Tire life
Posted 2009-12-16 7:50 PM (#49805)
Subject: Tire life

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
I'm interested in learning how many miles people are getting on their tires. I have 12,000 miles on my 2009 Vision, with Dunlop Elite 3's. The back tire is showing a lot of scalloping but the front tire looks good. Also, are Metzeler's worth the extra money?
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Posted 2009-12-16 8:49 PM (#49813 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 1350
I have 16,000 miles and Jay felt I would need a new rear in the spring. There is some minor cupping in the front tire. I am thinking of trying Metzeler's this time. I am not complaining about the Dunlops but when I put Avons on my '99 and '03 they were like wearing sneakers. I got a little less mileage than on the Dunlops. From the info I have of Ms they are a good touring tire on heavy bikes.
Hopefully more will chime in here.
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Posted 2009-12-17 5:24 AM (#49819 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Dunlop E3 all the time, front 22,000 rear 12,000 - 14,000.
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Posted 2009-12-17 6:56 AM (#49820 - in reply to #49819)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 1484
There is nothing wrong with the Avon, Metzlers, or Bridgestone. Price wise the Avon and Metzlers are a little more, but not much. So it is up to the person who is buying, they will all get you down the road.

I buy the E3s because, they are very readily avaiable in my area, when I need a tire, I don't want to order. The rear E3 is load rated higher than the other rear tires. The price is reasonable. They wear very well for a motorcycle tire, and they stick in the curves...oh and they are made in the USA, which is a big deal for me.
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Posted 2009-12-17 11:24 AM (#49830 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
I wouldn't use anything but the Dunlop E3s. I had a flat rear tire last summer and was still able to drive 5 miles to my dealer. The side walls were strong enough to protect my chrome rims.
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Posted 2009-12-17 3:23 PM (#49838 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Can't tell about the rear, I have had two rear flats, both aroung 8K and had the tire replaced. My front was shot at 15K. Almost bald on the left side. Stayed with the E3s.

Edited by cw1115 2009-12-17 3:24 PM
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Posted 2009-12-17 5:50 PM (#49852 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 1350
I agree buying American is a plus but Avon is owned by Cooper out of Ohio. I love Coopers on my trucks and cars over the years.
As I looked at the M site it has Perelli mentioned in the disclaimer. Does Perelli own M or the other way around?
Many years ago I was told there was only 5 tire manufacturers in the world and everyone bought from them. I don't know if it was true then or is still true today. I have changed a few tires in my years between the Air Force and working service stations(gas stations). That's back when you washed the windshield and checked the tire pressure. One place we were the first station off the beach. We pumped 2200 gallons on a Sunday. I worked a station in New Mexico that sold gas, oil up to 55 gal drums and pumped gas, diesel and Kerosene into 250 gal tanks in the back of pickups. Gas was 36.9/gal
Oops, sorry rambling but memories started flashing through my mind.
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Big Vic
Posted 2009-12-17 6:53 PM (#49855 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I only get 10,000 to 12,000 out of my tires. My front could go longer but don't want to go back to the dealer for a front a month later. For me it's the wrong place to get cheap so I'm sure I change earlier than some...................I've have friends that won't buy new tires until it's bald. Not me, tires are the only thing between me and the black top and I enjoy the view from the seat much more than the view from the ditch.
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Joe H
Posted 2009-12-17 7:18 PM (#49862 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 72
Eyota, MN
I've got 16,300 miles on my tires and the front looks good and the rear is just down to the wear indicater. I'll get a new rear tire here pretty soon. Like to be ready for those "once in a while" nice days.
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Posted 2009-12-17 7:32 PM (#49866 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
joe, is your vision in the street config? 16,300 is amazing for a rear e3...
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Posted 2009-12-17 7:33 PM (#49867 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
I got just over 17,000 miles out of my original Dunlap E3s. The rear was down to the wear bars and the front was really close. I used Metzler 880 on my old Nomad(s) and liked them, but after getting 17K out of those Es on an 850lb bike you'd be hard pressed to talk me into buying anything other than the Dunlaps!!!!
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Posted 2009-12-17 7:43 PM (#49869 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 1436
I've replaced two rears both at 10k and both E3's. I've put on the Avon Cobras this time. I didn't like the wear pattern on the rear either time. And for the record I normally love Dunlops.

I will CAUTION folks to look closely at their front tire, E3. Mine looked just fine at 15500 or so I thought. While on my trip to GA I noticed severe handling issues, particularly on tar snaked roads, but also on aggressive curves. Upon returning home I still experienced the tar snake issues when I noticed what I had overlooked before the trip. The BULK of your tire wear if you run twisty roads is on either side of the one inch center strip. While the center strip had plenty of tread depth and the outer 2/3 did as well, the area of approximately 1.75" on BOTH sides of the center strip were worn below the wear markers. In other words the tire was past due for replacement.
I replaced the front( 17500) with an Avon Cobra and the handling issues were gone, confirming my findings. So my advice is to look at this area very closely beginning at about 15k if you run twisty roads mostly. If you run a lot of interstate it probably isn't a factor and you'll be ok to ride longer.
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Posted 2010-01-07 2:48 PM (#50923 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
I only get about 8000 for rear and 12000 per front perhaps I go 2 fast but cant help it
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Posted 2010-01-07 4:46 PM (#50929 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 228
E3's ...11K rear, 16K front
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-01-07 6:49 PM (#50934 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I think I could get 30K if I only ride on snow covered roads.................
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Posted 2010-01-07 7:01 PM (#50935 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 70
Central Victoria, Australia
Gday a bit off the thread but it is important for tyre wear.
what pressures are you guys running?

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Posted 2010-01-07 7:05 PM (#50936 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: RE: Tire life


Posts: 3204
40-42psi front and rear.  I get 22K front, 15K rear.
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Posted 2010-01-07 7:49 PM (#50937 - in reply to #50936)
Subject: RE: Tire life


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
SongFan - 2010-01-07 8:05 PM

40-42psi front and rear.? I get 22K front, 15K rear.

hear, hear!
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Posted 2010-01-09 10:25 AM (#51038 - in reply to #49805)
Subject: Re: Tire life


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
I push mine pretty hard in the corners, and get about 15k, from both tires.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-01-09 12:31 PM (#51042 - in reply to #50936)
Subject: RE: Tire life

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

SongFan - 2010-01-07 6:05 PM 40-42psi front and rear.  I get 22K front, 15K rear.


Yep, same story here except that I always change both the front and rear at the same time just to keep peace of mind.

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