Forks N OiL
Posted 2010-07-07 10:21 PM (#64014)
Subject: Forks N OiL


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles


Who's had their forks re-done

Vic Oil or other oil and weight?



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Posted 2010-07-07 11:14 PM (#64015 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Vicky oil, it's a super secret blend that no one knows the weight to it, but I suspect its mate is out there somewhere with a SuperTech label.

The last time I did it was at the 45,000 mile, jammin' almost at 75,000 now and it has a little dive to it, but rollin' 700 - 1000 miles a day I don't stop enough to notice.

Also, I do it according to the manual, step by step, the part where you dunt change the seals, however, techs on the board say I'm doing it all wrong, so wait for their chime in.

Edited by varyder 2010-07-07 11:16 PM
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joe schmoe
Posted 2010-07-08 6:13 AM (#64021 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 446
East TN
I just had mine done...The dealership said the Vic Oil is Top Secret stuff...Just following the manual!!
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Posted 2010-07-08 12:14 PM (#64053 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 576
, IA
yes but did any of u up the weight from stock
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Posted 2010-09-01 11:53 AM (#68432 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 576
, IA
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Posted 2010-09-01 11:59 AM (#68433 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
There was one that went to a 10w, but I don't think they are on the forum. I talked them at the dealer one day. They said it was much stiffer, which makes sense, as I heard that the Vic fork oil is 7.5w, but again, I have never seen that written anywhere, and I can't tell by the taste either.
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Posted 2010-09-01 3:06 PM (#68446 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
Went with Maxima 7 wt racing oil. This is the same oil as Traxion Dynamics recomends. Don't know the diff from regular oil but they make a regular 5 and 10 wt and I heard somewhere the Vic oil was around 7.
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Posted 2010-09-02 4:53 AM (#68481 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: RE: Forks N OiL


Posts: 258
Akron, Ohio
I installed 10W synthetic oil in mine. Went by the book as far as procedure. Did it myself. First fork took about 1.5 hours. Second took around 1 hour. Did I mention there was also beer involved? The worst part is the day after I got it changed, I got a call and the contractor wanted to start the new driveway and side walks here at the house. It has now been 3 weeks and I have still not had a chance to ride the bike since I changed it. I am hoping this weekend to get a break from all the dirt work and grass seeding after the concrete to go for a ride. I will report back about the suspension feel.
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Posted 2010-09-02 8:09 AM (#68487 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Was there any special tools needed for the job
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Posted 2010-09-02 8:44 PM (#68528 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles
I replaced the oil in mine and Yes I did make a tool to compress the spring to get the cap and locknut off the damper shaft. It is crude because I had junk metal laying around and a stick welder to perform the build. Made of old jack handle 1/2 inch all thread some chome moly tube and flat plate. etc.. Designed to hold the tube in place at the bottom and the fork is bent to deal with the windings of the spring. Also a piece to secure it in a vise. There is a tool that is real trick but its much more money then my custom crude tool that did the same thing...
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Posted 2010-09-02 9:19 PM (#68531 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 4278
keep in mind that the 07 and o8's have what they call a canister in the forks. Witch takes a lot longer to fill and really should be done by the dealer. Victory discoed the cansters in 09 and went with all springs. Harley tried the same thing and they discoed it too.
PJ1 make every ones fork oil. The weight is the big thing ever riders lots of weight and maybe a heaver oil is a good idea.
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Posted 2010-09-03 3:47 AM (#68543 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 258
Akron, Ohio
If you follow the manual it really isn't hard to do. Bleeding the cartridge from trapped air only takes a few minutes. Just follow the book and don't short cut the process.
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Posted 2010-09-03 3:58 AM (#68544 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
My dealer showed me the service book for the forks, it looked as if I would need to buy special tools to perform this task.? So I asked them what they would charge me to replace the fork oil if I just brought them the forks and not the bike... they said 1 hour labor.
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Posted 2010-09-06 9:54 AM (#68774 - in reply to #68544)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles
Pics of tool I made. If the shop will only charge 1 hour if tubes are removed its worth the cost...

(Fork Tool A.jpg)

(Fork Tool b.jpg)

Attachments Fork Tool A.jpg (52KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments Fork Tool b.jpg (56KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2012-04-07 8:46 PM (#111663 - in reply to #68774)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles
Bump to those looking for a tool design..

Old Jack Handle, 1/2" all thread, parts of fence post and possibly some chrome molly tube. Angle Iron @ top to clamp in vise and bolt at bottom to hold tube in place. Lent out the tig welder so old buzz box and oxy welded for strength. Oh yeah fine rattle can paint to finish..

Crude but functional
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Posted 2012-04-08 8:05 PM (#111735 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: RE: Forks N OiL


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
OK-I got the forks off this afternoon after riding up fishin' this morning, made a spring compression tool using a couple of Handy-Grip clamps and nylon webbing-worked well. Drained the old fluid out, didn't look to bad after 23,000 miles-no sediment but you couldn't see any sunlight through it either. My issue is I'm using the free downloaded 2008 service manual and it calls for 330 CC's of fluid & a 255mm fluid level-I drained off 475 so the 2009 must have a different spec-if someone has the 2009 specs please post them. Also found a good use for those Crown Royal bags that are pilin' up-Brian




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Posted 2012-04-08 9:32 PM (#111747 - in reply to #111735)
Subject: RE: Forks N OiL


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
check your private messages..
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Posted 2012-04-26 4:25 PM (#113015 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL

New user

Posts: 2
Just completed my fork oil seal replacement on my 2009 Vision a few weeks ago. I also have a 2008 Vision service manual and I followed the 330 CC's of fluid & 255mm fluid level specs. After reading have me 2nd guessing myself and my fluid level. Can you please share the 2009 Vision fluid level specs with this thread? I know there are 2 different forks on the 2009's (45mm M-stamped and 46mm-non-M-stamped). I have the 45mm M-stamped ones. Are the levels different?

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Posted 2012-04-26 9:05 PM (#113043 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
The levels are different-your levels are correct for Type 1 forks (45mm marked M for Marz) the Type2 forks (46mm unmarked) take 550CC of fluid & 136 mm fluid level.
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Posted 2012-04-27 10:39 AM (#113076 - in reply to #64014)
Subject: Re: Forks N OiL

New user

Posts: 2
Thank you for confirming the levels. I was not looking forward to taking apart everything again if I had the wrong levels. I can rest easy now and enjoy the ride. Thanks!
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