Dead Vision in need of new home.
Posted 2010-06-02 5:10 PM (#61352)
Subject: Dead Vision in need of new home.

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA

Found this sad vision at a local salvage yard on the web. If I were more mechanically inclined and more financially able I would buy it just to see if there there was a CORE cafe bike wasting in durance vile.

There are more images on the site. If you open them in another window they are quite large.

Asking $5500 but "taking offers".

Edited by Tarpits99 2010-06-02 5:36 PM


Attachments wreck1.jpg (84KB - 6 downloads)
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Posted 2010-06-02 5:51 PM (#61354 - in reply to #61352)
Subject: Re: Dead Vision in need of new home.


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
id love to know where the plastic is? i want a speedometer!!
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Posted 2010-06-03 5:18 AM (#61377 - in reply to #61352)
Subject: Re: Dead Vision in need of new home.


Posts: 1350
Just thing someone buys this and starts making there own plastic parts in the oven at home. Wonder if the kid that made the Star War uniforms could do something neat?
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Posted 2010-06-03 10:10 AM (#61390 - in reply to #61352)
Subject: Re: Dead Vision in need of new home.

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
Anyone forming plastic parts in their oven is either very single or has the wife on some really good mood altering substances. I still remember what happened when I put my freshly waxed raingear in the Kenmore to set the wax.

The good news is that most of the effects of her stroke were temporary...........

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Posted 2010-06-03 10:54 AM (#61393 - in reply to #61352)
Subject: Re: Dead Vision in need of new home.


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm not sure I'd dive on this, as we all know the Vision has a cast frame. It would need a thorough inspection of all points. At best, if the motor was okay , the other major pieces like calipers, swing arms, front or rear half either in good shape, it is a great parts bike.

Edited by varyder 2010-06-03 10:55 AM
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Posted 2010-06-04 4:07 AM (#61464 - in reply to #61352)
Subject: RE: Dead Vision in need of new home.


Posts: 144
Mine wasnt that bad but it sure is great now did all the work myself and kids.




Attachments !BkUPYTw!2k~$(KGrHqEOKiEEsmf8Mqv5BL(GphmFEw~~_3[1].jpg (66KB - 0 downloads)
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Attachments 9156[1].jpg (6KB - 0 downloads)
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