CB Antenna Question
Posted 2010-01-04 11:37 AM (#50669)
Subject: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Does the Victory CB Antenna kit come with a standard CB Antenna Cable type connection?

I decided to go with a Cobra 75WX ST hand held CB unit since I don't want the complete Victory CB / Comm Package. I am going to mount the remote head unit in a saddle bag or maybe in the trunk. But I will need a standard CB Cable Connector on the Antenna to attach it to the head unit, but I can not find any drawings of what the Stock Victory CB Antenna Kit has on it.

My luck would be that it has a proprietary connector to plug into the Vision CB Unit.

Also - Anyone have any other recommendations on a "From Scratch" Antenna installation on the Vision Tour? Or should I just buy the VIC Antenna if it has the connector I need.

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Lone Ranger
Posted 2010-01-04 1:07 PM (#50678 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
Yes, it does have a standard connector.
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Posted 2010-01-05 6:21 AM (#50729 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 228
Try this link for CB related products http://www.claysradioshop.com/index.htm They are very helpful, prices are good and shipping is fast.
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Posted 2010-01-05 8:26 AM (#50735 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Anyone used a "Hidden Antenna" for the CB ? I found a company that makes one that mounts in the fairing but it looks like it was designed for Harleys. I have inquiries out as to if they will work with Non-Harley CB Radios. Here is a link to one of them as a reference:


There is also some info on there about Ground Plane Antenna's and Non-Ground PLane Antennas (NGP) and their use. Looks like NGP Antennas are made specifically for fiberglass based vehicles and motorcycles / RV's. The downside to them I see is that you MUST use their 17 foot cable, which is a lot of cable for a bike that would have to be Bow-Tie coiled up and stored somewhere.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

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Posted 2010-01-05 10:11 AM (#50739 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 137
Houston, Texas

I have a Harley riding friend that mounted a 'hidden antenna' under the fairing on his Ultra Classic and having ridden with him and "tried" to communicate via CB I can tell you this about that antenna setup. The range on his CB is minimal and the sound quality is not "Loud and Clear".

The fairing on the Ultra Classic is fiberglass and would theoretically be more conducive to radio propagation than the metal in the fairing on the Vision and his setup sounds like garbage.

With the reception problems the Vision has with the AM/FM antenna setup under the fairing I would take a hard look at using the hidden antenna on the Vision.

I have the factory CB on the STARSHIP and from what other tell me it sounds great and has good range.

I think you would be happier with an externally mounted antenna.

Edited by STARSHIP 1 2010-01-05 10:14 AM
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Posted 2010-01-05 10:35 AM (#50741 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Great information - Thanks. I did have J&M confirm to me that their "Hidden Antenna" would work with the setup I have proposed (Cobra 75 with remote head unit), but I would have to install my Cobra Head Unit in the fairing as well, when I would rather put it in the trunk or Saddle Bag.

Do you know how long the CB Cable is on the Stock Victory Antenna? Will it only reach down to the bottom of the luggage compartment where the OEM CB Module is?

Oh the decisions ... Be on the edge and try a hidden antenna, or go ahead and bite the bullet and put the whip on the trunk. I may need to sleep on that one. I guess worst case is the Hidden antenna stinks and I can re-sell it to a HOG Rider. But if it works, I have saved a hole in the trunk and the whip antenna worries (catching it on something and breaking it).

More to come.
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Posted 2010-01-06 12:18 PM (#50830 - in reply to #50741)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
The cable for the Victory antenna is only long enough to reach up to the bottom of the trunk where the stock Victory CB is mounted. The cable is 29 inches long from the connection points to the antenna to the connector for the CB unit. However, remember that the cable has to run down inside the truck, go under the trunk, then back up to the CB. The good news is that the CB connector is a standard one and extension cables are readily available anywhere CB radios are sold and serviced. I think you will be happiest in the end if you use the stock Victory antenna and just use an extension cable.

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Posted 2010-01-09 10:45 PM (#51065 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Although J&M said the Hidden Antenna would work in my situation, I opted to spend the additional $50.00 to get the Victory Antenna. I will be able to mount my remote head unit for the CB in the huge hollowed out space for the Victory CB Module.

The Cobra 75 also has an Audio Out on the remote head so I am pulling a cable from there up to the GPS Interface at the same time to run the CB sound to the speakers along with the GPS.

We shall see.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-01-09 11:10 PM (#51066 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
This is the antenna mount that Victory sells as the antenna kit, the only difference is that they use a 2' Firestik antenna rather than the 3' that Firestik offers. The mount from Firestik with a 3' antenna is only $51 and includes a 17' length of coax cable with the proper connection for use with a standard CB unit. Here is the link:

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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-01-09 11:13 PM (#51067 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
OOPS, the link takes you to their catalog, to get to the proper antenna kit click on "Molded side mount" on the left side under "NO-GROUND-PLANE CB ANTENNA KITS FOR RV'S, ETC."
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Posted 2010-01-09 11:37 PM (#51068 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question


Posts: 96
Oswego,, Illinois,USA
At 10 watts per amp at 13.8 volts You can run 200 watts pep, so with a willson 1000 botton load antenna mounted on the trunk you can talk pretty far.If I was to put a cb radio on my vision I could make a kick ass set up.I have been into radio and communications for quite some time. If you need to talk for distance a hidden antenna will not work . Use a bottom load antenna or side mount but get the load up over the trunk to be affective.with a 20 amp fuse you can run a 200 watt pep radio.I pulled my cb stuff out of my truck as now i use a phone with bluetooth over the gps.I am willing to talk about options with you if you like . I like electronics ,have swr meters wat meters .can match antenna to radio. ect.....
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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-01-09 11:51 PM (#51069 - in reply to #50669)
Subject: Re: CB Antenna Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
The problem with the Wilson 1000 (I own two and use one with my 10 meter radio) is that it does not work very well on a vehicle that doesn't have a good ground plane, meaning metal structure. The Firestik Firefly antenna and mount is specifically designed for low or no ground plane vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs and fiberglass boats and they are rated for 200 watts max. even though NOBODY has a CB radio that transmits with more than 5 watts (sarcasm intended as I myself have used a Texas Star 350 High Drive linear for many years before I grew out of the CB fad).
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