Drowned Chickenman?
Posted 2010-05-24 11:10 PM (#60668)
Subject: Drowned Chickenman?


Posts: 3204

Hey Po,

I came in on a Mid-shift tonight and one of the guys said he saw a black Vision going down the road in a torrential downpour this afternoon.  He said the girl on the back was hunkered down as tight as could be to try and get out of the rain.

That you?

(If that was you and that wasn't your wife, you can answer in code.  The code word will be "Poster".)

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Posted 2010-05-27 9:35 PM (#60929 - in reply to #60668)
Subject: Re: Drowned Chickenman?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
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