Posts: 1436
| Any of you running your factory belt beyond the 30k recommended change interval?
I'm just curious if anyone has or is doing so since I've talked to several victory owners (other models) who are way beyond (double+) the recommendation and have no intentions to change theirs until it cracks, chips or otherwise looks like it needs replaced.
I'm not sure why Victory has this recommendations, ie stretching, weakening of material, or whatever? Does anyone know? I'm assuming the belt is at least as well constructed as those on other big twins, so I'm at a loss as to why it needs changed at 30k, but I have noticed Victory has been pretty accurate with the Visions needs for most other servicing items. |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | 30K for a lot of riders is 10 years. My dealer has never seen a broken belt except for one guy who also blew up his clutch. |
Posts: 374 Tucson, AZ | I'm at 40K with original belt. No problems, my tech. looks at it every service. Same here, my dealer has not had a problem with broken belts. My last harley had 110K on the same belt, so unless i catch a rock or other foreign object, I think I'm good to go.
mike |
Iron Butt
Posts: 619 Southeast Iowa | I broke a belt once that had about 28,000 miles on it. It was on a V92C with a Big Bore kit that ran pretty hard. I was doing a burnout on chip-sealed asphalt and had the front end off the ground when she let go. Scared the shit out of me because I thought I might have shelled the tranny. The good news is the tranny was fine but the belt wasn't. To make matters worse I was in the middle of nowhere when it happened so it turned out to be a very, very long day. My wife had to ride bitch on her own bike which did not make her happy at all. First their was that long ride home followed by that long drive back with the truck and trailer followed by that long drive back home. Take my advice here.........if you want to pound on your bike do it close to home. Lesson learned!
I know several people that have 50,000+ miles on their Vic with the original belt. I don't think I would spend the money unless you have good reason to believe that it's going to fail. If memory serves me right that broken belt cost me $350 to replace which made that one expensive burnout. |
Posts: 1484 LaPorte,Tx. | I've heard of one Victory belt breaking and it was on V92C that had big bore kit, on a 1st to 2nd power shift, back then the belts were not as good as they are now. I had to replace the belt on my Kingpin, had a bad stone bruse that went all the way through the belt. Changed the belt on the Vision at 30k, it was included in the maintenance prepaid plan I have. Inspection is the the key here, the manual explains that pretty good. I did have a chirping belt before the 30k change, with the new belt and 12k miles, no chirping, that's a big improvement.  |
Posts: 101 Cold Lake Alberta Canada | Warranty just replaced my rear pulley and belt at 16000 Km. Just couldn't get it to stop squeeling. I'll be very happy to se winter end so I can check it out. |