Freaky deal with the radio display
Posted 2010-01-24 10:07 PM (#51981)
Subject: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 105
Columbia, TN United States
Rode my 09 Vision today. Traveled about 50-60 miles. We had a Blueknights meeting. Around 7:30PM went out to bike, a little dew on everything. No problem at this point. Rode maybe 5 miles & parked outside my wifes office. About 30 minutes later went out to leave and the console is lit up. The display had TORY in the upper left corner and MOTORC in the lower right. All of the buttons were lit, but the power was off. None of the buttons worked . I inserted the key and started the bike. The console was locked, no control. The on/off was not working. I cut the bike off. Played with the buttons, no change, everything still lit, not working , but lit. Re-inserted the key and this time everything started working properly. Anyone else with this problem?
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Posted 2010-01-24 10:56 PM (#51983 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
Springfield, MO
A new radio system upgrade was just issued, run your bike to the dealer and have them check it out.

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Posted 2010-01-25 9:06 AM (#52008 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 62
Des Moines
Yeah, that happened to mine once last year. Lasted a couple of hours and hasn't happened since. Not sure what the cause was, but I read somewhere that the radio doesn't like being powered on when you shut the bike off, so I now make sure I turn the radio off before I shut the bike down.
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Posted 2010-01-25 11:38 AM (#52020 - in reply to #52008)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
emanIA - 2010-01-25 10:06 AM
Not sure what the cause was, but I read somewhere that the radio doesn't like being powered on when you shut the bike off, so I now make sure I turn the radio off before I shut the bike down.
Curious. I have a late '08 and I can count on my fingers the number of times I've shut down without the radio playing. What can I say? I love my music. Point is... for all the other stuff that I would tweak/improve... the stereo has been consistent in its (admittedly mediocre) performance. Poor reception... yes. No bluetooth? we all have that. Pumping volume from and MP3 player at 75 mph? OH YES, BABY! It's never shown a tendancy to conk out, for all my abuse of the thing.
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Posted 2010-01-25 2:54 PM (#52039 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 1436
The dealer will need to load the new download 5.12 I believe (it's been a while) and with fingers crossed it should solve the problem. However if it does it again after the download the radio will need replaced. Evidently their is a priority system for power supply at start up. Ignition, headlite, etc all get powered on through the same bridge and so does the radio. The radio is the lowest priority. So it is like having too many people trying to get in the door at the same time so the last or smallest gets blocked, in this case the lowest priority is the radio.
If it does this again try cycling the key off and on a few times until the radio unlocks. It will unlock eventually but it may take several turns of the key. As stated earlier you can avoid this by turning off the radio before shutting the bike off, but that simply masks the problem that needs fixed. Oh and it would be a GOOD idea to make sure the radio shuts off when the bike is shut down so you don't find yourself stranded due to a dead battery.
Hope this helps...... T
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Posted 2010-01-25 3:13 PM (#52040 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 105
Columbia, TN United States
Thanks to all that replied. Since my unit was a demo with 468 miles on it, I had assumed it had all of the updates. I guess they missed one.
Thanks again to everyone.
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Posted 2010-01-25 4:12 PM (#52044 - in reply to #52040)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Thanks for the string, I recently had a similar experience. To repeat the term, it was freaky to find the display lit up with no key in the ignition yet the radio wouldn't work. Cleared up once temperature rose above freezing.

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Posted 2010-01-25 6:03 PM (#52049 - in reply to #52040)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 1484
TheLoveDoctor - 2010-01-25 2:13 PM

Thanks to all that replied. Since my unit was a demo with 468 miles on it, I had assumed it had all of the updates. I guess they missed one.
Thanks again to everyone.

I would not assume that. I'd have all updates checked. I think it was said here before, Victory sends out update on their bikes, the dealer has to go (log on) get them. And then has to up date the inventory. Check your dealer out, you think they are rolling bikes back to the shop for update. I've told my dealer's service manager about recalls and updates, he did not know about. Be sure to ask and keep in touch here at Vision_Riders. Hey what a handle, "The Love Doctor", man on the Vision your smok'n!
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lil vic
Posted 2010-01-26 7:31 PM (#52121 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 50
hudson, IL United States
i have a 09 mine did it once to me nothing i did got the lights off. i pulled the battery off for 30sec. put it back on and havent had the problem since. i never turn the radio off before i trun the key off. if i have a mp3 going i turn it off first. but mine did it to me one day starting my bike. i think i didnt let it finish its start up before i turned her over.
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Posted 2010-01-27 1:45 PM (#52164 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 105
Columbia, TN United States
Hey Teach,
I pulled the Radio System Diagnostics today. The version shown was 5.12A, I guess it does have the new version. Thanks for your help. I will keep a watchful eye on the situation.
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Posted 2010-01-27 6:30 PM (#52181 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
TheLoveDoctor - 2010-01-24 10:07 PM

Rode my 09 Vision today. Traveled about 50-60 miles. We had a Blueknights meeting. Around 7:30PM went out to bike, a little dew on everything. No problem at this point. Rode maybe 5 miles & parked outside my wifes office. About 30 minutes later went out to leave and the console is lit up. The display had TORY in the upper left corner and MOTORC in the lower right. All of the buttons were lit, but the power was off. None of the buttons worked . I inserted the key and started the bike. The console was locked, no control. The on/off was not working. I cut the bike off. Played with the buttons, no change, everything still lit, not working , but lit. Re-inserted the key and this time everything started working properly. Anyone else with this problem?

E.T. call home!
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Posted 2013-05-22 6:33 PM (#139411 - in reply to #52181)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
pratt, KS United States
that fixed my problem,but what caused it and is there a fix?
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Posted 2013-05-22 7:36 PM (#139418 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 4278
I have never read where any dealer pulled radio and sent it back to manufacture. Who makes the dam radio any how?
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Posted 2013-05-22 7:56 PM (#139421 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
pratt, KS United States
thanks ride 09 vision tour just bought it 4 and 1/2 weeks ago .i disconnected my ground for 30 seconds and so far everything is good,but i wonder what caused it and is there a fix ? i really like this site .
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Posted 2013-05-22 8:02 PM (#139422 - in reply to #139418)
Subject: Re: Freaky deal with the radio display


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
johnnyvision - 2013-05-22 7:36 PM

I have never read where any dealer pulled radio and sent it back to manufacture. Who makes the dam radio any how?

They have. Mine was. Radio Sound makes them.

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Posted 2013-05-22 8:04 PM (#139423 - in reply to #51981)
Subject: RE: Freaky deal with the radio display

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
I had a similar problem on my 2012 last year when I purchased it and Victory had to put a new radio on my bike.
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