Hard to adjust mirrors
Posted 2010-01-08 4:35 PM (#50983)
Subject: Hard to adjust mirrors


Posts: 85
I've had my Vision since July 2008 and have always found the mirrors nearly impossible to move. I've seen posts where guys have bitched about seeing only their nuckles in their mirrors but I just shrugged it off becoause my mirrors happened to be adjust okay for me and I've left things be. Well it's 25 below out and I wasn't doing much today so I figured I'd do a bit of exploring on the bike so I took the mirrors off to check out just how they worked or better yet why they didn't.

What I found was that the half balls on the back of the mirror that should allow the mirror to move north, south, east, and, west were very dry and would not allow any movement. Even with the mirros off and in my hand I could barley move them and when forced would only jump from one side to the other.

The fix. With my finger I spread a little white grease on the convex plastic surfaces and worked them back and forth until the mirror would move properly then I re-installed them and what do you know, I can adjust my mirrors the way I should have been able to all along. They are still stiff enough that road vibration should not affect their adjustment but move well enough that if I want to move them I can.

I hope this helps you out if you've been experiencing the same problem with your mirrors.
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Posted 2010-01-08 7:26 PM (#51000 - in reply to #50983)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors


Posts: 1436
Thats nice to know info. Like yourself I have not had a need to adjust mine but still something to play with before spring, thanks.
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Posted 2010-01-08 8:48 PM (#51009 - in reply to #50983)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 41
Litchfield Park, AZ
I think that's a mistake! My right mirror was extremely stiff and tight as well. I lubed it with some white grease and now it always falls downward. Went from one extreme to the other. I have since cleaned it and no resolution. I think next I might lightly sand the half ball and roughen up the surface. Either than or try to tighten the screw in the middle of the ball. Will have to use vise grips because the screw actually come from under the mirror glass and only the point sticks out. I say no lube!
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Posted 2010-01-09 9:58 AM (#51036 - in reply to #51009)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors


Posts: 85
Well dam, I thought I'd really solved a problem but mine seem to still be really stiff even with the grease so I hope to have a better result than you've had. If I should run into the same drop down problem as you've experiencedI don't think I'd sand the surfaces though. There are plenty of cleaners I'd try before sanding. It'll be a few months before I get to road test my mirrors as we're sitting at 25 below this morning. Thanks for the feedback.
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Posted 2010-01-09 10:31 AM (#51040 - in reply to #50983)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
step away from the mirrors and nobody will get hurt...
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Big Woo
Posted 2010-01-10 10:51 PM (#51102 - in reply to #51040)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
Good call VaRyder! In the words of a paratrooper, "Sqaut and Hold!"

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Posted 2010-01-11 1:33 PM (#51125 - in reply to #50983)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors


Posts: 99
Cold lake Alberta
While you have the mirrors off...try aan ounce to 1 1/2 oz of peel n stick wheel weights to elimante the blurring from vibration.
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Blue Ice
Posted 2010-01-13 6:57 AM (#51210 - in reply to #50983)
Subject: Re: Hard to adjust mirrors

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Billings, Montana
That's an interesting thought as mine will be back off in a week or so for new J&M speakers and LED turn signals beside the mirrors. Where did you add the weights? Top, bottom, sides?
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