Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!
Posted 2010-05-30 6:36 PM (#61116)
Subject: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 311
Atlanta Area

A fellow Vision Rider is on his way from PA to Helen for the southeast meet.  He is currently in Stony Creek, VA off of I-95 approx 30 miles south of Richmond, VA.  Approx 30 miles from the North Carolina border.  Back tire on the Vision is down to the cords and he can go no further.  If anyone has connections with the local Vic dealers in that area, please contact me.  Honda dealer open on Memorial Day?  Visions and Wings share the same tire size. 

If you have a spare Vision rear tire hanging around the garage, that would work too!!!



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Posted 2010-05-30 9:53 PM (#61146 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 311
Atlanta Area
Great news! VARYDER (Chris) has a buddy with a used Goldwing tire they are heading to Fedor's hotel as I type this. Chris' buddy has a tire changing rig mounted to his pickup truck. They are going to change the tire in the hotel parking lot!!!! Unbelievable!!!!

Huge props to Chris and his yet to be identified buddy with the sweet tire changing rig!!!
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Posted 2010-05-31 12:54 AM (#61164 - in reply to #61146)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Done! Nothing more than two riders helping out another. Had a great time, and the shout-out goes to Jim Snoke and his son Justin. Jim is a long time Goldwing rider and is always ready to help. Mike didn't have even another mile to ride on this tire and stopped at the right place.



Attachments fedor_tire.jpg (22KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments jim_fedor_tire.jpg (26KB - 0 downloads)
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-05-31 11:02 AM (#61188 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Now the question that should be asked................How the hell did that tire get that way without the rider knowing it? That rider put himself and others in a dangerous situation by not taking care of his equipment. Just say'in...........that tire needed replaced 2000 miles ago.
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Posted 2010-05-31 11:54 AM (#61195 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 523
seattle, wa
I'm all for trying to get every last mile out of a tire, but holy smokes! WTF was he thinking?
Thats cool that the other guys stepped up to help another rider out. Very cool indeed.
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Posted 2010-05-31 12:15 PM (#61198 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
unless you know the circumstance you are talking out of turn. Stop being judgmental, Mike fortunetly found out he had a problem in time and had freinds who could help.

Edited by varyder 2010-05-31 12:17 PM
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Posted 2010-05-31 12:22 PM (#61199 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 388
Salisbury, NC
Glad to see that help was just a short e-mail away. Way to go Chris. ET
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Posted 2010-05-31 12:23 PM (#61200 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
glad everything worked out!!! it was a blessing.. On a holiday weekend!! I was thinking (not judging) that?s a perfect candidate for the Dark side!

or if a tire couldnt been found go to sears and get a car tire.. LOL
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Posted 2010-05-31 10:07 PM (#61248 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
my apologies for my sharp reply earlier it is just that he said all was well when he left PA. Mike is not one to do something foulish like over riding a tire. He noticed some unusual handling later down the road and upon inspection saw a small amount of cord. Within a few miles it was like it was when he stopped for the night. My guess is that he was losing air pressure and riding two-up that made the tire go quicker. He only has 12,000 on that tire. All is well.
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Posted 2010-05-31 10:18 PM (#61249 - in reply to #61248)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
varyder - 2010-05-31 10:07 PM

my apologies for my sharp reply earlier it is just that he said all was well when he left PA. Mike is not one to do something foulish like over riding a tire. He noticed some unusual handling later down the road and upon inspection saw a small amount of cord. Within a few miles it was like it was when he stopped for the night. My guess is that he was losing air pressure and riding two-up that made the tire go quicker. He only has 12,000 on that tire. All is well.

Hey Varyder, get this.. I few years ago i was on my vulcan 2000 riding home from maggie valley N.C. .. I had a metzler 240 rear tire and on the way home between gas stops i noticed my tread was actually peeling Off the tire in thin layers.. Just like when your skin is Sun burnt.. i was able to grab it and pull thin layers of rubber off the time.. other riders were wondering if the tire just couldnt handle the heat? "opinion" before the trip from PA down to NC the tire only had less than 1000 miles on it.. So it wasnt very old.. I ended up making it home already but i was nervous as i never seen anything like that before!
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Posted 2010-06-01 5:22 PM (#61282 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 247
Arkainzeye-I had a similar experience in 2005 coming back from Sturgis to Eastern, Pa. Not the peeling just the "unusual handling" like mike was feeling. I "thought" something was up with the tire but 2 mechanics along the way gave me the green light so I thought I could limp it home as you did. 50 miles after the last check it blew at 70 mph and the cruise control did not shut off. I was two up and loaded for the trip. The hole was a foot long and down to the cords. Consider myself lucky that all that happened is that I walk funny 5 years later. My passenger on that ride dislocated her shoulder and is fine today. If I get a funny feeling about a tire now it goes. I dont care about the mileage. I still have that tire as a reminder. Varyder, your answer to big vic was accurate and thanks for helping the guy out. It is a brotherhood isnt it.
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Posted 2010-06-01 5:28 PM (#61284 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 235
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
It took 3 bad Metz 880's on the rear of my HD before common sense told me not to buy another. I went to Avon and had no problem since.
I'd like to know what happened to the E3, I hope this is not a trend
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Posted 2010-06-01 9:02 PM (#61302 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 247
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Posted 2010-06-01 9:35 PM (#61307 - in reply to #61302)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 235
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
exharleyrider - 2010-06-01 9:02 PM


First I've heard of a problem with Avon, there are many posts on the HD sites about bad Metz, the ones from Germany were okay, it was the tires made in Brazil that had issues.

One of the forum members rode about 10 miles with a flat E3 to make it to the dealers, the bead held the whole time.
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Flyin Hawaiian
Posted 2010-06-01 10:22 PM (#61313 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 50
I know this is a little off topic....well, a lot but, I wrode with 5 couples this past Memorial day weekend and out of the 6 couples riding 2 up, only two of us wore protective gear. My wife and I were the only ones with full gear. Mind you this is Hawaii and it was 80+ degrees and not a cloud in the sky. It was hot but we did what we felt was right. One of the guys asked me twice why I was wearing my mesh jacket. I just kinda looked at him and didn't answer him the second time he asked me.
God forbid anything happen like a blown tire, but if it ever happends, I don't want to be caught short of wearing the right attire that could save me. Granted, the couples that I rode with were experienced and very safe riders. The last stop was Haleiwa Joes and they started ording beers. That's when we parted ways.
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Posted 2010-06-02 7:47 AM (#61330 - in reply to #61313)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 1484
Flyin, this is a good subject to discuss, maybe you could start another thread and we can have a good ol discussion on hot weather riding gear.
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-06-04 7:43 AM (#61483 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that friends were able to help friends out and that all is well, but that's about what my rear tire would look like after 12,000 miles of riding. I rarely ride 2 up and she goes in for new shoes next Friday after a measly 10,000 or so miles. I don't want to start a "my tire last longer than your tire thread" because it's irrelevant. It really doesnt matter if he got great wear or poor wear, that tire was shot a long time ago. It didn't come apart..........that thing had just worn out. The point I'm trying to make is that this outcome was probably predictable before he left home. I'm not trying to bad mouth anyone or downgrade a good deed. To me this is a good example of what happens when someone tries to get every penny out of a tire. It caused a crisis that it didn't need to, and it created an unsafe condition for the rider and those around him. Just my opinion...........

Edited by Big Vic 2010-06-04 7:45 AM
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Posted 2010-06-04 3:02 PM (#61508 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm not trying to stick up for Fedor as far as what his tire looked like before he left home. I know at 12,000 miles mine can usually do another 2 or 3,000 before changing, so I would have road it also, even two up without concern. He said the dealer had just looked the bike over and he himself glanced out the tire if I recall him saying. However, after takeoff, something happened, and that is when the trouble began. I work with the wing guy, Jim Snoke who 'avid' rider is not the word for his riding habits, and he has breakdown tools in his trailer behind his bike to fix almost anything. That has exposed him to some very interesting breakdowns over the years. He himself commented a couple days later "you know, I look at that tire and and it has some strange things going on, it didn't simply wearout, he had to be losing air or something" He went on to describe that the outer edges wear also gone as though he had been riding the tire flat.

If I hadn't seen it for myself I could have made some judgments as well.
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-06-04 3:37 PM (#61514 - in reply to #61116)
Subject: Re: Fellow Vision Rider Needs assistance near the VA/NC border!!!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Point taken. Sometimes things are not as they first appear.
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