Rolling Thunder
Posted 2010-05-28 9:39 PM (#60990)
Subject: Rolling Thunder

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 38
NW Jersey
Anyone going to DC for Rolling Thunder?
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Posted 2010-05-28 9:49 PM (#60992 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I won't be able to make it this year, again, but I wish I was. Get to the pentagon before 8:00am. Hon. Randy Forbes congressman (R-Va) is leading the pack and speaking.

Edited by varyder 2010-05-28 9:50 PM
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Posted 2010-05-31 9:42 PM (#61246 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 247
Saw on red VV in the parade. looked like custome paint. anyone we know?
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Posted 2010-06-01 2:26 PM (#61277 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
Rockaway, NJ
I was there. Just behind the National Chapter.

#78 Anniversary
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Posted 2010-06-04 7:52 AM (#61484 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: RE: Rolling Thunder

New user

Posts: 4
Wasn't able to make D.C. this year, went in 2009. This year we rode to Marseilles, IL. They have a Middle East War Conflict Memorial. About 150 bikes from all over the country were there. We stayed in Chicago, IL, had a great time while we were there. If you are looking for something different next year, I recommend a trip to Chicago. Love that Chicago deep dish pizza.

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Posted 2010-06-04 10:42 AM (#61497 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 68
Cabot Arkansas
I made it, the ride was great until the crowd control laxed on constitution.
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Posted 2010-06-04 12:00 PM (#61500 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 65
I rode down there at about 10:00 a.m. 2 cycle accidents on constitution and one on 14th street..
I got passed by a few bikes who passed me IN my lane... or in the lane to my left which is the opposite direction lane.. Totally unsafe. Parked, went by the memorial, paid my respects and then just left. Been going for 5 straight years.. Think this one was my last.
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Posted 2010-06-04 1:13 PM (#61504 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I went to my first and probably only Rolling Thunder about three years ago. I met a lot of good people and was there with friends. Albeit, it is for an excellent cause and stand with RT in what they do, but I would rather wile away my time with my family. It is a shame that folks will grab an attitude at a solemn event such as RT, as I did see a lot with attitudes coming into the Pentagon, and especially when we were leaving.
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Posted 2010-06-04 3:43 PM (#61516 - in reply to #60990)
Subject: Re: Rolling Thunder


Posts: 126
Meadow, Texas
Didn't make it this year but last year the crowds on Constitution were terrible. We went from 4 lanes of bikes down to one with these idiots grabbing to shake and hold onto your hand - makes controlling a bike very challenging. Did see a couple of riders go down from that kind of "gratitude". But even though you have to spend extra time in the parking lot, meeting some riders from all over is great.
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