unidentified flying wires?
Posted 2009-11-27 10:42 PM (#48640)
Subject: unidentified flying wires?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
i noticed 2 wires on my 09 tp coming from the harness above the battery that had matching connectors but were not connected. I can access from the fron grill.
wires are single, one red and one yellow, both same length about 6 inches long coming from the main harness.
one male and one female
connectors are black, with the male having a small green rubber boot midway up the connector
No other wires are in the area, or have simllar connectors.
1. should these 2 wires be connected to each other ( they do fit)
2. what do these wires do. stqarted the bike and tried to see if I could tell what they were for but could not tell. I have a service manual but I cannot see those wires from the manual
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Posted 2009-11-28 12:53 AM (#48644 - in reply to #48640)
Subject: Re: unidentified flying wires?


Posts: 301
Buffalo Grove,Ill
they are there from the factory to hook up a battery tender.
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Posted 2009-11-28 12:18 PM (#48677 - in reply to #48644)
Subject: Re: unidentified flying wires?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
thanks for responding.
the only problem is that I already have a battery tender connector fron the factory that came with the bike. It has about a 2 ft cord and a typical tender hook up, with a rubber cover and a rubber encased one piece male/female connector.

What I am talking about is 2 wires from the harness with matching but separate connectors, but different than the typical tender type. these are each about one inch in length, with the make connectory having a green boot on it

I dont think that victory would make 2 sets of tender wires.,

please advise,

still confused

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Posted 2009-11-28 12:41 PM (#48679 - in reply to #48640)
Subject: Re: unidentified flying wires?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
maybe PIAA lights, I don't know....
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