Posted 2008-02-16 1:36 AM (#5332)
Subject: Powdercoating...


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Hello! I just powdercoated my console while my Vision was apart. That was the first thing I saw on my test ride last fall I didn't like on the Vis. I noticed the reflection of the console in the windshield in the sun. Well...I had my bike all apart, awaiting some chrome, so I took the console apart, and did it in gloss black, to see how that will do. I like the look, but was mainly after less reflection in sun. I also powdercoated the pieces that are to come in in chrome, but are way on backorder....namely, the grille, and batwing under the windshield. They look nice, but I think chrome will be much better! Happy trails!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-02-16 11:20 AM (#5340 - in reply to #5332)
Subject: RE: Powdercoating...


Posts: 3204


I have a chrome "batwing" and was going to powdercoat the original one but noticed the four tabs on the back that are epoxied into place. Does baking the powdercoat at 400-450 degrees have any effect on the epoxy?

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Posted 2008-02-16 1:27 PM (#5348 - in reply to #5332)
Subject: Re: Powdercoating...


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
One of mine came loose, but I just glued it back on in its original position, as it was easy to see from the outline of powdercoat where it separated. I was wondering the same thing while I was doing it yesterday, and kept a close eye on them. The dash panel also has two rivet-looking glued in place pins, but I had no issues with them. The dash came out REALLY nice. I added a little prismatic color to the black...looks good! ---Metalguy
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