Electric Windshield question
Posted 2008-02-05 4:04 AM (#4919)
Subject: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 154
Can someone please tell me how far the windshield moves up and down? Does it go from full size(all the way up) to blade size (all the way down)?
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mike s
Posted 2008-02-05 7:16 AM (#4920 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: Re: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 223
Valdosta, GA
The motor will allow the windshield to move about 1 inch lower than the lowest stock position. It will move up to where the top of the shield is above my head.
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Big Vic
Posted 2008-02-05 7:50 PM (#4937 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: Re: Electric Windshield question

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
If I remember correctly the windshield has 4 inches of travel. If it is still too high or too low you can buy a taller or shorter one.
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Posted 2008-02-05 8:34 PM (#4940 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: Re: Electric Windshield question

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I got the "tall" windshield installed on my Vis when it was delivered. I'm thinking about getting a taller one made for me, as it just doesn't feel right. I get a "crick" in my neck from "crunching down" to keep my helmet out of the buffeting. I guess I'm too tall in the saddle lol
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Posted 2008-02-05 9:13 PM (#4942 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: Re: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 293
3.5 inches is the range, I believe- read it somewhere. Has a little front
to back component to it too.
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Posted 2008-02-05 9:13 PM (#4943 - in reply to #4940)
Subject: Re: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 76
I'm a midget at 5' 7" and the stock shield is perfect for me. At the lowest point I get a nice "in your face feel" without to much wind. At the highest point I am totally protected from the wind.
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Posted 2008-02-05 10:04 PM (#4945 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: RE: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 154
Thanks everyone!
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Posted 2008-02-07 3:15 PM (#5021 - in reply to #4945)
Subject: RE: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 74
If you like them low, you have to spring for the blade. I rode one with it, I didn't like it as much as the standard, air management wise, but it looks cool.
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Posted 2008-02-07 4:36 PM (#5026 - in reply to #4919)
Subject: RE: Electric Windshield question


Posts: 1484
shane6727 - 2008-02-05 3:04 AM

Can someone please tell me how far the windshield moves up and down? Does it go from full size(all the way up) to blade size (all the way down)?

Using my trusty square edge and Lufkin tape, the full travel on a standard is 3.5".
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