Nor Cal cam party
Posted 2010-01-25 1:58 AM (#51990)
Subject: Nor Cal cam party


Posts: 353
Just wanted to give a big "Thank You" to dfarrington for hosting the Norcal cam party at his home and for that awesome pot of beans he brought out for all of us to enjoy, it was a pleasure meeting up with other Vision riders and just hanging out while kevinx worked his magic.

Hopefully the opportunity to hang out with this group will come up again.

kevinx, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule and doing these parties, guys, kevinx is alot of fun to hang out with and we didn't even get drunk.........

I gotta say that I'm impressed with the performance improvement, my Vision doesn't feel any different while cruising and taking it easy but just crack the throttle and she a different animal! Thanks again guys.



Attachments kevinxb.jpg (62KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments kevinx.jpg (64KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2010-01-25 12:54 PM (#52028 - in reply to #51990)
Subject: RE: Nor Cal cam party


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Man you guys get some bad pix of me*LOL*

Had a great time myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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