . J&M's make a big difference. Music sounds so good that I have stopped looking for "tunes in my helmet via bluetooth solution."
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Iron Butt
Posts: 669 Peachtree City, GA | Ok - so if you stopped looking for the "tunes in my helmet via bluetooth solution." What do yo need the CardoScala Rider headset and the Zumo 660 for?
Now if Victory would only figure out a way to put the Zumo 660 or 665 on an 08 or 09 Vision...
This could be fun... I have an anversary with a 5 year factory warranty... Since the GPS came on the bike - it should be covered... They better hope it does not die for another 4 years... I will want a working solutions since the 2720 and 2820 are long out of productions...
Edited by Webhair 2010-08-10 8:09 AM
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Posts: 3773 Pittsburgh, PA | you asked about maintenance? the recommened oil change interval is 2500 miles (i know what a joke) you also asked about the abs and reverse if its needed. I would like to have abs, but at the same time i NEVER had it so i dont know what im missing i guess? At the same time because i never had it im NOT relying on it to be there. (if that makes sense). | |
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Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | OK, here we go with my limited knowledge on integration of the audio . . . I learned alot from this site and VOG.net. Many of us have been searching for the perfect COM/GPS/iPod/Phone integration. Many have considered bluetooth pucks, AV switchers and have debated on wireless vs. corded and "music wirelessly in my helmet vs. sound from my bike's speakers, etc. I think I have finally pulled together a solution that is the perfect blend. Here are the components: 1) iPod & cord 2) upgraded J&M speakers 3) Garmin Zumo 660 4) CardoScala Rider bluetooth headsets 5) XM module First steps are simple.
Best way to get tunes are to buy the iPod cord and iPod and you'll have more music than you will ever need. Can you hook up without cord, yes, but this way you get charging capabilities and you can change songs, playlists etc through the audio "cube" or center console. While sound output is OK with stock, go ahead and upgrade to the J&M speakers. Save yourself the time and hassle reading all the long posts on Ohm ratings, etc. J&M's are fairly inexpensive and direct drop in replacements. They sound great and I can't believe how clear the music is even with our helmets on. My wife had a hard time hearing music when "2UP" in wind with stock speakers . . . J&M's make a big difference. Music sounds so good that I have stopped looking for "tunes in my helmet via bluetooth solution."
Now for GPS. I'm not sure about details on the GPS you have, but I plunked down some cash on Garmin Zumo 660. Well worth it! Many different mounting options, but I like the clean look of mounting on aluminum console mount Victory sells. Don't buy the audio integration kit that Victory sells . . . while it should be plug and play, somewhere along the line they switched connectors. What a pain and a drain on the wallet. Many of us have used the stock harness and spliced our own connectors in . . . only 4 wires. Pls do a search and there are lots of instructions/info on this. So now we have tunes AND directions. Music mutes when the directions come on and with the 660 and it will speak street names so you really don't need to look down at the GPS. Did I tell you that the 660 has bluetooth? Well here is where the integration starts kicking in. This unit BlueTooth syncs with my Blackberry and not only can I talk/dial handsfree, but it pulls all my contact info, last missed call, last dialed etc into the GPS unit. Like many GPS, you can find a location on the GPS and hit the number to call it from your GPS . . . nice feature if you've been riding in hot weather all day and want to make sure that roadside diner is open before you detour 5 miles. While all of this so far is cool it gets much better when you pair it with a headset, especially when riding with a partner.
My wife and I are of the "always wear a helmet" camp. We bought the CardoScala Rider multiset bluetooth comm sets. Lot's written on these online. I think there is a newer version out there now. We have lasted two days on a charge. Installation into helmets was easy. Can talk to my wife AND hear directional prompts from my GPS (when properly paired). Can also pair with one other rider if they have compatible equipment. Good range, good battery life, sometimes have mics kick in when we don't want them to during high winds. Love this set-up. Sometimes have issues syncing properly . . . sequence is important. If we fireup both headsets first and get them working, THEN turn on the GPS to sync with my headset, everything works GREAT!
We had no need to set up a CB, so can't help you there. We did install the integrated XM . . . gives us a variety of music when we get tired of iPOD and the FM reception pretty much sucks. Just make sure they flash you to the newest update on the radio and reflash the XM module to get them to work properly.
Hope this helps . . . remember, there is a TON of info already out there on the sites and many people who are quite helpful. With the info on these boards AND the PDF shop manual, making these mods is quite easy for even the most inexperienced. Have fun on your new bike! | |
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Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | Webhair - 2010-08-10 8:06 AM Ok - so if you stopped looking for the "tunes in my helmet via bluetooth solution." What do yo need the CardoScala Rider headset and the Zumo 660 for? My post somehow got cut off. I have reposted. The speakers I have heard on many headsets are quite small and work great for talking and GPS prompts. The sound I get out of my stereo with upgraded speakers is far better than you can get with these tiny speakers . . . especially with bass response. If the helmet speaker options improve substantially, I may consider trying to get BlueTooth sound (via puck, etc) out of my stereo and to my helmet. For right now though, I am quite happy with the sound, even at highway speeds. I don't know how that sound "gets up there" in my helmet (Shark Evoline) but it does in both full face and 3/4 configurations. Bet it has something to do with faring and windshield creating a nice air pocket on Vision . . . may have some sound vibrating through helmet. You CAN install the Zumo on an 08 and 09 (mine is 09) . . . you just can't plug and play due to connector changes!
Edited by Man314 2010-08-10 8:44 AM
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Puddle Jumper
Posts: 25 Southern Maine | Welcome aboard, here's my 2 cents worth,
maintenance 20,000 miles - oil changes and tires
GPS Garmin 2730 mounted on center console using RAM mounts
drink holder RAM unit on clutch lever
communication older chatterbox (non blue tooth) not used much, never happy with intigration on bike
I-Pod with cable,stock speakers,(lousy hearing anyways)
Lower deflectors
lots of mounting spots under seat, plastic covers
all my RAM parts came from WhitehorseGear.com locale to me , good people and inventory
electrical issue sounds like charging system, check connections on circuit breaker by battery first
Last enjoy the ride and get used to the attension it never stops !1
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Posts: 411 Dallas, Texas | Birdneckrider...What oil do you prefer? | |
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Posts: 77 Virginia Beach, Virginia | without jumping down that rabbit hole, I will say that I am a mobile 1 man where my cars and trucks are concerned, but tend to stick with my dealer recommendations on oil. With Victory offering the oil change in a box for lessthan $60, and including a good filter and semi-syn, with a 2500 mile change interval this seems to be the deal. My BMW dealer charged $110 for an oil change every 3000 miles, so this seems fair. Good Luck. | |
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Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | A man who recognizes danger when he sees it! LOL | |