Rear view cam?
Posted 2010-01-12 6:49 PM (#51192)
Subject: Rear view cam?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 41
Litchfield Park, AZ
If I set my rear view mirrors effectively to see the lanes to either side, I have no clue what's directly behind me in my lane. It's a choice to see what's in the lane next to you or see a little of what's behind.

I have found an inexpensive rear view color cam and a smal 2.5-3" color monitor I'm thinking of trying. It's rated for night vision as well. Installing it all depends on where I find best to install the monitor as I already have an Iphone/Nav mount just behind the ignition switch.

Any ideas or thought?

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Posted 2010-01-12 7:04 PM (#51193 - in reply to #51192)
Subject: Re: Rear view cam?


Posts: 52
San Jose, CA
Bottom of the radio controls maybe? I have same issue you do. I just move my head a bit to see what's behind in the mirrors. Also, since I'm always in the fast lane (almost). I have my right mirror set for lane/blindspot and my left mirror more for behind me since I'm almost never have anyhting on my rear left other than a divider.

When I switch lanes I always turn my head so that's how I get in left lane. Once there, just cycle through mirrors and sixth sense I guess as well as turn head. I try to count cars behind me and keep track of those as well as ones ahead. The ones on onramps/off ramps etc. I try to always know how traffic around me is moving and what happens to it. I don't make sudden moves unless I know where the cars are unless it's an emergency. And I try to always look where I'm going before I go there and also at the places other vehicles may come from to get to where I'm going.

Maybe try a ram mount where you can put multpile things on it and have it behind ignition with phone and your monitor.
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Posted 2010-01-13 5:15 AM (#51207 - in reply to #51192)
Subject: Re: Rear view cam?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
When I ride I minimize the distractions to remain focused on the road ahead. I will even stop if my mind is so distracted with life issues to get myself refocused. I cannot imagine having one of these devices on my bike ever. I do as Rob does and take constant "inventory" of those things around me, turn my head BEFORE lane changes and maintain a buffer all around as much as possible.

Adding yet another thing to look at, well, I'm just not that talented. I even hate a GPS as it is one more thing that I have to mind, but the talk feature allows me to hear that there is a pending change ahead, so I can live with that but do not have one on the bike.

In the span I my life I have seen us get "safer" yet more accidents happen and with greater impact. I think that I need to be skilled at what I'm doing, as to me that is the greatest safety feature I have.

I do not have a suggestion where to mount it other than on your mini-van.
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Posted 2010-01-13 6:44 AM (#51209 - in reply to #51192)
Subject: Re: Rear view cam?


Posts: 228
+1 varyder!! "situational awareness" is the key to survival, not another electronic distraction that requires taking your eyes off the road and focusing on a small screen.

Having eight years "accident free" over the road experience in an eighteen wheeler, one quickly learns to maintain a running inventory of the vehicles around you. With the massive blind spots around a truck this is the only way to assure the public's safety.

Be aware of your surroundings and ride safe!!
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Posted 2010-01-13 7:12 AM (#51212 - in reply to #51192)
Subject: Re: Rear view cam?

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
I don't think I'd mount anything that is not marine-rated waterproof. I have the mirror "hotspots" that I use with every vehicle. Those are the little convex shaped stick-on's for the mirrors. They're easy to find a cost a couple dollars. I've had a set on my bike since before it had 1000mi on it. I'm not exactly able to read the license plate numbers on the cars behind me but I know when some one is behind, beside or coming alongside of me. Eliminates the blindspots. You might wanna save those mounting locations for that phone/gps on the long trips. However; if you really want to run a camera, they have several models available that work wirelessly so you can easily relocate them to other vehicles or move the camera around to a trailer. I use them on our crane equipment for the operators to watch behind when they back up. They're fairly inexpensive lately too. The cameras are waterproof but the monitors are not.
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Posted 2010-01-13 9:54 AM (#51221 - in reply to #51192)
Subject: Re: Rear view cam?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
If its not made for outside weather I wouldn't waste your time. We all know its going to get wet and it going to get the heat from the engine and the sun.
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